The beauties of Plutarch; consisting of selections from his works

발행: 1831년

분량: 200페이지


분류: 미분류



In uel a man, dyiniis a re and Voluntar aut, nota passive submission to late. But bosido his o Sentinent, the end Pelopidas propos0 t himsol in conquering whicli a the deuth Os a tyrant, illi

os danger, unadvisedi exposed himself, and ted notlike a generat,aut ille a pyri rishin his sive consulates, his three triumphs, his trophios and spolis os Lings against a company os Spaniard and umidiatis, who his artere with the Carthaginians sor their

lives and services. An accidentis strange that those Ver adventu rem could no sorbear rudgin them-Selves Such success, when the found that a manuliq


I48 PLU ARCH. is notisqua to an enomy's admiring the virtuo bywhieliae suffors. In the sim case there is more Θ-gardo interest than to merit cin the alter, realworthris the sole objectis the hono uriaid.

Such were thoclives these two persons, O illustrious and worth os imitation both in thoi civiland militur capacily. e bali last compare theirtalsent sor ar. And here it Strilies us atmiice, that Periclos came into powerint a time heia the Athenian were ut the height os prosperity, groat in them-Selves, and respectabie to their Deighbour so that in the ver strength of the republic, illi oni common Suessem, he was secure rom talitia an disgracosuIstep. ut a Fabius eam to the helm hen Romo experien d the orsi an mos mortisy in turn or fortune, he had noto preserve the wel establisliud prosperit os a Ourishin state, ut to dra his

country rom an abyssis misery, and ais it to appin s. Besides the successes os Cimon the vici ries smyronides an Leocrates, an the many great achiove ments of Olmides, rather furnished oc casion to Periclos, durin his administration, t ente lain the cit with suasis an gamus, than O malieno acquisitioris, o to deseri the old Ones by arnis.



1gdur, and to k00 it Dona suilla into absoluto ruin, t whicli it was brought so non by the error os sor-

I may seem, indeed, a les arduous performancet manag the temper os a people humbled by ca lamities, an compelled by necessit to isten toreason, than to restra in the willines an insolenco of cit elatex illi success, and wanton illi potver,such as Athon wus heu erietes hselfilio rotiis fgOVertiment. But then, unda unt lyri k00prio his G1rst resolutions and noto b discomposed by the vast,eight of missortunus illi hicli Rome asthen oppressed, disco vers in Fabius an admirabio firmnes and dignit os mind. Against th taking of Samosi Pericles, e may set tho retallingis Tarentum by Fabius und with Euboea, may put in balance tho 0wnsis Campania Asrior Capua, it was reco vered uster ard by the consul Furius and Appius. Fabius, in ieed, gained ut ono et batilo, sor hichi had his firgitriumph ,horeas Pericles erecteditne trophies sonas many Victorie won fland and sea. But non os the victorie of Periclos cun e compared illi that memorabie rescuse of Minucius by whicli Fabius re-deemed him undiis hole arm frum ulter deStruction Pan action trul great, and in hicho ou sin atono the right assoniblage of Valour, of prudensse, an humanity. orian Periclps, On the Otheriand, b said everrio have committed sucii an error a that


times leave to omittie Thus a congeming their abilities in ur. Andris, eo sidor thom in thes politica Capazityi, we h. ill find that the greatest nul luid to tho char sos Pericles Was, hut e caused the Poloponnesi III War, through opposition to the Lacedaemonians, which udo him uisiti in to gis up the leas poliis to them I do si suppos that Fabius Maximus Would have give utinari potn to the Carthaginians, but thut he would generoust have rura the ast linto maintain the dignit os Rome. The mit an moderat he invisu of Fabius to Minucius et in a very disad varitaguous lighton' conduci os Pericles, in his implae te persecution os



Cimon an Thucydidus, valvabie men, and Diendst the aristocracy, and etianished by his practices

carriud it agnins him sortituet in the Boeotians, and in do iniit, he was desente an siti in Al the est adlisi sexto his party, and submitteda his opinion, ora account of his superior authorit whereas Fabius,

depended pon himself, uppear onlyrio have fallon Ahori, b his inabilit to prevent the misgarriages os Otheps roratio Omans Ouidio have liud o many missortune to deplore, is the 0wer os Fabius udbeen ii great in Home, a that s Pericles in Athsens. As to thei liberalit an publiu spirit, Pericles Ahowed i in rus sing the sum that were offero him, an Fabius in ransomin his soldier With hisis in

is more thau te talents.


ilio times of the Caesars deserved notu be compared with them sither in th grestines of the 'design, Orthe excelleiace of the Xecution.

philosophy the chius os alitur earning For though, in orde to the welsare of the ody the indust ismon hath soundi ut two aris that os medicine, hi haSSi St to the ro over of tostaealth, and that whichteaches Xercisos os activi ty, and thus helps us tonita in a sonia constitution Iet there is butine soleari capable os cui in the distemper an diseases os the minii, and that is philosophy. Forintho ad vice and assistanc thereos it is that e c0merio undeγ


PLUTARCH. 153stand what is honest, and what dishonest 'hat is

in ur plensures, nor inmur ange t be transported

os nil men, I count mos complete, ho know howt mi and contempseroti mariagingis civit Tairswith philosophyri festing the ara thereb maSters of tW os the greatust good hing that Rre, the promo ing public felicit by go verning well, and the ei ob ing a calui tranquillit in theiriwn boso uis, b improvin philosophica principies. For,hereas thereare three foris of lives oranthe waysis living), thonctive, the 0ntemplative, and the fruitive is that livos the las of thes is a dissolute laveri his plea-gures, a brutish and lo spirited man te that spondshis time in contomplation, ithout action, is an un- prositabi man and lis that lives in action, an is



dostitute os philosophy, is a rustical man, and com

At th sanie time litus presentei thum to thopuoplo. The est os the citiZens, hen the Sa Phocion appenred greatly dejected, and , OVering thoi saces illi thei maniles, began to weep One, however, had the couragorio say, Since the ingi aves the determinationis so important a matte totheleople, it Wouldie properit command ali flaves



Aster the assem bly us disinissed, tho convicis were Sentri prison. The embraces os thei si tetidsund relatioris molle them into leni und the ullwent on se valling thoi sute excepi Phocion. His