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giVe up or extendes his authority, continues noto princem a Ling, but d0generates into a republican Ora tyrant, and thus incum ilher the atre o contemptis his subjecis Thu forme Aeem to e theerroris a mili and humanu disposition the latteris selint ove an severity. Is theri, the calamities os an in are notri beuntiret attribu ted o fortune, biit, ureri seel theeausu methei different manners and passioris here B
than wOrds, epi Onches, an imprecations the usual reverige os id men. The restis the oung manys miser Seem in have been owincto fortune. Thus sar, Theseus seem to deserve the preserenCe.
spectrio omen admitis no plausibi excuseri be- cause, in therars place the were committed osten sorte carrisedis Ariadne Antiope, and Anax the Troezenian Paster the est Helen Pthough she was agiri not et come t maturity, and he so sar advancedin eam that it a time sor iniri thinti no more evenis lawsul marriage. The nex aggravation is thecauseri sor the nughters of the Troezenians the Lacedaemonians, and the AmaZ0ns, eremo more sit to
nations came unde the Same gOVernment, by means
of thus alliances But the marriage of Thespias procured tho Athenians no si tendeship with an othur
State in the contrary enmity, ars the destruction
Halicarnassus martis the time illi rea exaetness,
These are the mos remari able particulars hicli histor has gi ven us concerning Eumenes an Sertorius Andiso to eo meri the comparison. e ob-sservo iret, that though the were both trangeres, aliens, anil exiles the had, to the end of thei days, the command of man wartili nations and great and respectabie armies. Sertorius, indesed has his ad-vantago that his sellow-warrior eve freel gave pthe commanda him o uecount os hi superior merit 'hereas an disputed the post os hon0ur,ith Eumenes, and it was his actions otii that obtainositsor him. The officer os Sertorius ere ambitio iis to hau him at thei head 'ut thos who actexunder Eumenses neve had recoui se to him, ill experiuncohad show0 thum theiriwn ineapaeity, and the necessit os employing another. The ne a a Roman and communded the paniard and Lusitanians, hi sor many years had beensula se in Romem the ther was a Chersonesian, and commandelthe Macedonians,wholad conquered the
Th0i militar performance were equa and similar, but thei dispositions ere Ver disserent Eumenes love war, and ad n native spirit o contention Sertorius lovedience and tranquillity. Thu formur might hau liuod in great securit and honour, is howouldio have tuo in the way of the greato ut timi ather chos to read O eve in the lineas paths
things invincibi in thei collective capacit an in a States os union, hichia gradu atly be vereo me
une is irresisti ble. y this means, time attactis unddestroy the strongest hings pon eant, Time, Ι5ay, hocis tho best si tendinfallyrio thos that havo the disceri ment torus it properly, and watch the opportunities it progenis, and the orsi enem to those who ill be rushing into action hon it d0es not callthem. suo h symbolsis these, Senorius appliedio the senses of the barbarians, and instructed themio ait sor proper junctures and OeenSions.
Thero is sonisthin singula in his parallel, and what has not occurred O us in an other of the lives we have written that Publicola hould exemplis themaXinis of Solon, and that Solon sh0uid proclaimboso ro-hand tho appines of Publicola. For the definitionis happiness,hicli Solon ave Croesus is more applicabierio Publicola thun to Tellus. t strue, he pronounces Tellus happy on account os his virtuo, his valvable child reri, and glorious death et he mentions hi in no in his p00m us eminenti distinguished by his viriue, his children, o his employmenis. For Publicola, in his lis utime, atta inod thohighest reputation und authorit among the Romans, by means of his viriuos inniuster his death his sumily
asteria ving lain his nemius a much happie circumstance thun to e lain by them), after feeinitiis Ountry victorious through his conduci a consul aridas generat, aster triumph and allisther murtis of hon Our, ted that doath hicli Soloniad so passionatolywishod sor, an declared so happy. Solon again, in his answerri Mimnermus, concerning the periodos human lisu thus exclaimS