장음표시 사용
they the were stoe aut thy Cleopatra is no a pri-SOner, attendedi a guard, est in the transporis os he gries heraliould disfigure this captive body, which
else, it was carried in Aster supper Cleopatra Senta lette to Caesar, and ordering evor body ut of the monument, eXcept heret o omen, he mado fast thedoor. When Caesar pened the Iuttur the plaintive stylo in hicli it wa written, and the strong requeSt
It is reported that the cantharides sy by a certam Lindis antipathy, carries illiin iiself the curo os thewound it inflicis. n the other hand wichedness, ut the fame time that it is committed engendering iis OWn VeXution uti torment, n0 ut last, ut at tho very instant of the injur Offered, Suffer the rowardos the injustico it has done Anxas ver malefactor bears his own cross to the place of his Xecution soare allat, various torments of various wi ked actions prepared by the severat soris of wickednes them solves. Such a diligoni architectressis a misurabiontid wretched lis is wickedness, wherein Sham is stillaceompanted with a thousand terror arid commotions
ro ded illi numerous families, splendi in the pompis magistracy, and illustrious Orithe greatnessos their Ower, hos punishment neve displaythemselves tili these glorious person cornu tora the
punishment, soli consummatio an persection
1here a re s0m Wicked men, Wh salter themsolves totaVe escaped the present punishment, yet novaster Such a pace, but sor a longe tractis time, endure amore lasting, notin honor punishment; not punished
punishmentu be themiily punishment, and omit tho
With mattoryalo od allisti his head besmeared, And thon the kin Plisthenides appenred.
that the credit given by the leniter is a testimonysumcienti provin that the borrower has of his
Pythius in tho cit os Dolphi. And tho Carthagi
to suci deblor us canal into hor temple reedom and protection against thei creditors But the sanctuaryos parsimon and moderation in expensos into hichno usure Can enter, O luci thetice and carr a wayan debio prisonor, is ulwaysipen or the wise, und