장음표시 사용
was applicabierio Crassus Thus frugi in Latin is uso indifferenti uitlier sor saving prudense, O sor
when he was plending, Cicero calle him in tumid
when he was there, haereturned in a manne stili mors
absurd. When his preceptor Phila grus ted he
It was usualismong the ancients to Plae emblemati figures orith monuments of the dea Pand
these eremither such instruments a represented the professionis the decensed, o such animal u resem
with a lovd and stron voice notae surpri sedat it, 'suid Cicero, ior there have been public criores in his sumily. Faustus, the sonis Sylla the dictator, who had proscribed great number os Romans, hau grunisee in debi, and wasted reat partis his estate,
' A verse of 0phocles, Spenkin os Laius the thuris indipus.
theaetter, and happis is the natur in hicli vices gradu ali die, and virtve lourishes. The were equali wealthy, but didici apply their
h diud illi his commission in his haud an in thelleight os his prosp0rity. Lucullus ou the Other hanil,
cannot possibly be excused a to the ossis his nu- thori ty, Since e must illior have been ignorant of the grievunces of his uriny, hic Mondod in s incu-
Taurus, and passed tho Tigris. Herio Gli nn burnud thaeroyal cities of Asia Tigranocerta, Cabira, Sinope, Nisibis, in the sight f thoi respective Lings Orithe northi penetraled a sar a the Phasis, ii theeustrio Media, and in th solith to the I ted ea by
the favour nil assistanc os the princes os Arabia. Hei verthre the nrmius os tho two great Lings, and
like mages, into distant soliti des an inaccessibis w00ds. A certa in pro is of the advant ge Lucullus had in his respectris that the Porsians, as is the had sufferodiothinifrom Cimon, o nisadu head against th Greelis, an cut in pieces a gruat arm os theirsm gypt 'herea Tigranos an Mithridat0s could effect nothing after thurato thse had recuiuod si omLucullus Mithridatus, iis obl0d by the confiicis hohad undergone, dii not iace venture to face Pompeyin the fiet instea os that, ii sed to the Bosphorus, and there piat a peri duo his lis . Aisor Tipanes, hedelivore himself, Dat sed an unarmed, o Pompey,
flaemistocles, Pausanias, and Leotychidas pand theirhand could not mali much resistanco, hen theis heurt were gone. ut Lucullus ut Tigranos resti