장음표시 사용
II. usus rus ad n childre by his ther ives by Scribonia, d aurater of L. Scribonius Libo, he had on daughter, Iulia Iulia a married three times.
a. y NL Marcellus, sonis C. Marcellus and Octavia had n progeny. 1. Caius Casar, adopted by Augustus m. Livia, sister os Germanicus, die A. D. q. 2. Lucius Caesar, adopted by Augustus, betrothed to milia Lepida die A.D. 2. b. y M. Vipsanius AgriPPa. 3. Iulia. B L. Emilius
Paulus, sonis in CenSor. 1. M. milius Lepidus m. Drusilla, M. fGermanicus. 2. milia Lepida. a. Betrothexto Claudius. b. B Ap. unius Silanus. 1. L. Silanus. Botrothod to Octavia, dr of Claudius. i. M. Silanus. Proconsul of Asia. 3. Iunia Calvina. m. Sonis Vitellius.
5. Drusilla, m. L. Cassius an M. milius Lepidus. 6. rvia, o Liuilla, m. M. Vinicius and Quinc- tilius Varus t5. Agrippa Postumus, adopte by Augustus, putato deat by Tiberius, A.D. 14. By Tiberius, had nouo.
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