장음표시 사용
Polemum, o Bothenium, probabi means, ali home of the Boii ' heim, helmath . Some, however, Suppos that by olemum is meant What deSar alis oppidum Boiorum B. G. Vii. 9 in Gallia,no Leuibolois c. 28, 42 BRUCTERI. Calle Bilvsuxτεροι by Ptolemy. A German tribe, Who, in ali their ars illi the Romans, neve change thei Se atS. TOward the west the reache to the Vech to ard the ouili, toth Lippe to ard the east almost to the eser an to ard thenorth, the bordere on the Frisii an Cauci. long the Lippe, thei territorie extended probabi frum Linstud to altern Strabo, Vii. p. 29l and that the reache east ard a least a sarras Lipp- Stadt, e guther roni Tacitus. A)in. i. 60. FO SOme time, While the Roman were superior in his quarier, the Seem totaVoreti red froni the Lippe ut the asterward return ed. The Bructeri Were divided into the Bructeri fores, horuweltis the eaSt, and the Bructeri Minores, who dwelli the weS O the Amisia, Orinis. The remat ned in theirili Settienient tili the Cherusci, unde thecommon amem Franks, united ali the tribes of this par into Oneleague, an herice sortii, sin them o the antis of the Rhine. Toward the end of the irst century the were Subdued by the Charnavi an Angrivarii, and accordin to Tacitus, extirpated. ut in this hecis mos probabi mistaken sor e in the Roman commander, Spurinna, Engaged with them in the eignis Trajam aridi later times the appear a a pomersul eopte among the FrankS. Their ame a finalty lost,hen the were verpowered by the Saxons It appear so the last time in arietteris Pope Gregory
GLOGRAPHICA L INDEX. 223were friend of tho Roman in the Xpeditionis Drusus, and stili
more so in that os Tiberius An n. i , 60 i. 7 . vel aster thedjSaster of Varus, the continue thei istiendShip and Germanicus made ali his expedition against the Cherusci rom his fide Buthere again the Romanes OuSed the enmit of thei allius by pur- Suin the fame poticyra in the case of the FriSii. Unde Gannascus, the crossed the Rhine, an made incursion o the Roman province of Germania Inserior Ann., i. IS); ut Were repulsed by Corbulo They astorward aidei Civilis in the Batavian war Hist. , iv. 79 I9). Eve aster the XputSion fili Roman S, the continue the ne mi es of the Cherusci, an fel them Selves Owersule nough to drive this pople frona the west antiis the eser, While the ejecte theransibarii Ann., iii. 65), and perhapS O me more fout herly branche of the CheruSci frona thei poSSeSSion along the V eser anxit is ni aster his that the re marco Tacitus appliest them, that the outher angi of thei territor hordere On ne Sidemn the Cherusci an On the therin the atti But the Langobardi preSsing est ar to the Rhine, established themsolves inal the and whiuli ad belonged to the Cherusci and thei allius; an in the time os Ptolem the Cauci e re reduce within their
CHAM vI A German tribe, Wh originali Oecu pie tho tractwbieli extended orthward to the Vech, east ar to the Enis, Solith-Ward to the Line, and weStWarda the eastern Outh of the Rhine. At a later period the lived et cen the ese and the Har Morintains, in Elchfeld, and a partis rubenhagen and Hohenstein. In thethiri centur the are again mund n the Rhine, a member of the Frank leagum and in the nex centur the Spread themsolvesalong tho aut Tacitus has mos probabI committet a mistat ei placita them in the count of the Enaeteri. Compare Manneri, iii. p. IGI) c. 33, 34 CHA SUARI. me a tribe, hos Settioments are placed by Ptolem O the weSter si de of the eser, et eo the Imas and the Ources os the Lippe in Osnaburg an Paderborn. They erea tribu of the Cherusci an asterward appea Among the FrankS,on the we Stern partis tho Lowe Rhine, in the dukedom os Gelders. The were conquered by Tiberius and Germanicus. Veli Paterst, ii , II 8 Manneri, iii. p. I79 e. 31
Strabo places hemin the ocean, by the Elbe Mela, in the istandes of the alticu Pliny, to the eas of healbe, an on the peninsulawhich took iis nam stoin thema Tacitus places them in the Same quarter Ptolemy, at the extremit os ille Cimbri Chersonese. Blit, pon Xamination, it oes O appea that the eve inhabite dilies paris. The Greelis first bucam acquainted with themin then ortheria coast of the Pontus Euxinus. The were drivera froni this quarter, an dis appeared rom the nowledge of the Greelis, hos abled that the dwel on the horos of the orther Ocean, in aland Shroiade in perpetua night Pytheas, lio circumnavigated the greater par of the OrthWest Os Europe Sama large en in Sula, Where the long night an intense colit in inter Seeme to accordWith the poetica descriptions of the land of the Cimmerii, an soasSigne this country a thei abode. In his he was solio e bymos of the ancient geographers Strabo et them doW a oneos the tribus ith whieli the were est aequainteil although in thenex Sentence heraclinowledges that allieyond the Elbe a totallyunknown to the Greek vii. p. 45I, Ed Cas. 294). O mentionis ad of the Cimbri in the expedition Os Drusus and Germanicus and though the fleet of the lalter discovered the Cimbri Chor-Sone Sem Pytheas the sound no Cimbrians dwellinii iacit, nor didit bear a nam derive stom that peopte Ptolem places them attho extremit oscit, meret to filii a gap asae has no the tributorix in this locality. Their reat countr lay, probably, O the north- east idem Germany it asin his Si de that the invade Ge misy, and were OppoSed by the Boii, at that time tho inhabitant os
tho Teutones the entere Gaul, here the were joined by the Ambrones. illi thei combine sorees the the invade Spain, but e re repulsed by the Celtiberi. The Teutones and Ambronesthe made an irruption into Italy Where the were descat d by Marius B. C. I 02). A partis the Cimbri, wh had gone into Helvetia, Were there otiiod by the Tigurini these ad another attachi ponItaly, andi sente Catulus 'ut were atriast rotate di Marius B. C. I0l The remnant os them is sal to have Settie in Helvetia
220 GEo GRAPHIC AD INDEX. Some of the Boii appea to have accompante them in thoi inu, Sion of Italy. Their nam i Stili preSerVed in the nationa appellatio of the etsh, Cymry. t is ver diffvult to decide vi hether
tho Cimbri,ere a Germantem a Celti tribe. The tW races ereno caresuli distinguisbed by the Roman Tacitus calle them Germansa ut the Cymry certaini are not descendant of the Germans thei language is a Celti dialeci. In the war illi Marius the were led by a Celti commander, and the descriptionis theiraruis Oint to the Same Origin . et e find them unitud with tho Teutones There is a simila dissiculi in the case of the Belgae For an account of the Cimbri and their XpeditionS, Se Liv. Ep., 63-68 Appian De Rebus Celi et Ill c. 37
DANUBIus. The large Si rive in Europe eXcept the Rha, O Volga, called by the Germans Donau, by themungarian Duna, and by the Englisti Danube Strabo and lin mali it is in the chain os Mons Abnoba, a partis the Blac Forest. Aecordin t modern ae- counts it originates On the easterii declivit of the laeti Forest, about twenty-1mur miles rom the antis os the Rhine. It courseis calculate tot about ne thousan Seve hundred an Sevent . miles besore it enter the lac Sea, an it receive SiXt navigabie rivers, the arges O Whicli is the innus, Or πιι, an onehundre and twentyramalter StreamS. A regard the etymologyof the name, it may be remari ed that Bayer Commi Acad. Petrop., VOl. X. p. 375 SuppOSe an early peopte totaVe Xisted in hosulangvage amor like an Ton, Don, oriuna may have signified water, ' rom hicli,ere graduali derive Sueli names of iversas Tanais, Dana peris, DanaSter, Danubius, Don Eridan-us, Rhodano
us, &o It is a curiou confirmation in pari, at leaSt, of this hypothesis that the Ssetes, a CaucaSi an tribo, have the ordio in thei language a a genera term Or Water, ' riVer, Me , and designate ali mountain Stream by this appellation. Compare Lehrberg, Unlerauchungen, &U , Petersb. p. 400, an Litter Vorhalle, p. 304ὶ e. 1, 29 41 42DEcΠΜΑΤΕ AGRI A nam applied i land conquered by tho Roman S, in hicli, o the alie of Securi ty that o hostile tribemight wel clos to their orders, the allo e Gaul O Romansoldier i Sotile, ho ere charge With the paymen os a tithe decima to the RomanS. The Romana very commoni exacte ntithe rom those ho occupied the public land the greater partis Sicil Was taxed in thi Way. Compare Ann., iii , 54 Cas. B. G. Vi. 23. The Siluation O these land is variousl lai dou n. Some aut hors place them O the an k of the echer Othors be- ween the ah and the Main and On the antis of the Danube, opposite the province of Raetiari r With in the Roma vallum reachin from Magontiacum to the Danube, ne a the oure Os whieli lay the territorios of the Marcomanni, hicli the Roman took OSSes-εionis astor Maroboduus remove t Bohemia. Drusus Germani- eus, hau in bulli a sortin Mount Taunus seem to hau lata thesirs 1 undation of the limes in elo sing the Decumates agri, hic h vas graduali advaneed, eSpeciali by Trajan and Hadrian, and sorti fiud. Though the occupationis these land dependedin tho illo the emperors, town graduntly prungis in them There restit rem ain os a Roman wal running DOm Ingolstadi, o the Danube, past Dinhelabωh an Ghringen to the Main. Toward tho endos tho thies centur these land were reste from the Roman bytho Alemanni, hom Julian an Valentinian in vati endeavore to
who places themin the easter bank of the eser, in the outherii partis Calenberg, and the e Ster hal o Grubenharen. ut this was not the position in hicli Tacitu Sane them. He places themin the rear of tho Chamavi an Angrivarii, in hat was nee thoterritor of the Bructeri; and thei territories, accordin t this, would li belween theims and the Lippe, here theriownis Dul-gibinum Dulmen was sit ualed They belonge to the Cherusci, and were apparenti dri ven eastWard by the fame eruptionis the Cauci as that whicli expelle the Angrivarii. Pto , i. II Strab., Vii. 44 e. 34
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEI. 229 and conquest os Britain. The were sirs hvmbled by Pipi tho
GERMANI. The GermanS, the inhabitant of Germania This Wor Germania as employed by the Roman to designate a Couu- tr O much greater extent than modern Germany. The included unde this nam ali the nation o Europe east of the Rhine and norit of the Danube, boundedin the Orth by the German Oceauand the Ballic includin Deninarii and the eighboring SlandS, ando the eas by the Sarmatians and Dacians It idissiculi ho ever, to ascertainio sar German Stretche to the east. Accordiri to Strabo Germani tribes weli early as sar a the Ovilis of the BorySthene Dirreper . Ometime German proper a called Germinini Transrhenana, O diStinguiSh it froni the traei lyin bu- tween the Rhine an Scheldi, hicli a calle Germania Cisrhenana, after tiad been inhabite by Some German tribes, hic hiadcrossed the Rhine, oria been rought ove by Agrippa and Tiberius. The lalter,as also dividesint Germania Superior oririma, extending long the Rhine rom inglum, beyon Argentoratum; an Germania Inferior, O Secunda reachin sto Bingium to tho Sea Plin. iv. l P Dio Cos. liii. 12. I. Originis the Germani Nations. The originis the Germani nations is involve in uncertainty. The inhabitant of the beauti sui region Os Italy, WhO ad ne verknown a rougher Ount , could hardi belleve that an nationiad
230 GEOGRAPHIC AD INDEX. deserte iis native sol tota et in the Orest o Germany, here
Saxons , is tole soland in the Persia longue unde the Orm Sassan, as indicatin no Only the last dynasty of the Persia Empire the Sassanides), but also thos aequainted with the doetrines of the Des- Satin the old Persian dialectis Whicli is sar more nearly relatexto the Gothic than the modern Persian to the German. In the Orienta histories, Oreo ver mention is madem the dynasty of the Onso Boia, in hom e ma eaSil recogniZe the progenitor os the Boii; hile traees of the nam of the Catii may be ound in that os Kat in Chorasin. Fem Schuuri B. 23l. EVen as early a thetime osmerodotus, the name os the γμάνιοι appear among the an-