장음표시 사용
RAETI appe ars properi totaVe comprehende the whole oum t tetween the orthis Ital and the Danube, and con Sequently, to have included Vindelicia. Dio Cassius liv. 22), in his accountos the conques of the Raeti an Vindelici by Drusus an Tiberius,oni mentions the Raeti Strabo osten Spealis Osabem iv. p. I93,
242 GEOGRAPHICA L INDEX.206 vii. p. 449 ascis the were ni o ne eopleri and Tacitus, in
Severa paSSage S, appear to include Vindelicia in the province of Raetia. In the time of AuguStus, hoWevor theS tWO Ountries forme tw Separate provinces, of Whieli Raetia a. unde ori thewest by the Helvetii, on the eas by oricum in the Muthi Gallia Cisalpina, and o the orth by Vindelicia, rom hicli it asseparate by the Lacu Brigantinus, O Lahe of Constance, and the Rive oenus, o Din. t inelude the greater par of the Tyro and the easter canton Os witzerland The ni toWnis importance in Raetia a Tridentum Trent , On the Athesis, the capital of the Tridentini C. 3, 4 IRAET1 id RΛΤΙΑ. REUDIGNI A German tribe, hos position i quite uncertain.
1073; the in the time os Domitian When a in os theirs, ν
O a rive Suevus etween theide and the Elbe; ut there is nori ver thereis a magnitude approachin to that whichae assigns tolli Suevus Perhaps it Was a nam of the Oder, hichae appliedi another river. Suiones appear tolemni a Variationis the name
known to the ancients by Pytheas o Massilia Marseilles , lio, in the age of AleXander the reat, abOut 320 B. C., diSco vered a nationos that nam in tho Chersonesus Cimbrica, and On the adjacent istandS, O in the present Ountrie of Holstein Schlesis. Denmark, an perhaps, alSO, in the Outher extremit os meden. t Seems that the had long been setile there so the lived in houSes, and were acquainte With agriculture an commerce. Other traces Ofthe nam appea later Among the Celtio tribes hicli invaded Ireece an besiege Delphi, unde theraeeon Brennus B. C. 278), there as seopte calle Teutobodiaci, horasterWard passe the Hellespont, an Settied illi the elis in Galatia, in Asia inor. About a hundred and Sixt years later, the Roman were attacked by the Cimbri an Teutones, lio came rom the Same OUntry, Where the had been seen by Pytheas. When the Roman firstheard the name of the Teutones the thought that the were a Single tribu The di notano that it Was also the generat an ethnographic nam os ali thos nation to hicli tho afterward gaveris designationis Germnn S.
GEOGRAPHICA L INDEX. 245Why this Word occursiso frequently in the names of the ancient eutonicaings, dukeS, O chiela, Sueli as Teutoboch, Theudori X, DioriX, Theodorix Theodorie Theodomir Theodimir, Teutagon, e. Itis likewis contained in the genera nam os ali the Teutoni nations an in thos of various tribes, a the TeutoneS, the Teutono-arii, Thais ali, and the Dithmarses, o Dietinarses It is visibi in Teutoburge Wald,' the nam Of that ange of Woode mountainsWhicli Stretchesdro Detmold westward beyondisna bruch, in Whichis Siluate the Grotenburg, formeri Teut' or Teutoberg, ' illithe armis Teutehos, here Varus a overthrown by Arminius; in Delmolli, Doesburg, Duisburg, Deuz,' an in a reat man other localities in Germany Teuton is dentical With Deutfeheo Teutsche in o German uisch, in utch uitsch, in Danisti Tysst, in Englisti utch , hicli, Dom the remotest time, has been an is stili ho genera nam os that part of the Teutonio nations Whieli,emo cali Germans, ho considered the god or hero visco a thei common ancestor There arem direct proos of the ordTeuton havin had this extensive meaning in the earlies Germanhistory but his is perhaps the resultis the politica state of the Teutoni nations, hicli ere originali divide into numerous tribes, each of Whichaecam separalely known to the RomanS. In the welsth eleveniti, and even as early a the tentii century Whenthe dissereno belween Frank and Saxon was etl marked in the German empire theSe nations each of whichaad iis ourn langvago an laWs, neve objecte to ein calle by the genera nam os DeutSehe, O Teutones. At present there is no German tribe Whichlias the particular nam os Teutones, but although the Germans are composed of tW Ver distinet nations themigii Germans and the Lo Germans the eat themselves euische, and thei langvago Deutsch, though the domo understandiacti Other. Penny Cyclo
They became, SubSequently a pomersulieopte in Germania Inferior. The were probabinthe samo illi the Aduatici of Caesar c. 2
Usi1 A German tribe, the allies of Caesar against the Suevi, and Subsequently transporte by Agrippa B. C. 38 to the lestianti of the Rhine. Thei capital, calle atrarat Oppidum Ubiorum, asasterwar name Colonia Agrippinam AgrippinenSis, hen a Roman colon ha been eStablished there sirati Agrippa, and Subsequently by Agrippina, the aughteris Germanicus and wis of the Emperor Claudius. It is no Cologne. The Ara Ubiorum musino be consounde With the oppidum Ubiorum. The forme Wasan altar, probably erected to Augustus, like that at Lugdunum Suet. , Claud. 2). Ot a stom Bon is alii called Godesberg, and it is
highi probabi that this is the sit of the Ara Ubiorum. That it
ther into Gaul; ut having been putet,ssight by Caesar, after a great Slaughter, the greater par of the remainde perished in attemptingi cros the Rhine. A partis the cavalry, whichiad notieen en-gaged in the batile, took refuge in the territories of the Sigambri. Whon the Sigambri remove to aut the Usipi and Tencteri be- eam master of thei posseSSion O the Lupia Line). The Usipi attarsi dwelli the east bank of the Rhine, rom iis easterninouth to the Lippe in the tract,hicli the Chamavi and Tubantes occupie besore them; ut the graduali move EouthWard. In the time o Claudius and Nero the dwel between the te and the Lahn, here the were Stili in the time of Tacitus. In thetime os Ptolem the inhabite tho norther par of the Blae For- est. The name of the Usipii disappearadrom histor aster the timeo Agricola the becam mixe u With the Alemanni. The Tencteri lived fouili os the Lippe in the region Opposite Coin and Bonn At the time of the expeditions os DruSus an Tiberius, thev
VAR1NI A German tribe, placed by Ptolem along the ea, Domthe mouth of the Trane to the Warne, hiel last doubiles too itanam stom them. The were asterward dri ven in land by lavoniantri bes, an unite themselves illi the Saxons. e find ometribes of the Varini in Thuringia, ther o the antis of thealbe, an other in the ne ighborhood Os the Rhine, here the were Subdued by tho Franks. They also appearin the outhis the Danube, for the fervefas auXiliaries unde Narses in Italy. Ptolem calis
α B C. Marcellus, b. B M. Antonius the TriumVir, 1. M. Marcellus m. 1 Pompeia dr of Sextus Pompeius, and 2 Julia dr of Augustus alis progeny Die in his 17thyear, B. C. 23. 2. Marcella, the et der, m. mice, andia a B M. Vipsanius Agrippa, tb. y Iulus Anto. L. Antonius Africanius Africanus, i nus Annal. iv.. son of the Tri- 44 , fallier or un
2. Antonia the youngos 1 Germanicus, adopted by Tiberius.
2. Claudius Britan. Tacitus mines Antonia the oungem Wis of Domitius Annal., V. 41; ii. 64J.