The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus

발행: 1850년

분량: 333페이지


분류: 미분류


GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 231cient Persian tribes Herod. i. 125), while the analogies betWeen tho Persi an and German areis Strikinyas to have eXcite the nitentionos e ver intelligent Scholar. And beside ali hiS, an ancient eorgian S. os a S, O long Since brought O light, prove conclusi vel that the Georgian nationi ad amon them ordeat preciSelysimila to thos of the early Germans, and ais the fame judicials Orm O proceeding, and the Same System os satisfactions to epaid in cases of homicide accordiri to the rank of the part Stain. Annal de Legislat et de Iurispr. N. 40, Paris, 1829. Compare Onthe hole subjeci, Muse' Archi de Germa=ὶischen Vbi ei sthmme, ii. p. I 24 seqq. Is theSe premiSe be correet, the commoni re-Ceived etymolog of the nam Germani, hicli mallescit equivalent

sul notes on hapter i. It ma not be amisS, OWever, after Lavin Stated hat appe ars O bo the mos probable vie of the Subjeci, to give a se other etymologie so the nam Germani, eaelios hieli has iis advocates Thus Althame malle Germanus

equiValent O homo prorsus virilis, ' and the Same in saet, a Alamari, i. e. Ganz-Mann. Zekern aget, O the theriand eXplains Germanus by G'ermanus, i. e. Vol frenosse. Luden thinks that thetem Germania is nothin more than the German mehrmannei, and that there ere severat Such Germani et O consederacieSV Eidsge-

2. Geographica Acquaintanc reit Ancient Germany. Our insormationi cerning the geograph of ancient Germannis very Scant an uncertain. The Gree an Roman writers stomu hom oujknowledgeis it is derived kne very litile about it them- solves. anowledge of the German Ocean, and the nOrther pariso Europe had been acquired firSt by the Phoenicians an Carthaginians, ho procured in from the Cassiteride or 1 rom Britalia, and amber sto the hores of the Ballio Se c. 45 and in the ear C. 400, b Himilco the Carthaginian, hos voyage a been described by the poet Avienus Plin. ii. 67 in B. C. 330 by Hecataeus an Philemon Plin. iv. 13, or 27); an about the Same time, by Ephorus and Clitarchus Strab. Vii. 2, i, p. 293); by TimaeuS, Xen-




GLOGRAPHICA L IΝDEX. 233os thesea neve visite himself and who, in that age, could havo furnished im illi the requisite information In deed his maphears ut a saint resemblane to the actuat hape and eatures of Germanyn and in the majorit of instances, it can illi dissicut tyis determine&whether the Ownsi mentione existexat all. Thereis this additiona disadvantage in his book that he defines positions by numbers, hicli, O at things, are the mos liable to alterationthrough themistakes O the transcribers. Oneis the OS valva-ble geographica monuments of antiquity AntoninuS' Itinerary, compiled unde the directio Ofta Caesar an Anton o AuguStus, is avallabieininsor a se road On the frontier. The Peutingeri an Table is frequently of Se in malitia maps Since though thecountries areiXcessivel distorted the distances bet eon thenownstat down ora it are ivem but it is of Scarcet an Service in thecaSe of Germany InScriptions and coins, again, Which aTOrd Somo of the est means os desining the Siluation O places, are Drare Occurre nee in Germany But in addition to ali these dissicultius and disndvantages, the andering an unSetile character of the Germans themselves rendera it totali impossibi to lay down a mapWhich hould represent the relative positions of the tribes at any one period, o sor an tengili os time, though e cari generallydetermine the position hicli individua tribes occupie a somo time orither. his is Seen rom the wide discrepancies etWeen Tacitus an his contemporaries, and Ptolemy, and rom ueliglimpses as histor afford us of the migrations f severa os thetribes c. 2, 16, 27, 28 30 3I, c. GOTHINI A German tribe, Wh are Supposed by Some o have lived in Cracoro, Orin the bank of themarus March), ascit is Sald that the Quadi imposed a tributempo thema an Ptolemn ii. 11 mentions towns here haVin a Celtic nam an origin, adding oῖς του Κουάδους τ σιὁηρωρυχeia Cither here are the modern Feldsburg, Eisgrub, and Niciasburg, O sar rom Cracoro, On thewoster bank of the Vistula, or at Iglarea, flarea, Schwareta, stillarea, between Ohem in and OraVia), a v Λουν υλη Manhart). Othors placo the Gothini o the outh of the Danube, here thereare Severa iron mine in Styria c. 43GOTONEs. The nam Gotones is Synonymous With thatis Γυθωνες Ptol.), O GothS. The were frequently erroneousi coniunded th the Getae an Scythians Pytheas is the first,ho mentions them, hen the live o the right bank of the Vistula, and o thocoast of the Baltie, O the ordor of Silesia an Poland an aster-war a partis them in candinavia, here thei nam appear in



lemanni it is ound in the Peutingerian able. The Helvetii had inhabite it in forme times, ut ere Xpelle by the wandering

German tribe, Wh occupie What is no Saron an Anhali, be- tween the Sala Francorum and the Albis. Flumen Albis, qui Semnonum Hermundurorumque ne pratersuit. Veli. ii. 106. Toward tho est tho hordere o the Cherusci and the Thuringer alii, and the ala Ann. xiii. 57 divide them rom the Catii. From yrn. Xii. 30, e gather, that o the eas the dweli eartho Quadi, hos territorie la in Moravi an Unc Hungary,


Rhine and here the are placed by Ptolemy, between the Bructeri


GEOGRAPHICA L INDEX. 23 an Tencteri Thendi not hoWever, remat here long , he Saxo league drove them ac to the Elbe. In the fifth centur theytoo possession o par of Hungary, O the orther bank of the Danube, and in the Sixti centia , unde the guidanceis Audoinus, the crosse this rive and Stablishe themSelves in Pannonia. Then, at the invitationis arses, an led by Alboinus acros the Alps A. D. 568), the Settie in Ombardy, hieli Chartemagne subdued A.D. 774), havin talien DesideriuS, thecias king. Tacitus has here omitte tho Burgundiones, as in his time the wereuntinown to the Romans. The aster ard, illi the Langobardi, Settied pon the Decumates agri Thene the made an irruption into Gaul, and eige upon the and whicli stili ea their

sources of the Rive Vistulari about the iddie of it course Toth south the bordere on the Carpathian Mountains, to the eston the lesengebirge, an to the noriti Orithe Burgundii including the solither partis Silesia, the wester partis Galicia, and Someparis os Poland wes of the Vistula Some of them Oined thema comanni an Hermunduri against the Quadi; thors, during there ignis Probus, unde theauidane O theiraing, Semno, illi the Burgundii and Vandales, advance a sar a the Rhine against the Romans Aster his period thei nam diSappear Ann. Xii. 29, 30 Dio, lxvii. 53. Some identis them illi the Ligues, o Ligurians in Gaul; an suppos that havin been conquered by tho Gauis, the migrate firs into Italy, and then into Germany . c. 43


Nonicu M. A province of the Ornan Empire, bounde on thenoriti by the Danube, on the westi Vindelicia an Raetia, o the eas by Pannonia, and o the outh by Illyricum and Gallia Cisalpina It was Separated rom Vindelicia by the Rive innus Inn), an froni Gallia Cisalpina by tho Alpes Carnios O Juliae, but it is dissiculta determine the boundaries et ween Noricum and PannOnia, a the dissererat vario iis times Unde the later timos os ho


240 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Roman Empiro, Mount Celius and par of the Rive Murius Mur