장음표시 사용
celestis Hierosolimae sedente tribunalibus Quiaranus SanctuSinaltatus est manibus Consummatis felicibus quem tu Christe apostolum gloriosum in omnibus rogamus Deum altissimum sancti Patrici episcopi Columbaeque auxilia ut per illorum merita apoStolorum coeti sublimioris speculi solis modo micantibus Sacerdos insignis nuntius angelorum celestibus sanctitatum generibus mundo misisti hominem nouissimis temporibus
nos dessendat egregia poSSideamus premia
obviousty the third stanga, with iis reference to Colum Cille himself, is a later addition, so that only the 1irst two Stangas belong to the original hymn. The fixthline, quem tu Christe, is quoted in the section of VGreferred to: but the three Other eXCerPtS, lucerna . . ., cuStodiantur . . ., propheta . . ., do not appear in the
position by Colum Cille; had it only the artiess simplicity
os a nursery j ingle, would have been Sure Oi an appreciatiVe audience. However, the text Seems to indicate Something much more elaborate, and probably the original composition was an acrostic, like Colum Cille' s
great Altus Prosator. The two authentic stangas of the Liber Hymnorum are incorporaled in the metricalpatchwork at the end of LB. Another version of the hymn was known to Colgan,
and is gi ven by him in G, p. 472. Unfortunately he
Quantum Christe O Apostolum mundo misisti hominem Lucerna huius insulae lucens lucerna mirabilis
3 Although the sense appeam to run continuouSty from onesta a to the nexi in their present collocation.
Under certain circumstances was obliged to, abstain from
here with a translation, so far as the obscurity of thelangvage permit-
io have been deposited by Benen the pupil oi Patricli; and his successor in Armamin and by Cunilach the leper