장음표시 사용
3. Α certain day the horse of Oengus son os Cremthanndied, and he had great sadness hecause of the death of his home. Νow when Oengus Slumbered, an anget os God appeared to him in a dream, and thus he Spakewith him Claran son of the wright inali come, and shali raise thy horse for thee. V And this was fulfilled, for Claran came at the word of the angel; and blessedwater, and it waS put over the horse, and the horse Mose
against Claran, to lear him. When Claran Saw the liound he Sang this verse Ne tradas bestiis animam consitentem tibi. And when he said this the hound fellforthwith and did not rise again.
in the fox, and he began to eat the book: for he wasgreedy for the leather that was bound around the bookoutfide. While he was eating the book, there came Oengus Son os Cremthann with hernes and with hounos,so that they chased him, and lie found no Sanctuarytili he came under the cloak of Claran. The name of God and Claran's were magnified by the rescue of the book from the fox and by the rescue of the fox fromthe hounos. The book is what is now called the Tablet os Claran. Most consonant with these things is it for evit men whoare near to the Church, and who profit by the advantages of the Church ommunion, and baptiSm, and food, and
blue dye, and she had reached the mint of putting
the cais and the trees that came in contact with it.
II. Another time his father sent his to present a cauldron to the ring, even to Furban. There mei him
used to be divideo between the twelve biinops withtheir folli and their guests, and it was suffcient fortheni: ut dixit,
Emenclim thedra 1hoglaim of the texi he was learning V to dia serenam.
the school of Findian in Cluain Iraird, ut dixit,
Stag to Claran, and he would place his book on the horns of the Stag. One Jay there Ciaran heard the belli. HearoSe Suddenly at the found of the heli, hut stili swifter WaS the ariSing of the stag. and it went oss, with hisbook on iis horns. Though that clay and the following
From this was the well-known saying Non legam Marcum quousque compleueram Mattheum carriel to Rome, to Alexander. XXIV. THE STORY OF THE ΜILL AND THE BAILIFF'SDAUGIITERI8. Now it came to pass that there was Scarcity of corn and sustenance in that Achool, so that it was neceS-
virginity to God V said Claran, ' and is ine serve Him, I will be in union with her. V Τhen the maiclen osseredher virginity to God and to Claran, and her folli ossereotheir perpetuat Service and perpetuat subjecthood to