장음표시 사용
XXXV. CIARAN IN ISELI3. When he had received ii and returned thanks to
Prayer, Succeeded in obtaining the removes of those inowere distressing the servants of God. For when hece ed from prayer, belloid, suddenly the istand with thelahe and the inhabitants withdrew to a remote Place, so that by no means could iis inhabitanis distum me frienos of the Μost Hira. For this miracle was done in His Name Who overturned Sodom on account of the sinos iis inhabitanis, and consumed it with 1ire. The traces of that Iahe, where it formerly wM, Stili eriSt. XXXVIII. CIARAN IN INIS AINGINI5. As the man os God was distributing the goods of the monastery for the use of the poor, his brethren complaining of this and coming to him inconsiderately, siad. Depart ' said they, from us, for we cannot livetogether. V To whom agreeing, and bidding farewellin the Lord; he transferred himself to an istand by name Angina. A monastery having been founded in thisisland, many haStening from ali Sides, attracted by the fame of his holiness, submitted to the service of God. Ordering them under Strict rules, by face and by habit; by speech and by lite, he Showed himself as an exampleto them. For he was as an eagle inciting iis young tony, in respect to sublimity of contemplation: hut helived as the least of them in brotherly humility. Forhe was in spiritual meditations attached to the hiraestthings: yet So much did he Stoop to feeble weaknessthat he seemed as though he tended towards the lowllast things. He was also perfeci in frith, fervent in charity, rejoicing in liope, gentie of heari, courteouS of Smech, patient and long-suffering, kindly in hospitality, everdiligent in works of piety, benim, genite, Peaceivi,
Sober, and quiet. To summariSe many things in oneinori Sentence, he was garnished with the ornament oi
ait the virtves. Expending a care gealous for these and the like matter-the care of Μary for contemplation,
Saint seueranus sald, ' Lead him hither, ' said he, ' and despise not your future pastor. Who being lediti, by the inspiration of God and by the instruction of the holy man, took on him the habit os religion, and duly
strengthening himself in the haltie of this conflici, but
the part of the sea which bears towards the monasteryot 1, there is a very great clanger to thoSe who CTOM, partly because of the vehemence of the currentS, and partly because of the narrowneSS of the sea: so that inim are iniried round and driven in a circle, and thusare Often sunk. For it is rightly compared to Scylla and
Charybdis: I mean that by iis grave and unmitigated
temple of the Holy Spirit; flourished in the virtve of spirituat piety.
with he completes his es cial duty. 7. To the hiis and ineffabie company of apostles of the heavenly Jerusalem, the losty watch-tower, Sittingon thrones shining like the sun, Queranus the holy priest, the eminent messenger of Christ, is exalted by the heavenly hands of angels, with the happy clans of holyones made perfecto whom Thou, Christ, hast sent as aman, an apoSile to the worid, glorious in ali the latest