The Latin & Irish lives of Ciaran

발행: 1921년

분량: 218페이지


분류: 미분류




Ι. ΤΗE HOMILETIC INTRODUCTIONI. Omnia quaecumque uultis ut faciant homines uobis,

ita et uos faciatis illis; haec est enim lex et prophetae V Every good thing that ye wish to be done unio youby men, let it be like se that ye do to them, for thatis Law and Prophecy 'Now He Who prohibiteth every evit, Who proclaimetheVery good, Who reconcileth God and man, Iesus ChristSon of the Living God, the Saviour of the whole worid, He it is Who spake these words: to leach His apostles and His discipies and the whole Church concerning the covenant of charityo that men Should do of good and of charity to their neighbour as much as they would dounto themselves. To that end salth Jesus, Omnia quaecumque uultis. Now Μatthew Son of Alphaeus, theeminent sage of the HebrewS, one of the four whoexpounded the Gospei of the Lord, he it is who wrotethese words in the heart of his Gospei, saying after his Μaster Iesus, Omnia quaecumque. Si ergo uos, cum sitis mali, nostis bona data dare filiis uestris, quanto magis Pater uester celestis dabit bona


command us to ove love to God and to the neighbour. Finis enim precepti caritas est, quia caritas propria et

specialis uirtus est Christianorum. Nam caeserae uirtutes bonis et malis possunt esse communesί caritatem autem

habere nisi perfecti non possunt. Unde Iesus ait, ' In hoc cognoscent omnes quod discipuli Mei estis, si dilexeritis inuicem For the roos and summit os divine doctrineis charity, because charity is the espectat virtve of the Christians. For the other virtves may belong to goodand to erit men Mike: hut none hath charity Save good men only. Wherefore Iesus salth, ' Hereby shali alimen recognise that ye are of Μy folli, ii each of youloveth his fellow as I have loved you Et iterum dixit Iesus Hoc est preceptum meum ut diligatis inuicem sicut

heyond ali viriues, to wit the nobie gloriouS a Sile, the fallier confessor, the spark-flashing, the man throughwhom the west of the world shone Mili signs and wonders, with virtves and with good deeds, Sanctus Claranus sacerdos et apostolus Dei, the archpresbyter and apostle Stant Claran, son of the wright. Now he wasson of the wright Who formed heaven and earth withali that in them is, according to his heavenly genealo and son of the wright who used to frame carriages andali other handiworks heside, according to his earthlygenealogy


The date iniin the Falthful honour as the feast-day of this nobie one is the fifth of the ides of September according to the Jay of the solar month, and this dayto-day accoming to the day of the weeli. Accomingly I shali relate a inori memoir of the signfand wondem of that deuout one, for a delicti os multo the Falthful: and of his earthly generation, and of his mode of life λ .and of the perfection which he gave to his Victorious coume in the earth. A man held greatly inhonour of the Lord was this man. A man for whom GodreSemed his monastery, fifty years before his birin: aman whom Christ accounteth in the order of apostles in this worid, as Colum Cille salo

Quem Tu Christe apostolum mundo misisti hominem.

A lamp was he, shining with the light of wisdom and doctrine, as Colum Cisse salo

Lucerna huius insulae lucens tace mirabili.

Custodiantur remina adcessione edita Diuulgata per omnia sanctorum monasteria

that is, Let the rules and doctrines and customs whichliave been received from the master, from Claran; bekept by the elders of these monasteries: thuS, theSe arethe rules and customs that have beeti distributed and received os ali the monasteries of saints of Ιreland 'For it is from her ClonmacnoisJ that are carried rules and precepis throughout Ireland.

This is the apparent sense of the passage: the ΜSS. are


Ηe is a man whom the Lord accounteth of the order ofinies propheis in this worid, as the fame prophet Sat

Propheta qui nouissimus fuerit praesagminibus

for it was by reason of his nobility and his reverence fore the Lord that he was foretoid os propheis long fore his hirth, as Isaac was foretoid, and Jolin the Baptist, and Jesus, whicli is Something yet nobier. Flast Ρatricli son os Calpum prophesied of him in Cruachan Aigli, after the tree had closed around his relics in the place where that fetilement is now. Brigit prophesied of him when She Saw the fire and the angel, fifty years beiore Claran, in the place inere the Crosses of Brigit are to-day. Becc mac De propheSied, Saying

Ciaran, Son of