장음표시 사용
the Sea. Μost wondrous to relate, immediately thesto of the air, the movement of the waves, and the
inali endow him with due reward for iis resurrection. 44
5. One Jay he made his Way to a king, Tuathlus byname, to intercede for the liberation os a certain bonomaid. When he besought the ring fervently fortier, and he rejected the prayem os the servant of God as though they were ravings, he thought out anew method os liberating her, and determined that hehimself should serve the king in her place. Now whenhe was coming to the liouse in inicii the ori wasgrincling, the doors which were Shut opened to him.
waros erected there. But the hread made of that graintasted to the brethren like flesh and ale, and so it refreshed them. XXX. THE ADVENTURE OF THE ROBBERS OF LOCHERNE7. Now when a Space of time had passed, the licenceano benediction of his master having been obtained,
os mannem and of viriue, On a certain clay, M one trulyobedient, he went fortit to the groves hard by withbrethren to cui timber. For it was a custom in that
His omnipotence in the resuscitation os His servantsin this lite. Wondrous is what I relate, but in the truthos faci most manifest. Ite fitted the heads to the bodies, and recassed them to life by the virtve of the holy