Musculorum humani corporis picturata dissectio (Ferrara 1541?) : facsimile edition

발행: 1925년

분량: 107페이지


분류: 미분류


hand of Sir illiam Stirling-Maxwel an re- maius in the possession of his son. The fragment, a Single beet, a found by tho late Gusta volet os Munich an supposodi Williinxit propor homo in the 0-ostablistio library

Another of tho thro the Christianismi Rositi uti V of Servotus - was published inoen years later in Vienno, and though it confatus certa in aragraptis settin sortii so tho rsi timothe novo idea of lood passin in a circle the- reb anticipatin the pulmonar circulation OfΗnrVey by early a century, it a nos for his heres that Calvi caused both author and bookto peristi a the talio of this ομ also tWo intac copios and a fragmen alone eem to have furvived. De is in tho State Librar a Vienna; another, accordin to tradition the prosecutor scopy snalchedoro the flamos, came through

Richard ea to tho Bibliothoque Nationale in Paris an imperfectisopy antiniit 6rs pagosis inriti Library of the nivorsit os Editiburgh. Tho las of thes three books though issued


that hacklo Modicine, ut to the id of the rebellious outtis of that da had come the pri ted page and the presses havin dono thoi dui fortiri years in reproducin and multiplying the


1 Institutiones Anatomicae Basel 1539.


ΘVer may have been the Vatican's altitudo asregard the tragio incident a Genova, it is probabie ibat Catiano ould avo ad mali sympath With Servetus ad they Ver met. Certai DI Whon Canano' path rossed that os Vesalius hilo in thei twenty-Seventi, ear, andit ecam apparent that the energetio Oun mansrom the low-countries ad anticipate and ut-strippe bim in the pictorial representation Osactua human dissections he illidroW, With What disappotniment is nos old, and of to his rival


Ferrara in the time of the late Paleologi H is likoly that tho date of thoi coming a prior

Greo and Lati Churches It Was pre-eruiuently samit o medicat meu of the eight Cananion the roster O lecturer at the universit OfFerrara, V are physicians. De ad Iready shed particular lustre on the amo. iambattista Cannuo the grand&ther of the anatomist, ad possessed an individuality an mental endoWinent sar Out of the ordinary. Forte had risen, in avery brie space of time, frOm an inferior emplOyment oti the medica saeuit si os tuo loca tudium generale the conspicuous Ole O QOurt- physiciano Matthe Corvinus an his queen Beatrice of Aragon. His long erVice a Praguean Post brought im uoti honor. In me sold, in attendanee poti the illustrious adventure his muster, he a Greeli, must a V sense a fierce

satisfactionis belloidin tho Turkisti hordes hiario bach by the troops bearing the laeti deviceos Corvinus. At couri, in intervat os quiet, iliis


session an his books ero dividod. The olderson, ather of the anatomist, as a man O a mirs, mira in rebus agendi facultate V. 1)This Ludovico ook o Wis Lucregia Brancn- leoni. The sotiiornu itiem in 1515, christe edGiovanti Baptista aster his grand&ther, a dedicato io medicine. Oun Catiano 2 received his educatio at errara The University, or tudium, ascit a the styled, investe With a splendor hieli ho prophetic labor o Leoni- Oenus an Manardus ad rought upon it, could Do cance and Oreuer tot ut the nam os scorn Asylum os the destituto hic Myouttis


His mastor in the libera disciplines a thetiumanis G. . Giraldi. bis philosopher, by-Sician, historian Orator, Oe and Ducul Secretar ha been a pupil os Ioba Ma Dardus in medicine, o Caleagnini in rhetorio Besides the


dition obtaining in the Paris school up to that date. The rare soliOο - dissections instituto at Ferrara at the olose of the Gileenth century, ererippin assuri s litile calculate to prostrui ouesave the Lector, Ostensor und assistant urbers. The operator hastis basis sor dra Win pay theboy bad uioliday, and that Was all. tris true ibat Leonioetius 1428-1524 twice mentions Du- tomies, S substantiatin certatu corrections otia mado in tho texis o Plin and Celsus, ut this ather indicatos a cloariti O dissections paucit ratho thau plenitude. Neither a nardus nor Brasavola a id eo to the mutior although tholaiter VOW he pene tWO Stages in ea reti 1 ahoardi bono to ad io his usseum. I,

seo . ovius, Elogia. XLIX elaborat is profiteudo simul secando damnatorum cadavera nisi Volumen e placitis talentis. 1 si ego duo corda cervi aperui D. BRASAVOLA, Mam. omn. i . med. Lugd. Frelion 1537, p. 16.