Musculorum humani corporis picturata dissectio (Ferrara 1541?) : facsimile edition

발행: 1925년

분량: 107페이지


분류: 미분류


tho e amplissima bibliotheca , of the Dominicans, hel litile that interesto him. He explo-red, OWever, the collection Os Canano' instructor rasavola and that o Bonaciolo. Ducce-

Would have been possibi Only On round of ill hoalth. Vesalius had overthrown his projected thes doctorale , it is true, ut nos his character. Incontinenti to vacato a position hicli ho ad oveton, Without an excuse that he dare allege efore the ecfors, is quilo ut o Leeping ith his character, etOkens, in faci, an instabilib, an inconstanc of actio alieno his nature. The particular interest Which ngagod his attention during tho decado 1542 155 arealtogether unknown to iis, With the exception Ofhis moraionsto in 1546. It is bighly probabie, hoWover, that he continue in the Chatris anatomy unii 1545. In 1548 at errara, he e communicate , perhaps demonstrated his disco-


Very of tho palmaris brevis to thoyornig Fulloppio.

Cunan is style canatomicus , in ali Our instances in hieti his nam is mentioned in On- temporar literature. So profoundi sente an secret are the important issues of his lis that o do Dot knowitio dato of his mos notable discoVery that fvalve in the eins. In the preface t the readerho says that in the ourse of his or he has made severa discoVeries capable of Wide applicatio in medicine This is a regnant phraSei vie of the ac that he ho roto it is thediscovereris,alve in the Veins. Manifesti thephras is O Vague, of OO Wide an application, t Wayla us. The si s direct referene to bis epochai discover is found in the folloWin sta- temetit of Vesalius :

do in consultation illi Canano the sic Lord Francesco 'Este, he informe me that he had

obseruod in the lumen of the Zygos and renat Voins, an in hos Veiis ibat verti therapporportio of the os sacrum, membranes like those guarding the risce of the Vena arterialis and the reat artery, and theSe, he asserted OpΡΟ-


Augsburg Diet in 1582, I ad an Opportunityo beeomin aequainte With ome of the ut- standiu physicians of the Princes and the cities. I isti ou ad been there Witti me, for there


Palatine physician, succeediti Brasavola, his id instructor This as his apogean Our. Rome Wa agog Witti mundane pageantry, and werilyWith me o genius. Indeest Canan must have been much in company illi Michaelangelo,


the closin paragraph of haptero book III in the De editio of the Fabrica . V Is Vesalius

Were grudgin an obscure, there a nomistaking the mea in o Sylvius se Membranae quoque epiphysis in Ore Venne κygi, RSOrumque aliori magnorum Saepe, ut iugularium, brachialium, cruralium, truo caVue X hepate prosi


Ferrara in 1547, as in fuit accord Witti previous experiment carrie Ona Canano, admirandus anatomicus V 1 Thus h involvo the nam Ofthat silent an in his oWn egregious tunderand confusion Vesalius, ining tiro, nouto theidea, a horrori Way illi it a base, victous figment of the mari' sancyl 2 Franciscus Valesius 3 Was scath ing Amatus , he suid, ias contrive a novel Oa in re videnti ' hopingi impos On Our credulity V. Eustachius in to addo to the clamor o dissent: Certain ann- tomist O the Jay, to the reat musement fu uti, re inimita that alves exist in thea Zygos at iis terminatio in the vena cava V. In the ceuter of this stor stoo a Portu-gese e Who destre leastis ali ining t harin Cana O. e ad repeatedi mund the valve, and ad exploro iis functio in a beautimi Series of Xperiments probabi inspired by annuo. Foua years later, in the eat os argument,tio hine iis position to the orifice an placed

1 AMATUS LUSITANUS, Curationum medicinalium centuriae VII. Florent. 1551 Curatio ΙΙ, scholia. 2 VΕsALUS, Fabrica, 1555, Lib. III, cap. 4, ast



twelve dissections of human cadaVers an in like number Os demonstrations On animias.


lon V. In 157 Fabricius of Aqua pendent must

doath of tho immutabi silent man f errara. Ludovico Canano die in 1556, aged 1, shorti anor his son' retur lio Rome. ip- polito followe thre years lator. iambattista an his modica cousin Jacobocioine in raisingi thei memor a cenotaph in the sacristry of the church of Si Dominio. I)Tho last two docades o Catiano' lise ere apparenti Spent in publio hestiti servico. Under