Musculorum humani corporis picturata dissectio (Ferrara 1541?) : facsimile edition

발행: 1925년

분량: 107페이지


분류: 미분류


Galenis Puteus, he involies the nam O Cananoas ne of tho mancipate Who sto dolo PDomih genera run of mankiud in his great ofusalto O OWn in crave submission o alen. o honorabi coupte Catiano's a me isti tho two greates in anatomica annals Canunum etiam, in eadem cum alloppio esse sententia, tum

ipse alloppius scribit, tum Canani ipsius quam cum Vesalio saepius habuit familiaritas, tum


eyed chronicior in morenoo, Benedoti Varchian mitti Fracastorius Os Verona.

ilio sacrist of St. Domini are his Wn:



ness, dram Do datos in the life of tho artist thereis no close indicatio of the date oscissu of tho Dis- sectio tha tho follo Wing Whon allopius callo theattentio of Vosatius to tho ac that tho latior ad falle to metitio the palmaris brevis of Canan in his Fabrica Vesalius retortem: Psa-ttiose pictured muscies bosor issuin m Fabrica . f this is nysortis ansWor at ali Vesalius heret, impli es that holi ad See Cariano' Dissectio at a time hen stilli possession of the manu script of the Fabrica hecould avo inserte tho palmaris brevis in his orlilia ho chOSen O O O. As Vesalius complete his Wor Aug. 1, 1542 e mustilace tho Dissecti somes monilis earlier than that date, possibi in the preced-in year. VeSal. Fall. x. 71.-Falloppii Observ. anat. 1562 9 653. The illustrator The illustrations ore repared by Garolato' pupil Girolamo a Carpi ho orked in errara homo 537 to 1548, ainter ani architecto unquestione ability pictorem nostr aeVO non minus diligentem, quam insignem V as Canan affirm S. Serasini regard the lates in tho Catiano book very highly among the Ost artistio anatomica cuia produce Within the centurn , stablishing irolamoas ne O the ablest master o design, imbue asit ore illi the spiritis Leonardo . e reproduced the entire series in his ODOgraph. The thi almost transparent aper sed by the origina printer aspocri adapto toriast the impression 1 thes plates. What Wit off-sois and 4kimped ress-Wor the D


sociive qualit o Girolamo' art suffers Severely. The or of e graving the platos troiam doubilession to somo Otho haud Choulant is in error in attributin them to the amous Venetian DgraVerAgostino de Musi. I seem thalmalle sa in Ge- Aner' copy of the dissectio a manuscriptis te tothe effect that Gesne had received this book in 1543, ab Augustino do Musto erraria mi SSum est . Choulant has confuse de Musi With Agostino Musto Borsetti spolis it Mosti), a member of the literarycircle of errara This usto a tho Diend of Calcagnini, Alciati, Giraldi an Canano It was hewh sent Gesne the book. e re heresore stilli tho dar a to the e gravi g. The particularcopy here reproduce in facsimile a give by a- Dan to his Dion Jacobus onus autograph ntille). Jacobo Antonio Buoni as a fello student

tor episti prefixo to Brasavola' inde to Galen, in hic ho resse a lis of the work of his olidinstructor. II taugh in the Diversit in 1551, Whether medicine or theology, o O Ot noW.

The musculus palmaris brevis as accepte byanatomisis ulnaster long hesitation Galenisis, and


in the portat system are found otii in the loWer animais, no in man. Furthermore his observation a notpublishod unti 1545. t runs thus: Ῥorro autem, ne sanguis qui elaboratur in hepate, interdum re- gurgitet, facti sunt a natura quidam veluti exortua et apophyses membranarum, quae huiuAmodi periculo obsint, quemadmodum corde valvulae ad spiritus conservationem ' Stephanus D dissectione. . PariS, 1545, p. 182 Cana uo' di solosure O multiple valveain humati eius 1545 or earlier may have included Other potuis of incidenco than hos mentione by Vesalius that is o say, more hau the Zygos renat an crura Valves. O Vesalius a reportiti Rconversation hic ha talae piae si X ear belare. Η further ad n great interest in the matter. Cu- uano, OO, Ouid hardi have mund time, in the courseo a consultatiOD, to enter into fulles delati reboarsalo the thin seriatim a impossibie. Th impatienthaught physici an of the emperor may have been a particulari u receptivo auditor that sy. At nyrat his account ear at the ear-mark of a scant abbreviate rocollection. Realdo Colombo in 1559


assent: Ita Canani, veri valvularum inventoris laus

I. B. Susius Wo have been unablerio determine in What a Susius stand relatet to a Dan in histeaching. Sprenge says that tho Aristotelia idea that the Vena cava has it origi in the eari, nottho liver, a reamrmed by Susius in publio lecturesat errara i 1543. SUSIUS, De venis e directo secandis. Cremon. 1559, p. 603. Susius a Dom i-randola and was a pupil O Brasa Vola. ΗΘ SeemS,aceordin to Roth, o have derivo his ideas largelyseo Vesalius, at certai Bologua dissections madein 1539 Roth p. 86, Doto ). Susius rote his Oini 1544 ut it id o appes uriti 15 years later, long after he had uterest the servio of the Princeo Carpi. e obviouslyiadaeen interest in anatomyi the oars 1539-1544, an tio as living ut Ferrara



P. 14.

N. AFFARINI. Sooperte anatomiche di . . Canano Fer. rara, resciani 1809.