장음표시 사용
1 Commentari .... set per anatomi Mundini Bologua,
t demonstratate ille Iuusole of the arm audhand musculos manus cum accuratior Viscerum
houses of the Nigrisoli and Canani mere in good accord Bartolomeo beeOme deepi interested in the reformation o anatomy, reposed ali his hOpes O the anani. Osten id he, in thoirpreSenee, dilate the necessit an utilit in medicine particularly in tho operative arm os a
damental of sound medicine I advis him o goto errara. For the errares physiolans, QOelesti quodam influxu favonte V aro illo est informe mon in tho land the mos diligent, Oo, alon ali lines of natura inquiry. For that rea sono personali have never ono regretted myra Ournis i years amoti them V 15 2 8). ii Wo do not know at wha dato iamballista attaine tho doctora dignity. e followed a deliberate untiasting Ourse. Certa in it is that by the ear 1540 he was a ripo an accompli-shod anatomist. Witti est for his ork in Sacra medica amore , he eighed tho testimonyos Galen against the evidence of hi OWn yes. Η know tho reo an Latin ather of medicine excellently well, o he had inhoriis ario library. The pulling OWu of many tomes, the consulitu of many texis in flee codicos and on in printed age, is implied in his phrase multaque ab antiquis iam prido litterarum monumenti tradita . 2)I 1541 at tho ago of 26 Canan succeeded tonio Maria Canan in the chair of anatomyat errara His insman, in resigning the re-
1 ΑΜΛΤUA LUSITANUS, In Dioscoridi g....enarrationUS.
Vonotiis 1553, p. 374. 2 Candido lectori, at end. Facsimile sol. 4 verso.
ceptoria function, Iost nono Os his ardoia sor the science of the sepulchro , or o find thatho dissecto unti 1553. 1 It is quit in reasonio suggest that Antonio ithdre so tho pur- posse of advancin Giambattista and to that ud,
aves of affection hicli ad origi in in hostat tho center of tho an himself ho devotionos his frien d bospealis his own goodnes of heari, candour of iud dee integrit an constancyt Ward them It an signis no Other hing. Tho rudition os his man was ighly leaven ed, rotriove by a inuin geniality, a Iosing Onesty a re humor both Vesalius an Falloppio reser o his sense Os humor . Canano' friend sat his imo include a number of tho litterati,
both among the olde me lilio Calcamini 1516), and Oungor blados like Agostin Mosti and tho
What ad appened 'It is nown that Vesalius, after finishingliis Fabrica a Padua Augusto 1542 an his
Where so siXt years Leonicenus had aughi thegenti artis textua1 castigation, as, like Paris acity o books. ears later in England Caius re- membere his reWardin visit to the librar of Giambattista Canatio. 1 It tood ut in his
memor a One of the si major private collections in Italy. II also includes in that soleotiis tho librar of Canano' unci Hippolito. SO, ovo in thoi divide stato the codices roughi bac hominungar by the founder of these two librarios appealed to Oh Caius as brave lun-der. The ricoles Estens collections housod in
the Rigobello tomor of tho Castello, the huge librar of Caelio Calcagnini,hicli, after bis death in 1546, sillo fisty-si armari or book-staclis in