장음표시 사용
THIS abrid gement has been ad unde the belles that the interest o Tacitus histor of the re igia o Nero mahesit a sui table subject for schoo reading, an in the ope that suci a book a serve the need of student destringa less Coptous and advan Ced commentar than r. Furneaux' large editio of the AnnalS. The ex is that containe in the secon volume of the large Work, an is maint that o Halin ed. 4 Leiprig, 1883ὶ, rom hicli it varies in places in the direption fretaining Or approachin more Closely to the readings of the Medi ea n S.
In the Introductions and Notes r. Furneaux' Onclusion are care fuit illo ed though occasionali stight verbal alterations are made in his renderings, and of Some passages, est Without comment in the large edition I have inserte explanations o translations here these eemedappropriate to a les advance Work. In the Introductiori on Synta I have ollowed the lines of that gi ven in the abridge edition o An/rat i-iv supplyin illustrations
stom Books xiii xvi sections in hicli I have venture oncertain extension or modifications of the original reat ment
1. V knowledge of the hie facts an dates in the lis os
Tacitus est maint On allusion in his own writ ings and tho se of his rien the ounge Pli ny Who addresses severat et ter tollim an osten spe alis of him in thers. His praenomen is no mentione in his Corresponden Ce, an dis differenti give by later authorities a Gaius o Publius Hissam ii Connexions are unknown ut he would appear o have been the irs of his nam to attain senatoria rank, though of sufficient position to have eguia his iursus honorum at theearli e St, or almos the earli e St, legat age he an hardi have
been bor earlier than 2-54 A. D. an muS have been quae Storno later than 79 A. D. by hicli time e ad also received in marriage the aughter of Agricola, ho a Ri ready a con Sular, an one of the firs mei in the State. His boyhood salis thus unde the timem Nero his assumptiono the toga virilis' ould coincide, ori early so, illi the terribie year o Galba Otho, and Uitellius his early manhood was pentunde Vespasian an Titus ohe prime of his life unde Domitian the memor of whos tyrann is seen in ali his historica writings, whicli,ere Composed a various dates in the great time o Trajan. Most of his lis may be supposed' have been pent in Rome, where e hecame ne of the eader of the Bar, an one of thebest nown iterar nam es of Rome that a strange sit tingnexio him a the games, and findi nihim to e a man o letters, asked hether he was speah in to Tacitus oro Plin L He is surther nown as havin been con Sul suffectus an in that Capacit Colleague illi Nerva in 7 A. D. an as associaled illi Pli ny in the prosecution o Marius Pri Scus, proconsulis Africa, in
I A. D. his is the last fac in his lis definitet known and
there is no eviden e that he ullive Trajan. 2. The Annals more properi entit ted libri ab excessu divi Augusti, compri Sin in sigiee Books the histor o fifty-Muryears stoin the death of Augustus to that os Nero, are the latest in date of his ritings, an are hown by an allusion to the EaSter conquest o Trajan ii I, 2), to have been publishedat Ome date no earlier than II A. D. an probabi besore theretrocession os the aster frontier unde Hadrian in II A. D. The fit si si Books, comprising the principat o Tiberius, reSt ona single manuscript calle the Firs Medi Cean writte probabi in the tentii or eleventi centuta, an no preserve RiFlorence. The ex o Books xiii-xvi, i ven in his volume, is based on a S. known a the econ Medi Cean, hi Ch containsali that we have o Book xi-xvi, esides ali the extant par of the Histori es, with the exception os i 69-73 and i 86 ii I. It is known to have been sent rom Floren ce to Rome in 427 A. D. , but it was horti asterward returne to Floren ce, here it passedio the Convent of St. Mark, and thence to the Laurentian Library, where it stili rem ains Other existing SS. cannot e proved tot of earlier date, an Mare generali regarded a based is nolinthe edicean S it self, at an ratem the fame Source a that Domwhicli it was ahen, hei variation be in ei ther attempte emendations o preserving the right texi in places Where the original letters of
Med. haveae ome illegibi an been reproduce by a lateriand. Mauriati vallabis Io Tacitus. 3. In xiii 7, 3 Tacitus refers to plerique eorum temporum Scriptores. Among tho se hos Uri tingili consul ted was C. Plinius Secundus Pli ny the Elder , ho continue the histor of Aufidius Bassus roin the Oint here it ended, probabi the rei gn i Claudius to the sal of Jerusalem, an also rote a Separate histor o Germany. His authorit is definitet quoted xiii 2o, 3;xv 3, 4; an perhap xiii I, I Contain a reserence to hina, but illi the exception of the Natura Histor his orks are ostio S. Other historians definitet quote are M. Cluvius usus an Fabius Rusticus The former xiii Io, iv I), 'ho