The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류


aster Matthe in thei prope longue. He ted

in Alban, a cit os great Armenia, crucifie thehead downward. S. Theoderus aith that he was flayed anxit is read in many books that he was belleade only. And this contrariet may beassoiled in his manner, that ome a that he was crucised and was ahen down ere e ted an forto have greater torment he was flayed and at thelas belleaded. In the ear of ur ord three hundred and thirty-one Saracens assailed Sicily, and destroyed the iste of Lipari hereas the od of S. Bartholome lieth, and brahe u the sepulchre and


tholomein mine mi that iste. When the paynim saW that thisiod and his sepulchre ere greatly honoured for the miracles that bestii, they had thereos reat despite, an laid them in clom os lead, and threwthem into the ea, and by the wil o God theycam into his iste And when the Saracens ad departe and thrown the bones here and there, and were departe thence, the postle appeared to amon an sal to im Aris up and go and gather together m bones that e departed Andhe sal to im B What reason hali I gather


greeable to the postle that it gliould e in his Theamp, heresere the putrit in another iam an it Li':

lied an evit death. It is in a book read of the miracles of sainis that, certain master hallowed solemni the eas of S. Bartholomew, and the devit in the formis a maid



maSter Where the place Was containing the pace fa oo where had God ad greatest miracte. And hemaid the signis the cross, in Whichood had mademan miracles Andrili faid Nay, it is thehead os a man, in hicli the litile ori is Andthe postle allowed the sentence of that one and of that ther, and thenae demande the thir time: How far it Was seo the fovereign lege or eat in heaven uni the lowest an deel est place of heli. An the master aid that he wis not and hesaidci I no it well, fores feli down fio thaton to that other, anxit belloveth that Icilio it tothee. An the devi fel down into heli illi agrea bruit an howling, and the they sent for theptigrim, an he was vanishe and gone and wayand the could no find him. An in the wisenigh accordin to this is read of S. Andrem. The lessed Ambrose aith thus in the prefacethat he ad of this apostle in abridgingiuis legend Jesu Christ thou has uouchsafe to homo thydiscipies, reaching many things of th divine

Trinit in arvellous manner, and thy majesty, among whom thou has sent the lesse Bartholome honou by right great prerogative in ora far country And o b it that he was ali farfrom human conversation, neverthelessae deserved by the increasing of his predication to mark and

by hat ouings is the marvellous apostle to bellonoured And when the hearis of the eople of his eighbour sussice noto him to receive hisseed, e through-pierced like in fleein in to thelast countries of the and of India, and entered in


O the temple here there a great company of he;ic peopte ithout number, and ad the devi sol ianui that he gat no remembrance to them that thoiomeis adore hina, and the maid that was lunati by orment of the devit he id unbind an deliveredher at whole to e fallier. Oh ho great wasthi miracle of holiness, he he ad the fiend, enem to the lineage human, o breali an destroyliis own idol, and o bring trio nought. Oh, homaeorth is e to e numbere to the eavenlycompany o hom the ange appeared, o pratsetheriaith of him by his miracles, and came Domthe fovereignaal and showed torali the eopte thelevi chained, and right foul, and the sign of the ros impresse in the stone bearin health. An the in and the queen ere baptiZed, illi ' people of thei cities. An a the last thetyrant rother of Polemius, ne in Diti by the relatio of the bishops of the temple, made theblessed apostle, constant in the faith, to e beaten, flayed, and receive right seu death. And as hedenounced the mischie of death, he had an bare withaim, in to the glor of heaven, victor of his glorious strisse. An the lesse Theodore, abbo an nobledoctor, aith of this postle in his manne amongother hings. The lesse apostle Bartholomewpreache firs in Licaonia, and after in India, andat thecias in Alban, a cit os great Armenia, and there e was rst Jayed an asterwar his eadsmitte off, and there he was buried And whenhe was sent of our ordo preach, as I suppose, he ear ho our ord sal to im Go, mydisciple, o preach void out of this country, and go figli andae capax os perils I have frs accomptished an finished the work of myriather, and



festi, and suffer that which he had sustered, et thine armour e debonairi in thy weatings, and suffersWeetly among miched eoplerandae patient among them that peristi thee. And the postle recollednot but as a true servant and obeissant totis master

in darknes the work of hol church like a theblessed S. Austin linesseth in his book that, lihea ille o Jesu Christ, e profiteth in spiritualtilling. S. eter the postle aught the nation8, but S. Bartholome did reat miracles. Peter Was crucified the ea downward, and Bartholo- meo a flayed quich, and ad his ead mittenoff. And the twain increased greatly the church

har giveth a right weet ound of many strings, in the wise at the postles ave meet melod of the unit divine and were stablished by the kingo hings. And they departe among them ali theworid, and the place of Armenia a the place of BartholomeW, that is fron Ejulath unt Gabaoth. There thou mayst se him, illi the plough of his longue, ear the eld unreasonable sowin in thedeepnes of the hear the word of the faith, and in planting the vines of our ord an trees of paradise Andrio very ach settin medicinalty the

yielde the tyrant to thei curates They gaveto him dishonou for honour, cursin se benediction, ain for ists, tribulatio for est, and right


Bussered many tormenis, he was of them discoriate The

es used thei medicine and heater, the cit refused ii that enlumine thei blindness, governed themhat were in perit, an gave life to them that were

he threw the ody into the se in a ches of lead, in that hest came frona the region o Armenia vitii the chesis of Our ther martyrs for they didiis miracles and were thrown illi hi into the ea. And the four mentie re a great pace of the

ea, and did service to the postles like a servants a manner, o far that the came into the paris,s Sicil in an iste that is ante Lipari, lihe as



iste, and was loci much grievous becauserit received fire the whicli mountain Was illidrawn by the merit of this holy ain from that iste even miles, without to e seen o any Ody, and was sus pended toward the ea. And et appeareth it at this dant them that se it, scit ere a figureos fir fleeing away. Now then, heres ore, I salute thee, BartholomeW, blessed of blessed sainis, hich

enjoy the in the gladnes of o insatiabie. Amen. And this is that Theodore aith of him. Here follo eth the se of S. Austis, or Augustine,

Doctor, anis,st the expositis of his name. Austin, his name a sorte to in se theexcellen ce of his dignity, o for the fervent ovethat he had, o for the expositio of his anae. For thoe Xcellence of his dignity for like asthe emperor Augustus precelle ait ther ings, right so he excelle ait ther doctors, after that Remigius satilici The ther doctor be comparedio tars and this to the sun. Ascit appeareth in


i episti that is ungi him : He hineth in the The inple of God like to the sun shining Se condiy Lis Os the fervent love for like a the monti, o E AVβtin, Lugus is ot by heat, socis he enchau sed of ther of the divine love, heres ore e salth himself the book of Confessions Thou has throughterced, heari With thy charity. Also in the

Γ as, increasing the cit fovereign. An it is an of him: his is e that may et increaseae cit o God Orci is sal in the glossar :Lusti is sat great, tessed, and clear he Wasreat in his life clear in his doctrine, and tessedglory. Possidonius, bishorio Calamente, comite his life a Cassiodore aith in the book of

ille men.

V S. Austis, Doctor and Lishop. S. Austin the oble doctor a bor in Africa

the cit o Carthage, and was come o nobi eindred. An his athe was anted atric andis mothermonica. He was sussicienti instructedi the aris liberal, so that he was repute for

afficient philosophe and a right nobi doctor, fore learned alii himself, without master in readingae book of Aristolle and ait ther that he mightnd of aris liberal Andis understood them, as himself,itnesseth in the book of Confessions,



Lis os liberat, then, I, most retche servant of allS A 'tin, ovetiges, read them ali by myset alone, and under-stood ali them thates might read, and ali them fili crastis speahin and of devising at them os division o figures, o music and of numbers. Iread anfunderstoo them ithout great dissiculty, and without leachin o any man, his nowest thou myior God For the hastines of mineunderstandin and the is of earnin is of thee only, and cometh of th name, ut I have notsacrifice to the ineres ore, and theres ore sciencewithout charit edifieth not, ut swelleth in theerror of anicheans, Whicli affirm that Jesu ChristWas fantastic, and reny the resurrectio of the festi. And in the fame error Austi fell, andabode therein ine ears, While he was an adolescent, and was brought to belleve the russes and japes nat a that the g ree eepetit,hen his fg o leaves e taken way And when e Wasnineleen ear o age, he egan to rea in thebook of philosophy, in hich e Was augiit se

despis the vanities of the worid. And ecaus that book leased hi meli, he egan to b sorry that the nam o Jesu Christ, hici he haclearned of his mollier, a no therein And hi mothe weptist, an enforce her much o brin him to the verit of the faith. An ascit is rea in the book of Confessions