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Worid, and it a no endure three our long The An it appeareth that this eclipse ook way ali V2' the light by that hicli S. Luke aith that, Our Lor suffered in ali his members and ecausethat the eclipse a in Heliopolis, in Egypt andRome an in Greece And Orosius aith that itWas in Greece, and in the end of Asia the less, and
that day Do the sigili hou unt the ninthiour, the sun lost his sight throughout at the and of the universat worid. And in inmnight ahere asno star Seen in ali gypt and this remembereth Denis to Apollophanes, saying in his episti : Theworld was dar commonlyis obscurityis darkness, an after the ni diameter returned purged, and when he had found that the sun might no suffer
mystery of this hin by our conning and wi8dom. And O Apollophanes, mirror of doctrine, hat
attribute and ut them to the a to a mouili divine, an no a to understandin ne speech
human. o hom e said O good Denis, these e the mutations os divine things, and in theen it is signifie ali long the da and the earo the annunciatio that Paul ur Doctor sal toour deas ars, and by the signf that ali me cried, whicli I remembered Phave found the ver truthaniam delivered from the least os falseness. Thesebe the word of Denis that he wrote in his episti toPolycarp, an to Apollophanes, sayinget e were,
unt even8on time, at the diameter of the sunestablished above ali natura ordinance, that eclipse e saWaegin in the eas and coming unt the termo the sun. Aster that returning again, an notpurged of that delauit, ut a made Contraryafter the diameter Then Denis and Apollophanes
wen to Heliopolis in gypt by destre to earn
astronomy. An after, Denis returne again.
That the aid eclipse ook4Way the light froni the universa paris of the worid, it appeareth that Eusebius Witnesseth in his chronicies, hicli salththat he hath read in the dictes of the Ethnicians that there Was in Bithynia, hicli is a province of Asia the ess, a great earth shahing, and also the greates darknes that mightae, an also aith that in Nicene, hicli is a cit o Bithynia, that theearth remblin thre down ouses Andrit is rea in Scholastica Historia that the philosophersWere brought to this that the sal that TheGod o nature suffered death, or eis the ordinanceo natur in his orld was dissolved, o that theelement lived, o the God o nature suffered, and
the elements ad pit on him. Andri is sal in another place that Denis salth: his night signified that the neW very light of the world should come. And the of Athens ad unt this God an altar, and et his ille thereupon: his is thealtar of the God unknown. An on very altar of their god the ille a se above in hoWin toWho that altar a dedicated, and when the Athenian wωild ake thei sacrifice unt this
unknown be auge his conversation is in heaven.
there assed by adventure by that way a lindma tofore them, and anon Denis sal totavi: filio say to this lin man in the nam O thyGod See, and then e seeth, I hali non belleve in him, ut thou hali se no Ord of
S. Denis Paul gata I sitas rite tofore the for of the
words, hicli e these: In the nam os esu Christ, or of the virgin crucified and ead, whicli aros again and ascended into heaven, and seo thence hali come foro judg the worid: See. An because that ali suspicion e ahenaway, aul aid tomenis that he himself ghould
pronounc the ords. And when Denis had saidthos Word in the fame manne to the lind man, anon the lin man recovered his sight. Andthen Denis a baptized an Damaris his iis and ali his meiny, and was a true christia manand was instructe and aught y . aut three years, and was ordaine bisho of Athens, and there as in predication, an converted that ity, and great par of the region to christian aith.
like as . Denis aith and showeth in diversplaces, hereos e speaheth so clearly of the hierarchies of angeis, and of the orders and of the disposition an ossices of them so that it is no supposed that he learnedis an other, but onlyo hi that was avished into the thir heaven, and ad seen ali hings. He ourished by the spiritis prophec like scit appeareth in an epistiethat he sent to Jolin the Evangelist, in the iste of
prophesied that he should come again, saying thus: Enjo thou verit beloved very onderfui an tobe destred right wel beloved thou hali e letout froni the eeping that thou has in Patmos, and shali retur utito the and of Asia, and thoushal mahe there the following of thy good God,
THE GOLDEN LEGEND 23 and the good ork of him, and shali delive Thethem to them that hali come aster thee. And a 9'20 it is seen and showed in the book of the ames divine, he was a the dying of the lessed VirginΜary And when e eard that Peter and Paul ere imprisone a Rome unde Nero, heordaine a bisho unde him, an cam for tovisit them And when the were martyre and passed to God, and Clement Was et in the se of Rome, after a certain time he was sent of the aid Clement into France, an he had in his company Rusticus and Eleutherius, and then e came illi them to Paris and converte there muchiseopte tolli faith, and did do mahe many churches, and set in them clerk of divers orders. An then estione by o reat heavent grace that, he the
moved Domitian the emperor in o reat crueitythat he made a commandment that ho8omevermight in an christia man, that he should constrat them to do sacrisficem torment them bydivers torments. An then e sent the provost Fescennius o Rome to aris against the christianmen Andriound there the lessed Denis reaching, and made him crueli tot beaten bespi and despised, and fas to e bounde mitti Rusticus and Eleutherius, an to e brought tofore im:
excited by great unger an famine by long
An after that he was ast into a furnace of ire, and the re non quenched, and he had nettherpat ne harm. An after that he was putin thecro88, and thereon e a long tormented, and after, he was ahen down and ut into a darkprison illi his fellows an many other christian
great with me Aster his the were presented totheciud ge and were ut again to ne torment8,
and then e id do mite os the ead of the three fellows that is o say, Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius, in confessing the nam of the olyTrinity. An this a done by the temple of Mercury, and the weres belleades ,ith three
place here e no resteth, by his election, and by the purveyance of God. An there acheardso great and weet a melod os angel that many of them that heard it belleve iniuriord AndLaertia, isse of the foresaid provos Lubrius, aid that he was christian, and anon he was eheadedo the wicked felons, and was baptized in her blood, and so died. An Virbius his son, hicli as a'night at
Rome unde three emperors, came asterWard o
Paris and was baptized, and ut inisel in thenumber of the religious And the wiche paynims doubted that the good christia men ould burythe od o Rusticus and Eleutherius, an commanded that the should e cast into the riverSeine. And a nobie oman ad them to inethat are them, and whils the dined this adytook Way the odies an burie them secretiyin a ield of hers, an after, hen the persecutionWas eased, he ook them thence, and lai them honourably illi the od os . Denis Andthe suffere death bout the ear of ur ordfour score an siXteen, unde Domitian Theyears of the age of S. Denis four cor and ten. O a time hen Regulus the oly bisho san mas at Artes, an reliearsed the ames of the apostles in the canon, he adde and oinediheret the lesse martyr Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius, hich so aid, an supposed thatthey et lived, and marvelled whyae so reliearsed their ames in the canon. An the so ondering there appeared pon the cros of the altar
in an episti Whicli e sent to Charies that this Denis that Was sent into France Was Denis Areopagite a afore is aid, and the fame salthJohannes Scotus in an episti to Charies, es by the reason of the counting of the time liould besaid against a some ould object About theyear of ou Lord eight hundred and thirty-two, in the time of Louis, hingi France, the messengersos ichael, emperor o Constantinople, mongother hings, brought totouis, son o Charies e Grand the book of S. Denis of the ierarch of the angeis translate out o Gree into Latin and were received With great joy, and that fame night mere nineleen sic men healed in his hurch. About the ear of ur ord si hundre and forty-three, lihe scit is contained in a chronicie, Dagobert, in os France, hicli reigne longtofore epin, egan to have rom his hildhood great reverence tora. Denis for hen e doubted in that time the ire of his ather Clothair, he sed anon to the church os . Denis And when his hol hin was ead, it Was howed in a visionunt a holy ma that the ou of him a ravishedio judgment, and that many aint accused imthat he had despolle thei churches. An asthe wiched angels ould have ad in to thepains, theatessed Denis came thither, and by himhe was delivere at his coming, and scaped frona
the ains, an peradventur the ou returnen to
that e by thei meriis may amen ourselves in this ,retched iis, that Me may after aliis life come into his sempiternatalis in heaven Amen. Here folio eth of S. Calixius, an Ps of his name. Calixtus is at o caleo, cales that is O say, eschausse or ahe warm. For he was ot and burning firs in the love o God, and after, he was hol and burning in gettin and purchasing ouis, and thirmy, he was ot in destroying the false idols, and also in homing the pain for in. γ S. Calixius. Calixtus the ope a martyred the ear ofour Lor two hundred and wenty-tWo, under AleXander the emperor Ancti the work of thesaid emperor the mos apparent par of Omemas then burn by vengeance of God, and thelest arm of the do Jupiter, hicli as o fine gold was mollen. An then ali the riesis of the idols en to the empero Alexander, and require hina that the od that ere angry might be appeased by sacrifices. An a the sacriscedon a Thursda by the orn the air ein aliclear, seu of the riesis of the dot were mittento eath illi ne strok of thunder An thealtar of Jupiter a burni, so that at the eopte fled ut of the walis of Rome And when Palmatius, consul, ne that Calixtus illi his
Palmatius as feard, and showed his unio AleXander An then the emperor commandeltha the ednesda ali the eopte hoes assembleand sacrifice to ercvry that the might havean8wer po these hings. An a the sacris ced, a maid of the temple, hicli a nante Juliana, Was avishe of the devit, an began to cry Thegod of Calixtus is ver true and living, hicli is wroth and hath indignatio of ur ordures Andwhen almatius eard that he went ver Tiberunt the cit os Ravenna unio S. Calixtus, and was baptized of him, he his isse, an ali his meiny. An When the emperor eard that hedid do cal him, and delivere him to Simplician,
senator, o to arn and reat in by fair ords, because he was much prositable for the commune. And Palmatius persevered in fastings and in prayer8. The came to im a man whicli
promisexto him that i he heale his isse, hichhad the palsy that he would belleve in God anon. And when Palmatius had adore an prayed the
and an o Palmatius saying Baptire me in thenam o Jesu Christ, hich hath alien me by theliand and lis ted me up. The came aliXtus and baptigedae an he hvsband, and Simplicia and