The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류


there serve ourior in much great abstinence. And was of much great an good renome unio

at the eople, and ted a right hol life and good,

and was called brother Pelagien Aster, a deacon of the fame bisho thalaad baptized her, en to Jerusalem orno visit there the hol places Thenthat istio said o him that, after the visitation fili hol places e liould see a mon that Wasnamed Pelagien, and that he hould visit hini, forhe hould in there the true servant of uri ord, and soae did. And non he ne him, ut he

out of the celi, the found that he was a Oman.


ourior two hundred and four score. Here follo eth of S. Margaret, aid Pelagien, and ,rs of her name. This virgin argaret ad Wain ames; hewas called argaret and Pelagien Insomuch assile a named argaret, hecis alway likened to floruer, for he had in her, flower of her virginity. Andri that he was calle Pelagien, he might besaidis pena, ain, and lego, legis, o gather. Forsite athered ain in many manners in the religion here he ut hersei as a man for to heemto Godher virginity. Os S. Margaret, thermas Pelamen. Margaret, therWis calle Pelagien was a right nobi virgin, right ricli and right seir, and wasmuch nobi hept by the diligence of he friend s.

For he was instructe in good manners, and shewas ententive to kee chastity, and honest in suchwis that he refuse to e seen o ali me in nymanner. An a the ast he was require tomarriage of a noble oung man, and by the accordo one and ther of ach other' friends, at things necessar to the edding ere made ready and

great nobiesse tofore the chamber, and the fathersand the mollier made great eas for the marriage


with great joy the virgin was inspiredis God that he Lilatheciam age of her virginit mas brought by so great I*

sore meeping, and egan to thin in heraear therecompense of her virginity, and the sorrows that

thereby, of nun was ead by consent of the abbo and of the ancient men, he a se to emaster of the abbe of nuns, hoWbei that sheres used ii strongly And as he administered notonly thei necessaries ut also ood to the oui

continualty ithout lame, the devit ad enu ofher, and thought he might occup her good timeb sonae objectionis sin And a virgin hichwas welling ithout the gales ad inned inlecher by the intimatio of the devit, and whenher bellParose so that he might not id it all

no What o do, an supposed verit that Pelagien, Whicli a provost, an also familiar illi thewoman, ad done his deed, and o condemnedhim ithout judgment. An thenae a pulluland wis no Why, and was closed in assit,ithin aroch. And thenae that was mos cruelis at themouhs, as ordained foro minister im, hicli serve him illi barte brea and water, and that


have howed thates have the virtve of a man, and have virtve of the in hicli as ut o me, innocent thereos have done the penance, ther fore I require ou forasmuch a I am notonows foris oman that the oly sister may bur me so that the demonstrance of me dying may be th cleansin os, living, and that the omen a

Here follime, of S. Thais o Thaisis, an frat

Thais is aid o taphos that is to a death, seshe was cause of the death of many that died folle in in Or hecis sal of thalos that is o sae


delight for he was delictous omen, and accom The Lila

great penance.

O S. Thaisis.

Thaisis, ascit is read in Vitas Patrum, as a common oman, and of so grea beaut that many followed her, and sold ali thei substance, that theycame uni the ulterest overty. An the that were e lovers fought for her, and trove serjealousy, so that the otherWhile te each other,

is illii a place herem man entereth, and thereshalliso an se us ut God, and i thou dreadhim here is no place that a b hid froni him. And when the oldian heard that he sal to her: And nowest thou that there is a God Andshe answered: Ianow that there is a God, and a



burnicit, he wen to the place hicli the abbothad assignexto her And there as a monastery


and foui ordures, ut look oni toward the east an say of of these Words: Qui plasmasti me, miserere mei, Lord that hasti forme me, have merc in me And when he had been there three ear closed the abbotlafuntius rememberedand sorrowed, and wen to the abbo Anthon forto require of him i God had sergive herae sing. And the cause told, S. Anthon called his discipies an commandes them that the should ali akethat night and te in prayer so that God should

vision, and the had novin the willis God theabbo Palantius departe with great o and wentanon to the monaster Where he was, and opened



liave madem ali, sin a sum, and have et themto remine eyes, and like a the reatli depariethno fro the mouth and the nostriis, o the ins departe neve seo mine eyes, ut always have

Here follo eth the Lis of S. Denis, and frat


Diana that is Venus, the oddes o beauty, and Theo stos that is to a God, as inlio aith, hecis seir U' to God or a sonae say hecis aidis Dionisia that is, after Isidore, a rectous stone lach, hicli isgood against drunkenness. He Was hast in fleeing the world by perfeci renunciation. Hewas lift up by contemplation of things withinforth, he was Dir o God by beaut o virtues.

He profited to inners against drunkennes of vices, and he had many names tofore his conversion, forhe a calle Areopagita, for the street that hedwelled in He was calle Theosophus, that isto say is to God Also of the wis me of Greece, hecis aid unt this da Pierigiontuurani, that is o say the wing of heaven for e flewmarvellousi With the wing o spirituat understand- in into heaven. Also e was sat Macarius, that is, tessed Also he was aid of his countryIonicus Ionica, as aith Papias, is ne of the

marvellous rhetoricia by eloquence, a sustainerand a bearer u of the churchi doctrine, hortato

himself by humility, and long to thersa charity. S. Austi faith in the eighth book of the Cit os God that Ionique is a Lindi philosophers, Italian, whicli e toward Italy, and Ionian whichrae of

the paris of Greece, and ecause that Denis asa fovereign philosopher eoas name Ionicus.

And ethodius o Constantinopi indite his life



The and his passion in Greehisti longue, and Anastasius in Lases Latin which was a writer of the Bible of the churchη ' o Rome, as Hincmar bishomo Rheims, aith. γ S. Denis. S. Denis Areopagite a converted to the faitho Jesu Chris of S. Paul the postle. And hewas called Areopagite of the street that helawelledin. An in that street called Areopage a thetemple o Mars for they of Athens amed everystreet of the od that the worshippe in the fame, and that treet that the worshipped in thego Mars, the calle Areopage, sorore is tosay ars, and pagus is a street, and where theyworshipped an the named Panopage, and so fallither streets. Areopage was the mos eXcellent street, ecause that the obtemen hauntexit, and therein ere the scholars of the aris liberal, and

Denis dwelled in that street, hicli as a right great philosopher And forasmuch a the plantos isdom of the deity was in him he was called Theosophus, that is o say, knowin God Andone Apollophanes as his sello in philosophy. There ere also Epicureans, hich said that ais

felicit of man was in oni delight of the body. An Stoics, hici held opinio that it Was in theoni virtve of courage. And then o the day of the passion o ou Lord When darknes Was ponthe universa World the philosopher that e re at Athens could no find in cause natural the cause of that darkness. And it a no naturas eclipse, for the oon was then rom the sun and was fifteen day old, and so was in a perfeci distance Domiti sun and evertheles an eclipse takethno inway the light in the universa paris of the