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thin appertaineth to me for o hear. And this olyra. Francis ould neverae moremaster ne governor, ut he ouldae more subjeci, ne so illingi command as obey. An there rehe est for tot generat, and demande tot under the warden, o hose ill e tways submitted
himself in ali hings. He promise always obedience to the friar illi ho he went, and hept t. When a friar ad done omething against theruleis obedience, and had signis penance, yet his hol S. Francis for to ea others, command ed tocas the hood of him into the ire, and when i hadbee a hil in the ire, he commande to ahe it ut and give it again to the friar, and the hood
vas ahen ut of the ire Withou huri. He en o a time by the moras of Venice
and found there a great multitude os bird singing, andae sal to his fellowM: Our sisters, these birds,give laud to their aher, et usa in the iddie
his coat, an non of them rose ut rom his
place ill e gave to them leave that the flewtogether.
And a this hol man S. Francis assed through Apulia, he found in his Way a urse ut o money, and when his fello sa it the would have alienit for o have ive it to the oor eople, ut he
There as a friar grievousi tempted, and hebegan to thinh that i he had anythin writtenwith the hand of thei fallie S. Francis, that that temptation hould e chased way non, ut edurs in no is discove this thing. O a time S. Francis calle him an said Son, bring tome archment an inh, fores,ill write omethingpraising o God And when he had writte hesaid Tahe his charte an kee it uni the day of th death diligently, and anon ali his temptationWent aWay And the fame friar, hen S. Francista sich, egan to thinta Our Father approacheththe death, and might have, after his death, his coat Iciliouldae greatly comforted And after this the aint calle him an said Pgive to theethi m coat i thou have thereio, after mydeath, lain right. He was lod ged on a time in Alexandria, in Lonabardy, With an honest man, whicli demanded him, is for the observance of thegospe he hould eat os ali that hicli as et tofore im, and e consente to the devotionis the host; and then the hos did do mahe ready a
capon o Seven ear old, and a the at there came an untrue man whicli demanded alnas for thelove of God, and non hen his tessed manheard that tessed name, he sent' him a member of the capon, and the cursed man epicit Ando the or When the oly man reached heshowed that iece of the capon, and aid Lolse here hat flesli his friar ateth hom e
to his good thought the flesti returned again to hisownain and form. O a time a he sat at the table, and collationwas ad of the overt of the lessed Virgin
gave ealth to an sic men He converted the water into ine, of hicli a sic man noniaste and received non health, and also id many the miracles And when his ast aysapproached, andae a grieved by long infirmit ;then e made imself to e laid pon the areground an did do calicii the friars that erethere, and when the were ali present e lessed them And like astur Lord sed his discipies at
sout in the anne os a star like to the oon inquantity, and to the sun in clearnes8. There as a friar named Augustin, hicli Wasminister and servant in the labour of the arth,
to the lessed Francis led, and the cierks and priesis ere at the te foro sing the exequies of her. he rose u sud dent off the ier, and called ne of the priest that were there and 8aid: Father, I ould conses me I as dead, and should have been ut in a cruei prison, ecause Ilia no stirive me of a sin that I hal say, butS. Francis prayed for me that this confessed and showedo hal have orgiveness, and non a Ishal have sal and confesse it to theeo hali
The friars of Viterbo ould have borrowe acartis a man, and he answered in despite : Phadliefer se tw of ou layed illi S. Francis han should end o m cari, ut e came again tollimself and reproved himself, and repented him filio 'lam that he had sald, and doubted the ire
an at the ast e brought me uni a right fair green, an after sal to me Return to thy ather, ruit no longe hol thee. There a a Gorman which Wed unt a certain ricli man aquantit os money, and prayed im for the loveo S. Francis, he would prolong the term fpayment. o hom he answere proud ly Ishali set the in suci a place that either Francisne non other hali et thee. An anon heloo an bound him, and et hi in a arti prison, and non after, S. Francis came thitherandirahe u the prison, and loosed his bonds and brought the an ali asely to his own ouse. There a a night hicli detracte the works and miracles of S. Francis, and on a time a he
os oodnes and crueiness, aid to them that stood by him: I S. Francis e a saint, et comeeighteen o the dice, and non came in three dice in ach of them siX, an socii appeared nine
h could no moverit, and ried to S. Francisthus, saying Hel me S. Francis, remember the of the devotion and of the service that Phavedone to thee, for I carrie thee pon mine a8s,
therewith the place of his ain, and the postumebrahe, and e received non fuit ealth, ut thesig of hau abode tway in the fame place. With that sign S. Francis as Won alWay to signa is letters. There mas a maid whichlawelled in the mountains of Apulia in a casile, an her ather and mollier ne ad ut ni this augiiter, and hedied, and her mollier a much devout toWard S. Francis, ut then he was ut of heaviness, and S. Francis appeare to her an said: eepno more, for the light of th lanter is quenched, and it appertaineth no thates ield her again tothee by th prayer. ut et the mollier ad assiance an trus in the aint, and would notsuffer o bear Way the ody, ut in calling S. Francis, he oo her daughter that was dead andraised her u alive and whole. There a a
S. Francis for help, an he was non restoredi liis. In the cit of Suessa, it happed that alious fel and te a child, and when the hadput the corpse in a Chest foro bury the mollier
calle o S. Francis illi ali her devotion, and
vesset illi the friars hicli ere et aland, and he hasted so ore after o go ut ecause hewas last, and the hi recolled backWar into the water, o that he fel down into the deepes of the Bood, and then ali the friar prayed S. Francis for hini, an he himself, as e might with like devotion, calle the oly aint uni his id and help, in his heari, and that fame friar egan to go in the otioni of the water, a dry a he had goneo the earth, and Caught the boat, hicli asdrowned, and rought it to the anh, and cameu Without etting of his lothes that he ware, ne neve dro os mater ouched his coat ne et nothing on him. Then et u devovit pra this hol fallier, S. Francis, to e ur succour and aid in ur adversities and periis, an help, thatb his meriis e may after his hori life come into evertastinclis in heaven. Amen.
Here follo elythe se of S. Pelagienne and frat
in like is abounde sit in the se of this orido ali riches, and of delices. he was the se of iniquit and the flood of sins, ut he lungedaster into the se of ears, and washed her in the fiood os baptism. γ S. Pelagienne. Pelagienne a the foremos an nobies of the womenis Antioch, ullis riches in ali hings he
ambition that there a nothin see o her butgold an silver an precious stones, and Ver allWhereas he went he fille the air illi diversodours and weet melis, and tofore and after herwent a great multitude of Oun me and maidens, whicli,ere also clad illi right oble esture and
on me, Sinner, the adornment an arra os ne
thus saying To the oly bisho of Jesu Christ, Pelagienne disciple of the devit, etc. I thou artverily the disciple of Jesu Christ the whicli, a Iliave eard aid, descended rom heaven for the
deceived many b decetis hich now alles abhor. The the bisho demande her, saying What is thymamel Sh saidci I have been called rommybirili Pelagienne, ut for the poni o my lothingmen ali me argaret. The thetistio received her benigniy, and enjoinexto her healthlalienance, and informed her in the readis God diligently, and regenerate her' holy baptism. The devitthen ried there, saying O What violence I suffer of this id servant of God. O violence, O vilold age, accursed e the da in hicli thou eri