장음표시 사용
liear in the church that whicli ou Lord sal tollis discipies hen in sent them to preach, and
coat, and too a cord for his girdle He went ona time in a no by a ood, and was ahen bythieves, and the demande him What he was, and e said that he was the messenge of God, and anon the too him an castaim in the noW, sayin to im ii there thou villain messenger
equit an right. And when he had sat so to
O an aster da the friar Gree that erein desert had laid thei table more curiousty than in another time, an had made ready theglasses and et them o the board. And when S. Francis sa that heu non illidre him, and et o his ead the at of a oor manuphicli mas here, an bare his staff in his and, and went ut and abod a the gate. And whenthe friar ate a dinner, he rie at the doo that
He loved overt in himself an in allisthers,so that he tways called overt his ady, ut
than in me. When o a time a oor man assed tofore him,
and anon they vanished aWay and weremo more Seen.
the deviis malain Jo and were glad. The hecalled his fello named Silvester, and said o him: G to the gate of the cit and command to thesedeviis in God' name, that is Almighty that theygo ut of the city. The he went hastil and crie strongly All e deviis depar hom encein the nam o God an by the commandment of Francis urinather. An the went Way, and
then the citigens non ecam to accord.
The foresai Sylvester hen he was et a secular pries sa in his fleel a goiden cros issueout of the mouth of S. Francis, of the whicli theover end ouched heaven and the arnis of thecros stretche forti frona that ne to that other
par of the worid. The this priest ad compunctio and est the worid, and followed perfectly
daughters, and wo thy sons, and the ther Wain, that one thy chamberer, and that ther thy variet Oraeoman hast the and lothe them for theyali die se coid, and is thyausines that thou hastabout themarteve the fore, then serve uri ord
the excesses, ut I an remember me of none
offences that Phave done but by the mercyis God
O a time, as he was in his prayers, he Samuponthe covering of thelous assemblies and companies
Was on a time ravished, and 8a in spirit theglorious place in heaven, heret he 8aW amongother 8eais, a right nobie eat, hining of more oble
greates of al sinners. And anon the spirit came into the hear of the friar and said Behol What was the visio that thou sawest for humilit shalllistis the mos meeli an uni the seat os by
This hol man S. Francis sa in a vision bove The Lilahim, Seraphin crucised the whicli emprinte in o S. him the signs of his crucifying that hina seeme ncis that he was crucifled, and that in his ands, his feet, and in his fide, hina seemed were the signifthe wound of the crucifying, buta di hide thesetokens a much ache might thatio an should see them And et nevertheles some a them in his life and at his death the were een O many, and were howed by many miracles that those signa ere rue of hicli miracles Wain hallsussice foro be set here There a a manname Rogier, and was in Apulia tofore the mage of S. Francis, and began to thin and say Μaythisi true that this man was o ennobled by such miracle, oroas his an illusion or an inventiondissimuled of his rethren the friar Anxas hethought this, he heard suddent a found like a a
bow, and e fel him rievousl hur in his est hand, ut there appeared no hur in his love, and thenae ook of his glove, and sa in the palm os his hand a wound asci ha been o an arro , ut of hicli mound there issue so great pat os achean burning that almost e die for sorrow and pain And thenae repented him, an said that hebetieved right verit the signs and tokens of S. Francis and when he had prayed by two daysS. Francis by his hol signs an stigmata, heinas non delivere of his ain and made all
take Way the word rom his throat, and anon in the sight of them at the word pran out astar Sichad been throw of a strong champion, and anon the an rose perfecti Whole, an sal that S. Francis came to him and sine his stigmatas tomy ounds, and anointed them illi the weetness
Was long contention etween the who houldfirs ansWer, and humilit overcam Francis that hewould not speah tofore that ther, and the S.
it, an Iciliat neve suffero mysso e that everti
great simplicit admonished and warned ali creaturest Iove thei creator He reached to bird and was heard of them, the sufferediim toriouch them, and without licenc the would no retur ne ees rom him. Andis a time lienae preached theswallows chittere an sang, and anona his commandment the were stili There as also on a
m sister an prais thyiord, and then non hesang, an departe notulit he had licence. He spare to ouch lighis lamps, and candies, because he would no desile them illi his hands. He went honourablympo the tones for the worshipo him that was calle Sione. He athered thesmali orm out of the way ecause the should noti trodden illi the feet of them that passed by He commande in inter o give honey unto bees that the should not peristi oratinger Hecalle allieast his brethren He a replenishedo mar vellous o for the love of his Creator He
wil that m simple rethren have par in my
aa THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe Lila whicli that one came Dominis hea to his stet, and
O a time, as S. Francis mas sic o his yesse continual eeping, his rethren aid to imthat he hould refrain him froni eeping, an heansmeres: The visitatio of the light perdurabie is no to e ut Way for the light that, havehere illi the sies. And when his rethren constrained hi to take a medicine or his yes, and the surgeon et a burning ron in his hand theblesse Francis aid Μ brother re, e thou tome in his ou debonai and curabie: prayto ur Lor that ad thee, that thou attempermnlieat. And thenae made the signis the rossagainst the re, and the ser iron as ut in his tender flesti fron his ea unio his yelids, and hesel no ain. He was strongi sic in the desert of S. Urban, and whenae fel that natur Diled in himae asked for tolarin Wine, and there a none. An theybrought to him ater, and e lesse it an madethe signis the ros thereon, and it a converted