Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


LANDRETH. H. F. sl 9J3) Orientation and bellavior of the ratilesnake, Crotalus atrox. Pelia


PLUM MER, M. V. 9 CONGDON, J. D. l 994) Radiotelemetric study of activi ty and movements of racers Coluber constrictor) associated with a Carolina Bay in Solatii Carolina. Cooeia


Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 46 2). m. I. III, 2000





Prodorsum Rostrum rounded. rostrat Selae arising laterat ly. Smooth, extending beyond lip of rostrum and a litile s horter than distance belween their bases. Lamellar setae inserted a stiori distance mediat ly to the anterior end of the lamellae Fig. 3). subequat in tength to ro, and about l. 8times shorter than distance belween their bases. Interlamellar Selae also smooth, as long as rostraland lamellar setae, hut stightly thicker than the former. Lamellae relatively long reaching Dona thebothridial region Over half the prodorsum. In their whole tength they cover the laterat si des of the prodorsum. Sensillus hending toward postero laterat direction. bearing a lanceolate head , whicli hasone arched margin, the other heing almost straight Figs 3 ): the proximal part the capitulum set with harbs and having an acuminate tip. Bothridium directed anterolaterad, iis posterior pari con- cealed under anterior margin Of notogaster. Notogaster Shape os notogaster elongate ovat, the ratio os notogastrat longili to wid th sexcluding pteromorphae) heing l.46. The anterior margin is weakly arched mediat ly. Whole sursaceos notogas ter and prodorsum couered with very smali irregularly Scattered granules. Four patrS ofareae porosae relatively smali and rounded. area porosa A3 localed belween notogaStrat Selae VI I. Lyri fissure ina fairly long aligned nearly transversely and Siluated antero lateralty to area porosa AI. A number of light spois arran ged mediat ly to area porosa Acr. Ten patrs of shori and sine notogastrat fetae present. Numerous sigillae scattered along laterat margin of notogaster. Ptero morphaes mali. curved downward and movable on base Fig. l). Epimerat region: Sursace of epimerat region cO vered with irregularly spaced, round or OValsigillae. Apodemata o. 2 and πο.s weli developed, aligned oblique ly. Ωρο. 3 shori, aligned transversely. Epimerat fetal formula 3 l 3 3, ali setae very shori and fine. Ano- genital region: Genital aperture ovat, longer than wide: anal aperture nearly as long aswide. Surface of ano-genital region sinooth, distance belween anal and genital apertures abolit twice longer than tength of the lalter. Both apertures surrounded by scieroti Zed rings. Five patrs of genital, one pair of aggenital two patrs of anal and three patrs os adanai fetae present. Ali genitalsetae inserted a long sub- median margin os genital plate. Distance of aggenital setae from genitalaperture heing as long as distance belween their bases. Adanai fetae acti inserted under posterior part of anal plates: ait subequat in longili to anal setae and distinctly longer than Setae ad and G t. Seta ait localed preanalty. just in front os anterior corner os anal aperture. Adanal lyris issure iaci situaled paraanalty at a stiori distance isto in the laterat margin os anal plate Fig. 2). Legs: All tarsi monodactylous: lcgs I and li stronger than III and IV. Tibia I with a s hori distat process. Tarsus I with a long thin solentilion and a stiori thick one. There are no spine-shapedhairs on the legs, whicli are normat for the genus. Type series: Holotype and twenty sive paralypes: District Bayan, Central Province . grassiandSteppe CleilogeneS Squamsa - Agrmyron cristiatum) l0T'30'N, 4J' l0'E. 28 VI-l990. leg. B. BAYARTOGTOKH. The holotype and twenty one paralypes are preserved in the Acarology collectionos the Departinent of Zoology. Nationat Universi ty of Mongotia and itur paralypes are deposited in the collection of Nationat Science Muscum, TOkyo. Japan.


l 982), and P. brevisetoSus FUI ITA, l 989) resemble the new species in sonae re- Specis, particularly in haVing minute notogastrat fetae, long and barbed sensilli with a more or less swollen apical portion. But the new species, ProtorthiateSDaycinicuS, differs frona any of the species mentioned ab ove in having smooth and relative ly shon interlamellar setae. In addition. P. monodactyluS and P. Seminudus differ frona the new species in the long and distinctly barhed lamellarand rostrat fetae and comparative ly narrow Swollen portion os sensilli. P. Brevi setosus is distinguis habie frona the new species by the s horter and wider sit ape of the notogaster, the relative ly long prodorsum and shori lamellar setae seta las horter than ro). P. graciliS is readi ly distinguis hed frona the new species by the distinctly narrowed shape of the notogaster, the longer prodorsum, distinctlyharbed rostrat, lamellar and interlamellar setae, the prese iace of a longitudinatrici ge extending frona the lamella. and minute ly barbed and strongly swollen head of the sen Sili US.

Prodorsum Rostrum broad ly rounded, without indentations laterat ly. Rostrat fetae finelybarbed uni laterat ly. nearly as long as distance belween their bases: their alveoli situ aled dorsalty onthe rostrat sursace Fig. P). Lamellar costulae narrow, almost parallel to each other. occupying 3I4 of the tength of prodorsum: carinae extending hom bases of lamellae to bothridia. Lamellar setae sinooth. a littie s horter than distance belween their bases and not reaching to the tip of rostrum. Pro- dorsal sursace ovisi de os lamellar costulae with a number of smali areoles. Also out si de the costulaeon cach si de is soland a clark longitudinal ridge Fig. 5). Interlamellar setae sine ly barbed. nearly as long as lamellar seta, about 2. 8 times shorter than distance belween their bases. Exobothridial setae Shori. Stender, glabrous, but distinctly developed, inserted ante rotateralty to each bothridium. Bothridium directed antero laterad, iis posterior pari concealed under anterior margin os notogaSter. Anumber os muscie sigillae present in interbo thridial region . Sens illus rather long. with a sinooth stal k, whicli expands gradu atly to a fusi forna to stightly clavate head Fig. 8). Pedo tecta I and II de-vcloped in the forin os curved laminae. Notogaster: Longer than wide. ratio l. 3 l. Shape os notogas ter ovat, distinctly tapering posteriori y ending in a s mali protuberance: whole sui face of notogaster covered with a weakly pigmented round to ovat dark granules and a few sigillae scattered along laterat margin of notogaster


rowed shape of the posterior part of notogaster. 2) the relati Vely wide rostrum and 3) the relative ly shori lamellar and notogastrat fetae. Other known species Ofthe genus Proteremaeus differ frona the new species in the shape of sensilli androstrum, the presen ce of transverse and longitudinal rid ges between and antero- latet ad salong laterat margin os prodorsum) of lamellar costulae.

Etymology The nanae of this new species refers to the weakly pigmented round to ovat gra
