장음표시 사용
Hermida, J., Ondina, M. P. and T. ROdrigueZ The relative importance of edaphic factors on the distribution of some terrestriat gastropod species: autecological and synecological approaches 265 HorVath, R., Magura, T. , Peter, G. and K. Bayar: Edge effect on weeviland spider communities at the Buta Nationat Park in Hungary 2 5 Bocakova, M. ReView of the genus LibrietiS hom Laos Coleoptera
Lobi, I.: Supplement to the knowledge of the PSelaphinae Coleoptera Staphylinidae) of North Κorea 309 Platia, G. and I. GudenZi: Description os a new species of Schimmelius Platia. l 994 with a key to the known species Coleoptera, Elateridae