Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


Ruricinia graminicola

Sticus hochi

PSALTICIDAE EVarcha at Cucilia

Euarchia Dicalia

Euarchia Sp.

Salticidae SP.




Libnetis WATER HOUSE l8J8 contains over 60 species and is the largest genus of Libia etini. Iis distribution is predo minantly limited to the Oriental Region with sonae transcende iace to the Palaearctic Region - Japan, Taiwan, fouthern

2000) who appended other Species. LibnetiS encompasses small, yellow to brown Species having pronotum witha slight median longitudinat carina in the anterior half, on the elytra only primaryCOStae pre Sent, Secondary cOStae and reticulate celis absent. The genus is stronglyhomogenous in externat characters. Conversely, diversification of male genitalia is Very high, and therefore, the taxonomy of Libnetis is based on genitalia in a large extent. These characters are osten in hi gli congruence with the s hape of mouthparis e specially mandi bies and terminal palpomeres of both palpi), and caia be used as a basis for inferring the relation ShipS.


Specimens were examineci and illustraled using an Olympus SZX-l2 stereoscopic micro- Scope, with the magnification up to 90κ, and illustraled using pictures made by an Olympus DP-lo digital camera.


Ali meastirements are in millimetres. The eye diameters were measu red in laterat view at thewidest poliat, interocular distances frona above at the narrowest poliat. Male genitalia were dissectedand figured after having hccn boiled in l0R KOH solution. Depositories - BMNH - The Natural History Museum. London: HNHM - Hungarian Natural History Muscum. Budapest: ZMPA - Zoological Institute and Museum. HarsZawa: LMBC - author's collection.

Diagnosis. Sinail beet les. antennae filis orna in both sexes, antennomere 3 long usualty longer than 3I4 of antennomere 4 one of antennomeres 4-J occasionalty provided with a stion lamella. Mouth-paris sonaetimes e longate Ventrally, in these species mandi bies strongly triangularly reduced, and terminal palpomeres almost apicatly po inted. Is motith-paris stiori, then mandi bies arcuate, and terminal palpomeres mostly widen ed distat ly and provided with distat papillae . somelimes apicatly po inted without papillae. Pronotum with a stight median longitudinat carina in anterior half. Elytra flat, each elytron with 4 longitudinat costae, secondarycostae and reticulate celis absent, male genitalia with shortened paramerae, Ventralty fused. Mesosternum strongly transverse. Male terminal sternum provide twith proximat enlarge menis to whicli projections of tergum 9 are attached. Female terminal sternum provided with two fhon projections proximal ly. Male genitalia with shori phallobase, paramerae Shonen ed, venti obasalty fused. Female genitalia with shon, mediat ly e marginate coxites. valvi fers basalty widened. Body tengili


Key to males of Libnetis Dona Laos l. Antennomere 4 provided with a lamella as long as the antennomere itselfLibnetis Piet ramicus ASANTSEV)- Antennae filisorio, antennomere 4 simple. without lamella 22. Terminal palpomeres of both maxillary and labial palpi with tapering apex almost apicatly potnted. distat papillae absent 3- Terminal palpomeres of both maxillary and labial palpi securis orna widenedapicatly their apicat margins provided with 4-J distat papillae 63. EyeS large, about l. 8 times interocular distance 4- Eyes smali, at most l.3 times interocular distance βη. Ventrobasal process of phallus provided with a simple spinose projectionhead ing lateroapicatly L. thai KASANI SEV- Ventrobasal process of phallus provided with a wide oblong projection with two lateroapicat spines L. OPacuS PICf. Mandibles strongly reduced, trianguloid, paramerae with distat thorias Figs id ib) L. dentifer Sp. n. - Mandibles arcuate, distat portion of paramerae simple Figs l2-l3)


Description. Whole hody dark brown. so metimes margins os pronotum light hrown to yellow. Head with large eyes, eye diameter i. 2 times longer than interocular distance. Antennae fili forna reaching elytral in idtength. Mandibles arcuate, labrum transverse, maxillary palpi with terminal palpomeres provided with 6-J distat papillae. Labial palpi shori. terminal palpomere also with distat papillae. Pronotum trapeZoidat, transverse Fig. l8), anterior margin arcuate, Sides eleValed, stra ight. Posterior angi es sharp. Scutellum oblong, slightly apicatly e marginate. Elytra elongate, almost parallel- si ded, 2.9 times as long as humerat width. l. 25 times wider than pronotum. Each elytron with 4wenk costae, reticulate celis absent. Merosternum transverse. Distat margin os abdominal sternum 8straight. male sternum 9 elongate, proximal ly wide ne l. Legs Stender, compreSSed, tibiae Straight, trochanters elongate. Male genitalia stolii. phallus with two Spines Ventromediat ly, paramerae apicat lypointed. long reaching apical quarteros phallus Figs l-2). Body tength .l min. humerat width: l. 3

Diagnosis. Closely related to Libnetisfodingshanensis BOCA OVA. 2000 Domwhicli it differs in larger hody si Ze and in the s hape of aedeagus much sin alter Ventroproximal projections of phallus, ventral Spines Strongly reduced, hard ly visi-ble, laterat projections os in te mal sac originat ing in iis apical fifth).

Description. Whole hody dark brown. Head with large eyes, eye diameter i. 3 times longerthan interocular distance. Antennae silis orna, reaching elytral in id tength, antennomere i sto ut, 2


smali. 3 as long as 4. Mandi bies arcuate, labrum transverse, terminal palpomeres of maxillary and labial palpi provided with distat papillae. Pronotum trapeZoidat, transverse, wideSt At haSal margin, anterior margin weakly produced forward s. Si des elevated. Posterior angi es projected oblique lybackward s. Scutellum oblong, with a shallow arcuate apical notch. Elytra elongate, subparallel si ded, abolit 3 times humerat width, l. 25 times wider than pronotum. Each elytron with 4 weakcostae, reticulate celis absent. Mesosternum transverse. Abdominal sternum 8 with smali arcuate distat e margination, male sternum 9 elongate, proximal ly widened. LegS Stender, trochanters elongate. Phallus ventro mediat ly emarginate. provided with two long Ventroproximal projections. laterat projections of internat fac shori. Ventral susion os paramerae partial Fig. P). Body tength .l nam, humerat width: l. 3 min.

Lihnetis viti Sp. n.

Diagno sis. Related to L. me uti s p. n. si ona whicli it differs e specialty in hau ing distat portion of phallus curved dors atly V-s haped ventral fusion os paramerae and in having remarkably ramose ventro basal projections os phallus.

Description. Body dark brown to black. Head with medium eyes, eye diameter i. t times longer than interocular distance Fig. 20), antennae more or less fili form. reaching over elytrat mi illength. Mandi bies arcuate. labrum transverse, terminal palpomeres of maxillary and labial palpi provide twith distat papillae. Pro notum almost rectangular, transverse, widest at basal margin, anterior marginstightly produced forward s. si des elevate i. Posterior angies Sharp. Scutellum apicatly e marginate. Elytra elongate. subparallel-side l. 3. 3 times as long as humerat width and l. 2 times wider than pro notat base. Each elytron with 4 weak costae, reticulate celis absent. Mesosternum transverse. Ab dominal sternum 8 arcuatoly e marginate both distat ly and proximal ly, male sternum 9 elongate weakly wide ned proximal ly. Legs flender. compressed, tibiae straight, trochanters elongate. Male genitalia with phallus dorsalty curved distat ly, provided with bifurcate ventrobasal projections. Ventral susion os paramerae shori. V-shaped Fig. β). Body tength: 4. 4 min. humerat width l. l nam


Diagno sis. Libitetis jende i is ea si ly distinguis habie frona ali other Libnetis species in the s hape os iis bro ad aede agus with two laterat projections os internals ac transformed in spinose vesicles. paramerae provided with two venti odistat

Description. Whole hody dark hrown. Head with smali eyes, cye diameter as long as interocular distance. Antennae fili forna, reaching Over elytral in id longili. Mandi bies arcuate, labrum tranSVerse terminal palpomeres of maxillary and labial palpi with distat papillae. Pronotum trape Zoidat, stronglytransverse, widest at basal margin, anterior margin produced forwards, Stightly emarginate mediat ly. Laterat margins emarginate, posterior angi es Sharp. Scutellum apicatly emarginate. Elytra elongate almost parallel-si ded. about 2.9 times as long as humerat width and l. 2 times wider than pronotum. Each elytron with 4 costae, reticulate celis absent. Abdominal sternum 8 with flightly trianguloid distat e margination. male sternum 9 elongate. Legs flender, trochanters elongate. Male genitalia Stout ventral susion Os paramerae incomplete, provided with two distat spines. Phallus broad, willi two long proximal projections ventralty and with two laterat projections os internat fac transformed in spinose vesicles. Body tength 3. 4 min. humerat wid th: l.05 min.

Diagno sis. It seems to he related to L. me uti and L. Piti frona whicli it differs in the s hape of ventroproximal projections of phallus whicli are lateralty oriented in the s hape of internat s ac, and in having distat margin of ventral fusion ofparamerae almost Strat glit, not e marginale Figs 3 ).

Description. Whole hody dark hrown. He ad considerably hidden by pro notum, eyes medium- si Zed, eye diameter i. i5 times longer than interocular distance, antennae fili forna, reachingelytrat mi illongth. Mandi bies arcuate. labrum transverse, maxillary palpi long . terminal palpomere with 5 distat papillae . labial palpi shori. also with distat papillae. Pro notum trapeZoidal, widest athasal margin, anterior margin arcuate, produced sorwariis, Sides elevated, Stightly cmarginate. Scutellum distinctly emarginate apical ly. Elytra. subparallel-side l. about 2.9 times as long as humerat widlli and l. lβ times wider than pro notum. Each elytron willi 4 weak costae, reticulate celis absent. Abdominal sternum 8 triangularly emarginate proximal ly, male sternum 9 elongate, stight lywide ned proximal ly. Legs rather flender. compressed, tibiae strat glit, trochaia ters elongate. Male genitalia with venti Oproximal projections os phallus lateralty oriented. iis distat projection proximal ly hi sui cate, distat margin os ventral susion os paramerae almost stra ight. Body longili 3. 35 nam humerat wid tho im m.


Libitetis denti fer Sp. n.

Diagno sis. Related to Libnetis Smpongensis BOCL OV . 2000 frona whicli it differs in having much sto uter male genitalia, provided with distat thorias of para- merae. Ventral projections of phallus lateralty oriented.

Description. Whole bo ly dark brown. Head with smali eyes, eye diameter as long as interocular distance, antennae silis orna. reaching elytral in id tength. Mouth paris ventralty prolonged. mandi bies almost straight. labrum venti alty elongate, maxillary and labial palpi with terminal palpomeres simple, without papillae . tapering apex. Pronotum almost trapeZOidat, transverse, widest at hasal margin anterior margin mediat ly e marginate. Posterior angi es Sharp. Scutellum apicatly emarginate. Elytraelongate, subparallel-side l. abolit 3 times longer than humerat width and l. 2 times wider than pronotat base. Each elytron with 4 weak costae, reticulate celis absent. Male Sternum 9 elongate, strongly widened proximal ly Fig. 30). Legs Stender, compressed, tibiae Straight, their spurs smali, Stender and sharp. trochaia ters elongate. Male genitalia with stout phallus, provided with two median projections ventralty Figs l4-l ). Para merae willi strong distat thorias. Female unknown. Bodylength 3. 9 nam, humerat width l. l nam Lilinetis montunus Sp. n.

Diagno sis. Closely related to Libnetis 'unnanensis BOC KOV . 2000 si omwhicli it differs in having considerable spinose ventral projecti OnS in median portion of phallu S.

Description. Whole hody dark hrown to black. Head with prominent eyes, eye diameter aslong as interocular distance, antennae sili forna, reaching o ver elytral ira id tength. Manili bles Shori, arcuate, their apiceS partly overtat' each other. Labrum transverse, maxillary palpi long palpomere 2 is three times longer than 3, terminal palpomeres os both maxillary and labial palpi provided with distat papillae. Pro notum trapeZoidat, transverse, anterior margin produced forwardS, SideS e marginate,