장음표시 사용
Figs 1-2. t m Cimtes humerosus sp. n. head. thorax and abdominat tergite I. 2 C. mi anus posterior part of head. pronotum and mesonotum Orig.)- Mesonotum more or less punctured. Pronotum, colour different ... 2
Purple reflection ... 44 Head bellind eyes seen frona above with occipitat margin gently rounded. Ocelli in isosceles triangle. Posterior row of pronotum with narrow, distinctly elongate and sharply out lined pitS Fig. 2): pronotum Sparsely pulatui ed. Clypeus Strongly rai sed toward lower margin, laterat angi es with a minute tooth directed downwarils Fig. 6). Postscutellum with deep pit in frontmediat ly and deeply excavated on posterior margin. Laterat edge of propodeum sonae hal convex at base and stightly concave before spine, lalter stioli and obliquely produced. Mesonotum Fig. 2), scutellum and postscutellum withremarkably fine S mali and sparse punctures. Head, thorax, abdominal sternite
Hoth transverse rows of piis similar to each other, distinctly foveo late, discwith an impression Fig. id) indistinctly out lined medio-posteriori y. Laterat
Subrectangular, with an Obtuse apex. Clypeus subquadrate Fig. l 9), longitudinaltyrai sed in the naiddie, lower margin gently round ly emarginate. Impression S Ofocelli normal Fig. 20), extemat margin obtusely ouilined. Postscutellum
The 'description gives litile information as to the specific distinctions ... I could not have ille chance of examining the specimen V. I propose to place it in the GStianuS-group on the basis of the row of piis along the posterior margin onpro notum and the entire ly metallic terga. Cleptes humerOSUS Sp. n.
Pro notum short with conspicuous ly protruding conicat corners in front Fig. l), sursaces lightly convex in prosile: anterior diameter l. 6 times as broad across humerus as long he twecia collarand posterior margin mediat ly. Both transverse grooves with rather sinali but well ouilinod row of piis. The three naiddie piis stightly larger than the others in the posterior row. Sursace of pronotat discsmooth, polis hed together with mesonotum, scutellum and postscutellum with very sine and scattered punctures. Notaulix deep and rather broad across meso notum Fig. l). parapsidat line Shori. Scutellum and postscutellum distinctly broader than long. Postscutellum totiching scutellum. ante
F-Ι 2.3 times as long as broad. F-II l. 3 times as long as hroad, F-III tength l. 2 times of breadth. Occiput margined above: head thic kened bellisad ocelli, laterat fides parallel closely bellind eyes, than gradu atly arcuate toward the naiddie. Anterior diameter os pro notum 0. 9J times as broad across humerus as longili belween collarand posterior margin mediat ly. Posterior row of piis well ouilined, excepting the sin alter Ones later- ally, sonae piis are distinctly quadrangular others oblong. Surface of disc in profite stightly convexmediat ly. with a stiori and shallow longitudinal depression on the second half posteriori y, not reaching the transverse row of piis: punctures on disc distinci, abolit l-2 PD apart. Meso notum sinclypunctured. 3 PD apari, as weli as with minute punctures similar as On scutellum, here punctures abolit 2 3 PD apari, postscutellum with sinalter punctures about l-2 PD apart. Notaulix and parapsidat sulcus deep, the lalter nearly reaching pronotum cf. Fig. 2). Scutellum and postscutellum almost rectangular. Lalter toti ches scutellum, anterior margin with a deep, smali pit mediat ly and twice deeply emarginaled on posterior margin mediat ly. Propodeum longer, laterat margins parallel corners right-angled. sursace of disc irregularly wrinkled. Mesopleuron with a V-shapcd scrobal sulcus cf. Fig. 4) similarly to that of humerosus, but deeper, foveae hard ly percepti hie at the botio m. T-I and T-II posteriori y impunctate, polished T-Ill-lV with double, partly close punctures, T-IV withremarkably larger and deeper puncture S.
This species is similar to laiyVanuS by it S abdominal punctuation, and parilyin iis colour, in forna of clypeus not truncate Fig. 6) and not strongly rai sed to-wards lower margin, but differs main ly by the structu re os pro notum, by the lateraledge of propodeum not convex at base and not stightly concave before spine, latternot shori and oblique ly produc ed.