Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


mesally. Vertex stightly convex, lacking sulci, with low mesal ridge extending frona neck up to line ostentorial piis. Anterior margin os tentorial piis at levet with anterior eye margins . Antennal tubercles smooth. Punctation on Vertex irregular, mostly very sine, very Shallow, with sew punctures largerthan puncture intervat s. Eyes smali, weakly prominent, with l8 or l9 faceis, abolit as long as tempora in dorsal vlew. Tempora rounded. Gular impression de limited anteriori y by transverse. biden lateri dge, not delimited posteriori y. Maxillary palpi with apical portion os segment 2 and entire segment 3 tuberculate venti ally: segment 4 abolit 3 times as long as wide. Antennae with shori pubesce iace but dorsat fide os pedicet with one conspicuous ly long seta. Scape cylindrical 0. 08 nam long in dorsal vlew. 0.06 mira wide. Pedicet 0.lo nam long as wide aslong, swollen. expanded mes atly and with robust. blunt and rounded carina occupying middie part os mesai margin . Segment 3 slightly longer than wide. Segments 4 to 8 hard ly wider than long . each aswide as segment 3. Segments 9 and l0 each much wider than long. Pronotum 0. 35 nam long. 0.40 mira wide. Discat punctation irregular, very Shallow not clearly

de limited. sparse and sine. Puncture interva is much larger than puncture diameterS. Elytra 0. 6l nam long at future, combined 0.68 nam wide. with laterat margins almost evenly arcuate. Adsuturat area nat. Humerat protuberances absent. Punctation consisting os weli delimited sati ly sine punctures. Puncture diameters distinctly smaller than puncture intervat s. Legs flendor. Protibiae straight. outer side with subapical notch bearing sciat comb. Mesotibiae lacking apical denticle. Metatibiae curved in apicul hals, willi Smali, hiunt denticle at apex os ventral fide. Aedeagus Fig. l) 0. 30 nam long. Para meres narrow, with Sinuate Outer marginS, truncate apex, cach bearing three subapical Setae. Internat fac entire ly membranous.

Comments. This new species appears to be closely related to Brycuis validicornis I OB L. Both species sitare the forna of the median iobe and parameres, and have ille internat s ac of the aede agus simple, complete ly lacking scieroti Zed structu res Or, in L. Validicornis frona Russi an Far East ΚURBATOV l 994). ille internat fac has a minute, Very flender apical rod. In addition, these two species have similar male scapes anil pedicet s. EryciXix mgangSanen SiS may be rea lily distinguis hed frona L. ValidicorniX by the much sparser and finer punctation onpro notum and head. BryGXiS VcalidicorniS differs hom B. umgt in ScinenSis also by the Vertexat carina strongly reduce l. the scape Shorter the scapal tength gi ven by OB L. t 9 4 is that of the entire segment), the antennat segments 4 to 8 each distinctly wider than long the elytra with humerat protuberances, the pedicet and abdomen lacking long setae, the protibiae lacking sub apical notch and conab, and thea picat margin of the internat s ac almost eVenly arcuate.

Etymology. The nanae refers to the type locali ty.


SUPPLEMENT TO THE KNO LEDGE OF THE PSELAPHINAE COL. . STAPHYLINI DAE) OF N HOREA 3 l l Description. Length l.45 min. Body and scape ochreous. Legs, palpi and antennat segments 2 to ii distinctly lighter than body. Pubesce race flairly long and Semi- erect On head, pro notum and elytra, recumbent on abdomen. Particular, long setae absent. Hcad 0. 30 nam long without ncck), with eyes 0. 3l mira wide. Frontal iobe 0.l8 mm wide. Frontal impression impunctate posteriori y, coarsely punctate anteriori y, with posterior margin arcu-ate . not clearly delimited. Anterior frontal edge not weli delimite l. Frontoclypeus very Steep, almostvertical rounded mesally. Vertex stightly convex, lacking sulci, with low mesal ridge extending Domnock up to line of tentorial piis. Anterior margin of tentorial piis levet with anterior eye margins . Antennal tubercles sinooth. Punctation on vertex irregular, mostly sairly coarse, with punctures larger than puncture intervat s. Eyes Smali, wenkly prominent, with id or is saceis, abolit as long astempora in dorsal vlew. Tempora rounde l. Gular impression delimited anteriori y by transverse



Pronotum O. 36 nam long 0.40 min wide. Discat punctation irregular, dense and coarse On centre os disc, coarse and very dense near base, sine near anterior margin and on laterat hvmps. Elytra 0. 5 mira long at future, combined 0. 66 mira wide, with laterat margins almost evenly arcuate. Adsuturat area 14at. Humerat protuberances absent. Punctation consisting of weli delimited. fairly fine punctures. Puncture diameters distinctly Smaller than puncture intervals. Legs flender. Protibiae strat glit, lacking subapical notch and setat comb. Mesotibiae lackingapical denticle. Metatibiae curved in apical hal s. lacking apical denticle. Aedeagus Fig. 2) 0. 33 nam long. Paranaeres narrow, with Sinuale outer mBrginS, truncate apex, each bearing two Subapical setae. Internat fac with scieroti Zed statk bifurcate apicatly to formstender and curved test rod and more robust. bifid right rod.

Comments. This species resembles B. Validicornis I OB L, in particular by the male antennae. The aedeagat characters indicate clo se relations hips to B. GScticornis KURBATOV and B. Sichotensis KURBATOV. These two species Share with B. me uti the robust scieroti Zed statk of the internat fac joined to a patio os apicat, flender rotis. Bryaxis mer ii may be distinguis hed notably by the s hape of the rods, theparanae res with Only two Subapical setae, and the large, acute medio- apical iobe of the median iobe.

Etymology. The species is named in honour os Dr. OTTO MER KL, HNHM, Budapest.





Contributio HS



Among the material of clic k-beelles frona Solith-east Asia, received for stud y by the courtesy of Dr. O. MER KL of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Bu- dapest we have discovered a new species of the genus Schimmelius PLATIA; l 994which we describe hereunder. The genus was established to accomodate one species sochriacet S PLATIA l 994) of the tribe Synaptini frona Thalland: recently in the Candere collection IRSNB) we have examined a se male specimen of this species frona Sumati a Panglierang, Pisang, X. l880-III. l88l, leg. E. MODIGI IANI previ ousty det. GlyphonyX Sp. by SCH AR ). Actually, our German colleague R. SCHIM MEL has also described a second species sing ridae SCHIMMEL. t 998) Dona Thalland . Thethird species, that we will name tertiuS sp. n. comes frona the Malayan Peninsula and was collected at light in a montane rain forest. We give a key to identi sy the three known species of the genus.


l Antennae longer exceed ing the posterior an gles of pronotum 2- Antennae Shoiter not reaching the posterior angi es of pronotum Thalland Sumati a) ochraceus PLATIA 2 Colour of body yellow-ochi eous: pronotat fides subparallel with apices of posterior angi es not divergent Thalland) ingridae SCHIM MEL- Colour of hody ferrugineous with blackish shade: pronotat Sides regulat lyarcuate with apices of posterior an gles clearly divergent Malay Peninsula)tertiuS Sp. n.


Schinanaelius tertiuS Sp. n.


Pronotum as long as wide, Strongly convex on dis k. Si des regularly arcuate, elongate Sinuatenear the posterior angies: the apices a re long , acuminate and divergent, with a laebi e carina, Very nearand parallel to the laterat margin, the lalter complete: sursace with punctures much lighter, just visi-ble, irregular and Very SpasSe. Scutellum longer than wide; fiat and with smooth sui face. Elytra 3.l-3.3 times longer than pro notum and 2. J times longer than wide: si des suboval, widest at hals: striae weli marked and punctured si ona base to apex: interstriae flat with siner punctures. Tarsal segments simple frona II to IV gradually decreas ing in tength: claws pectinate. Aedeagus as shown in Figure 2.



The oribat id si ecies

describe d by Ber Iese

MAHUN , S. and L. MAHUNKA-PAPPThe authors had the opportunity for years to Sthady the Oribatid species described by Berlese currently deposited in the Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologia Agraria At Florenco. The resulis of this series of studies are summariZed in this Vol-

The Volume begins with an essay-like Introduction eaVily relying Ora SubjectiVe opinionS discussing the generat questions of Oribaiology. The folio ing section lisis Berlesse s SpecieS placed in the modern system helping the specialisis illi morphological notes and many dra ings: here also the