Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


b ursae of A. yami ricola, the other species of the group haVing rather bilobate bursa, is much Shorter, rotan ded- disco idat. without stronger scieroti Zed lamina and theostium and ductus bursae are weaker, finer, less scierotiZed than those of A.

Description. Wingspan 35-40 min. longili os forewing l l 9 min. Sex es similar, antenna os male ciliate with long fasciculate cilia. that os semale filis orna. Pubescence of head and thorax moreor tess unicolorous, variably dark ochreotis-brown, orange- or reddish brown, mixed with a sewdai ker hrown hairs: abdomen sonae hat more brownish. FOre ing rather bl Oad, with apex acute, outer margin finely concave below apex. Ground colour pale Ochreous - or Orange-brown, basal area with weaker. marginal sield with stronger dark ochreotis-brown or reddish hrown suffusion. Wing patiern well-discerni ble, hut not very prominent, ante- and postmediat crossi ines more or tessstraight. double, consisting os whitisti and darker hrownish lines. Ante mediat line strongly oblique strat glit, postmediat osten desined with dark brown scales, iis ut per third usualty sinely arcuate: median fascia regularly broad. diffuse, dark ochi eous - or reddish-hrown. Subterminal line obsolescent whitis h. osten interrupted, so metimes marked willi dark brown spois belween ve in s. Terminal linesine, sinuous, brown, cilia as ground colour, Variegated with whilisti. Costat and marginal areas of hind wing ochi eous, in ner area variably strongly sussused willi brown. discat spol and transverse line absent or very pale: cilia whitish-ochreous. Underside of wings ochi eous with weak orange brownishirroration, ve ins s lightly darker, discat spois and traces os transverse lines present but diffuse, ostenobsolete. Male genitalia Fig. 34): Uncus medium- long relative ly Strong, hooked, tegumen wenk bro ad, with narrow penicular lobes, sultura in serior subdelloidal, willi rather sinati, rounded apicallobe: Vinculum flender, V-Shaped. Valva narro , elongate, mediat ly Slightly constricted, cucullus broadened, apex sine ly rounded. without apical process On dorsat fide: corona long weak, siluated atmiddie of cucullus. Costa scieroli Zed, with long acute mediat extension, clavus reduced to smali rounded, setose Sursace, harpe medium-long, Stender, Straight. Aedeagus large, cylindrical, arcuate, Vesica very long broad ly tubular, iis walis membranous with sine scobination. Basai pari os vesica curved. with two long conical - lubular subbasal diverticula. Mediat pari Very long membranous cornuti fie id situ aled at terminal cnd. close to terminal cornutus, consisting os long apicatly curved spines, si iting on sinali diverticulum: terminal cornutus long almost strat glit, sine ly ribbed. Female genitalia Fig. 3P) Ovi positor very long narro , papillae analeS elongate, nArrow po in led. gon apophyses Very long fine. Ostium bursae narro , calyculate, sinely, granuloustyscleroti Zed, ductus bursae medium- long tubular, membranous with sine wrinkles, Stronger proximo laterat scobination and willi scieroti Zed posterior end. Bursa copulatrix large, elongate- sacculis orna. twistud at mi dille, cervical part silualed proximo-laterat ly. Corpus bursae withlong, scieroti Zed cresis running 1 rom ductus bursae to twisted mediat pari, cervix bursae elongate

Bionomics and distribution. An autumnal species, the seconii pari os the stight period is over- lapping with the last aspects of the year. The species was observed as rather frequent in the higher regions os the Bubin valley. it was found only occasionalty in other paris os the Deosai Mis, and a single datum is known frona the Nattar valley SH Mai akoram Mis. about si sty knas northwariis frona the Deo sat Mis). Etymology. The new species is named aster iis homeland the Deosai Mis, frona where theoverwhelming majori ty os the specimens and loca lilies are known.


The OR adag ea lucida-grOUPThis Species-group contains, by Our recent knowledge, mur Species. Thesemur Species represents two allopatric lineages, the O. lucida HREBLAY et RONKAY, l998 - O. reticulata HREBLAY, PEREGOVITS et RONKAY l 999 and O. nigricomma H REBLAY et RONKAY l 998 - O. t uctricia ethi Sp. n. SpecieS-pnil S. The members of the two sibi ing groups occur parallel ly sympatricatly O. lucidia with O. nigricomma in E Nepai. o. reticuliata with O. t uancia ethi in N Vietnam. The wing patieria of the species is rather constant with in the whole group, thecolouration is more Vari able, pale Ochi eous, State-grey, pater or darker chOCO- late-brown. The characteri stic elements of the forewing patieria are the three blackspois along upper half of ante mediat line scostat, praecellular and clavi form), allare rounded or quadratic, never triangular: the smali hiackish dois in the reniformstigma and the rather deep angle of the postmediat line below celi: in addition. theblack streak of the collar is the strongest with in this species-group. The abdominalcoremata are complete ly reduced. The configuration of the genitalia also fhows relatively smali variation, thetypical features of the male genitalia are as follows: genital capsula Symmetrical valvae elongated, mediat ly slightly dilated with rounded ventro- mediat margins

sent, clavi symmetricat, Si tu aled bas atly harpe-ampulla complex Very Smali, Symmetrical, costat extension Very long th Orn- like, fultura inferior lyri forna, vesica without cornutus. The specific differe iaces can be mund in the s hape and si Ze of the uncus, the cosint extension, the Valva and the cucullus, and the scieroti ration of the dorso- laterat plate of the carina see H REBLAY & RONKAY l 998). In the se male genitalia the ovi positor is stiori, weak, the ostium bursae is heavi ly scierotiZed, large, trapeZoidat with fine incision at the proximal edge, thecaudat margin is usualty convex. Posterior half of ductus bursae is as long asostium, flattened broad , caudat ly tapering. Anterior half is fused with cervical partos bursa copulatrix dilated, partly scieroti Zed and ribbed, ductus seminalis originating Dona smali, conical, venti O- laterat 'dive niculum . Corpus bursae elon gale-elliptical, with mur long signum-stri pes. The species of the group differ in theshape and si Ze of the ostium bursae and the pontons of the ductus bursae.


Diagno sis. The new species is the allopatric sibi ing of O. nigricomma. The externat appearance of the two species is very similar, but the new species is darker, the orbicular and renis orna stigmata are less distinct. The male genitalia ofO. l Mancian hi differ frona tho se of O. nigri Omma by their narro er uncus withalmost parallel margins, much longer, more acute costat extension, sOmewhat stronger, longer harpe- ampulla complex and clavi and larger, stronger dorso- laterat plate of the carina with stronger dentition: frona tho se of O. lucida an do. reticulam by the narrower uncus and Val VI, much longer, Stronger COStat extension and dorso- laterat plate of the carina.

Male genitalia Fig. 36): Uncus relatively shori, distat ly only slightly dilated and spatulate. apicatly only slightly incise l. Tegumen narrow. moderate ly high, fultura inferior large, pyriform

with potia ted laterat arietas apical ly: vinculum moderate ly long V-s haped. ValVae Symmetricat, et On-gate. mediat third stightly dilated venti ally. cucullus stightly broade ned, rounded, corona reduce l. Costa scieroti Zed, costat extension long , acute, horn- like, harpe-ampulla- complex forming smali, si attened. double-peaked bar. Sacculus elongate. narrow lest clavus relati Vely large, rounded triangular, right clavus Smaller, narrower. Aedeagus cylindrical, curved at apicat thirit: carina with two long narrow Scleroti Zed hars, dorso- laterat bar with elongate, dentate plate terminalty. Vesica broad


membranous, without cornutus, hasal part with large, subconical diverticulum, mediat third withs maller diverticulum projecting sorward. distat thirit tapering. Bionomics and distribution. The species is a member of the winter aspect os the Fan-si-pana rea, the unique specimen was collected at light at the horder of the high montane primary for- est elphin forest belis, aho Vc 2600 m R. s. l. Etymology. The new species is dedicateis to Dr LE XU AN CANH. Di rector of the Zoological institute of the IEBR. Hanoi.

Diagno sis based on the male genitalia). The clos est relative of O. reticulamis O. lucida; the male genitalia of the two species differ in the following delatis

The unctis of O. relictilialia is narrower less dilated distat ly. less furcate terminalty the valva and the cucullus are sonaewhat bro ader, the lat ter is more rounded and the large ventral diverticulum of the Vesica is shorter, bl Oader. Comparing the male genitalia of the o. reticu ta-O. lucida species- patrwith tho se of O. nigricomma and O. t uaricari hi, the former group has bl Oader more dilated uncus and valva weaker, shorter costat extension and smaller, tessilentate dorso laterat plate of the carina.

Description of the male genitalia Fig. 35): Uncus relative ly shori, distat ly dilate d. Spatulate apicalty incised, subapical arnas potiate i. Tegumen narrow sultura inserior large, pyriform


nous. without cornutus, hasal part willi large, apicatly rounded subconical diverticulum, mediat partwitia conical, sinalter diverticulum.

The On adagliaeci chloromiXtG-grOUPThis specie S-gi Oup contains, by our recent knowledge, ni ne species bet Ong-ing to four line ages, the Chloromum , thesuSCDPicta- the visorei- and the trianguliferci-lines, respectively. The wing patieria os the species is rather constant with in the whole group while the colouration is rather variabie frona pale green to darkchoco late-brown. The abdominal coremata are well-de vel Oped. The consiguration of the genitalia also fhows relative ly smali variation themate genitalia are characteri Zable by the s lightly asymmetricat, acute triangularvalvae willi most osten symmetrical, triangular saccular extensions, the s light lyasymmetricat harpe-ampulla complex. the asymmetricat costat extensions and the characteristic subbasal, mace- like, bulbed cornutus of the vesica. The specific disse ferences can regularly be soti nil in these seatures and in the s hape and si Ze of the

uncus. the configuration os whicli is typical of the whole genus see HACKER &RONMAY l 996. HREBLAY L RONKAY l 998). In the female genitalia the ovi positoris stiori weak, ille ostium bursae is large, si attened, heavi ly Scleroti Zed, more ortes s quadrangular, lyris orna or sun ne l- like, the ductus bursae is relative ly hroad ribbed, mediat part osten with large, scieroti Zed laterat plate, the distat part is nar

The taxa of the group are distributed si ona easteria A fghani stan O. nigricliauci) to easteria Nepai and Sikkim. no species of the O. Chloromum-group is known frona Indochina. The species of the species-group are listed below. the illustrations of the spe

O. Siddiquii Sp. n.



This species group contains four parallel lineages the species of which may occursympatrical ly, the species of the fame lineage are regularly allopatri c. The close sti elative of O. Siddiquii is O. si Scopicui, distributed si ona W Nepat westwariis to the Murree Hills. although the colouration of the two laxa are rather dissimilar. Theg round colour of the new species is dark ochi eous grey irrorated with mossy greenand brown isti scales, that of O. si XCDPicici dark choco late-brown with variablystrong, usu atly wenk ochi eous irroration. The elements of the wing patieria arem Ore or less similar in the two sister- species, but the crossi ines and the orbicularand renis orna stigmata of O. Siddiquii are more conspicuous, more si arply desined the renis orna is smallei not dilated apicatly the area bet ween the renis orna stigma and the post mediat line is not clari ened the hind wing is pater, greyish brown whilethat os O. fusco ic mi is dark chocolate-brown. The colouration of the third related Pakistant species, O. hiat Si sp. n. , described below, is eVen paler, the ground colour is ast y grey with intense bluish-greenish sussus ton. the renis orna stigma is largor with broader apical part its fit ling is conspicuousty paler than ground colour. the area bet ween renis orna stigma and post mediat line is conspicuous ly dark the clavis orna stigma is regularly longer and the hi nil ing is ochi eous-greyish withdai ker brownish grey irroration. The foui th related taxon os ille region, O. nigri lciva has more brown isti forewings willi darkened mediat area, the reniformis narrower, with dari er grey-brownish sit ling, the clavis orna stigma is rather shorttriangular, the post mediat is silai ly desine l. slightly sinuous and the hi nil ing is



suffused with greyish brown. This species has the north-western most distributioriwith in the whole genus, it is known frona NE A fghanistan. The male genitalia of O. Siddiquii are similar in type to tho se of the members of the species-grou p. differing frona tho se of O. si Scopicta by their terminalty

bro ader, more furcate uncus, Stronger corona, weaker, Sinalter len costat extension, bro ader apicat dorsa l) part os fultura inferior with shorter, weaker apicalprocessi, tess de Veloped right clavus, Somewhat stronger right laterat plate os carina and with narrower, more elongate cornutus of Vesica: from iliose of O. hadasi by their terminalty narrower, leSS furcate uncus, longer, more acute triangularcuculli. bro ader apical part of fultura inferior, sonae hat longer test clavus, muchs mallei weaker right laterat plate os carina, more elongated cornutus and by thebro ader vesica, haVing sonaewhat larger diverticula.

The se male genitalia of O. Siddiquii differ frona tho se of O. si Scopicta by

their bro ader, shorter, more quadratic ostium bursae, frona tho se of O. hiada Si bytheir bro ader, more quadratic ostium bursae, larger, but less strongly scieroti Zed dorsal patch of ductus bursae having diffuse margins, more strongly ribbed cervix bursae and by the larger, lateralty more angular fac of coisu S bursae.

Male genitalia Fig. 4 l): Uncus relative ly shori. distat ly slightly dilated, spatulate, apicat ly


sine laterat arms: vinculum long , Strong. V-Shaped. Valvae elongate, Stightly asymmetrica l. right valva sonaewhat broader. Cucullus relative ly long triangular, willi apex acute, corona medium-long. Costa heavi ly scieroti Zed, pollex - like extension os test valva shori. spine- like. that of right valva sullyreduced. Sacculus shori. right clavus represented by setose, sinali iobe siluated rather distat ly. lest Clavus Somewhat Stronger, inrger. more rounded. Ventrat margin os sacculus willi strong hut shortiriangular extension. Harpe-ampulla complex Stightly asymmetrical, outer armS long , Stender po in ted. horn- like, in ner arietas naucli siner, Stender. Aede agus long cylindricat . curved at apicat thirit:

carina with basalty dentate ventro- laterat plate on right fide, extending into basal pari os vesica. Vesica broad ly tubular. inna ted. membranous with dense scobination, basal part with strong, elongate. bulbed, mace- like cornutus. Mediat pari spaci ous, saccate, with two subconical diverticula. distat thirit tapering. with subconical terminal diverticulum. Female genitalia Fig. 39): Ovi positor Shori, weak, papillae analeS rounded. Seiose, posterior apophyses flender. shori. Ostium bursae large, flationed, hea Vily scieroti Zed, more or less quadrati cwith solded laterat edges, caudat margin sinely convex. Ductus bursae medium-long, proximal parthroad, Spaci ous, ribbed, mediat part with large, scieroti Zed. triangular venti O- laterat plate, distat partmuch narrower. tubular, wrinkled. Cervix bursae s mali. conicat. siluated at mi dille os corpus bursae. Apical part os corpus bursae ro unded. Strongly ribbed. part ly sine ly. Smoothly Scleroti Zed. main partos corpus bursae disco id al-quadrati c. membranous with weak scobination and with sour long broad ribbon - like Signd. Bionomics and distribution. O. Siddiquii is known only si O in the Dcosai Mis Bubin vali cy) os the Nw Himalaya, the specimens were collected at light at the naiddie os October. Etymology. The new species is dedicated to Dr ABDUL HALEEM SIDDIQUI, senior researcher os the Deosai Nationat Park. Hi malayan wil illi se Project. Is lamabad.

Diagno sis. The comparison of the externat seatures of the Pal istan i species of the o. chloromum-gio up is gi ven in ille di agnosis os O. Siddiquit. The configuration of the male genitalia of O. ha GSi shows an intermediate stage bet ween tho se of the o. chloromuta - O. hac eri and the O. si X micta - O. Siddiqui pati s of spe cies. The male genitalia of O. hiadaXi disser si om tho se of O. chloromutes and O.

hac eri by the terminalty much broader, much more furcnte uncus, narrowCrvalvae with more acute cucullus and longer corona, larger, Stronger COStat exten-Si Ons, weal er Impuli Ar pari of harpe- ampulla complex, narrower apical pari os


fultura inferior, sin alter clavi, longer saccular exten Sion S and by the Stronger, bro ader cornutus; frona tho se of O. si Scopicta and O. Siddiqui by the terminalty significantly broade r. much more sui cate uncus, shorter, sOmewhat bl Oader cuculli with shoner, weal er corona, Sm alter test costat extension, si tuaied rather far frona harpe, bas atly broader, apicatly narrower plate of fultura inferior, somewhat s maller test clavus, much Stronger, larger right laterat plate of carina, Shorter, butbro ad basal cornutus and by their narrower main tube of Vesica having somewhat sinalter diverticula.

spol large . rounded, dissu se, transverse line and lower half Os marginal stripe darker grey, dissuse partly interrupte l. Male genitalia Fig. 42): Uncus relative ly shori, stender at base, distat ly Spatulate, dilated

strongly furcate with acute subapical extremities. Tegumen weak, narrow, moderately high, peniculariobes narro . elongate. Fultura in serior large, shield-like, broad at base. tapering at naiddie, apex with sine mediat iobe: vinculum long strong, V-Shaped. Valvae elongate, Stightly asymmetricat, right valva sonaewhat hroader. Cucullus Shori, triangular with apex acute, corona Shori, wenk. CoSta heavi ly scieroti Zed, with pollex - like, asymmetrical extensions. lest one spine- like, right one sol mingsmali triangle. Sacculus stiori, strong, right clavus reduced to Seiose Surface, test clavus S mali scieroti Zed. rounded iobe. Ventrat margin os sacculus with strong, triangular extension distat ly. Pulvillus regularly long, bar- like, denset y setose. Harpe- ampulla complex Stightly asymmetricat, Outer armos last harpe more curved, inner arietas much finer, Stender, Stick- like. Aedeagus long, cyi ila