Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


zolianus is gi ven in de tali in the diagno sis of the prece ling species.

Male genitalia Fig. 25): Uncus flendor. fine, tegumen weak. broad, penicular lObes large quadrangular sultura in serior subdelloidat, iis tapper sdorsal) part narro illi laterat margins almost

parallel: vinculum long flendor, V-s haped. Valva elongate, narrow. sine ly arcuate. COSin with long acute mediat extension and strongly serrate subapical plate. Cucullus narrow, po inicit, corona rat herlong. Clavi rounde l. relative ly Strong, harpe long Stender S-Shaped. Ac leagus large, thic k. cylindri Cal. arcuate, VeSica very long. bl Oad ly tubular. ba Sally collecl. recurved ventrally. membranous with sine scobination. Basal diverticulum large . lateralty curve l. mediat cornuti sic id very long narro , consisting of shori spinules. subterminal diverticulum large, Semi globular, terminal cornutus strat glit, thorn- like. Fc male genitalia Fig. 26) Ovi positor very long narrow, papillae anale S elonglite, Conical, wenk gona pophyses Very long sine. Ostium bursae cup-Shaped, ostiat plate narrow. salci sol m. ductus bursae tubular. lJallene l. part ly scieroti Zed. Bursa copulatrix large . more or less bilobate. cci vix bursae rallier large . elliptical - rounded. laterat part hcavi ly scieroti Zed: corpus bursae disco idui.with sine scieroti Zation, signum Strong, rounded.


Bionomics and distribution. This species inhabiis stream valleys. deep rocky gorges of the central part of the H indukush Mis. occurring in medium high and higher altitudes. It is known frona arather smali area in eastem A fghani stan Khii an valley. Salang valley. Nuristan). The imagines areon wing at late autumn Septembe October). Figs 25-27. 25 26 α Agrochola stati m BOURSIN. l 960 25 α male, Afghanistan. Nuristan, 26 α χ- male. Afghani stan . Salang. 27 A. ZOlmHuS Sp. n. . male, paralype


Stide Nos RL665l male). RI 6652 female). Diagno sis. The externat appearance of A. griSes Variegata and A. SpectiabiliSis rather similar but the ground colour of the new Species is pater, OchreouS-greyi Sh the patiern is more extensive, but less conspicuous due to the pater g round colour the cros stines are less interrupted, bro ader, the definition of the stigmata is weal erthan in A. Uectiabili V. The female genitalia of A. griSes Pariegata differ frona tho se of A. Uectabilis by iis longer, narrower ostium bursae, narrower ductus bursae with almost parallellaterat margins and by iis smallei elliptical medio- laterat scieroti Zed plate of the

cervix bul Sae.

The male genitalia of A. griSeo Variegialia is similar also to tho se of A. zoliani Sand A. Statira; differing 1 rom the former by their smallei less angular peniculari obes, narrower apicat dorsal) part of fultura inferior, bro ader, more U-shaped Vinculum, thic ker harpe and stronger, longer, bro ader mediat cornuti fie id ofvesica frona the lalter by their bro ader Valva with more sinuous ventrat margin s horter thic ker harpe and shorter mediat field of cornuti. The differe iaces bet we enthe se male genitalia of the two lineages of the A. Stestiria group are discus sed in the Characteri Zation of the SpecieS-group See AbOVe).


pale brownish grey, discat spol absent, sub marginal line hard ly traceable. Terminal line sinuous, sine, dark brown cilia whilisti. Underside of wings patieriales s milky whitisti, forewing covered, hind wingiri orated sparsely with pale grey. Female. Similar to male, antenna fili forna, bOdy somewhat stronger. Male genitalia Fig. 3 l) Uncus flender, sine. tegumen broad, with smaller, rounded peniculari obes. fultura inferior subdelloidal. with narro apicatly Slightly tapering dorsat pari: vinculum long more or less U-s haped. Valva elongate, narro , ventrat margin Stightly Sinuous, costa with long strat glit mediat extension and strongly serrate Subapical plate. Cucullus narro , po inted, coronarather long, clavi relatively large, rounded iobes, harpe Strong. S-s haped. Aedeagus large, thi Ck, Cylindrical, arcuate, vesica very long broad ly tubular, hasalty coiled, recurved venti ally. Basal diverticulum large, dorso- laterat arm lateralty curve l. mediat cornuti sie id long relative ly bro ad consisting of shori spinules. subterminal diverticulum se mi globular, terminal cornutus strat glit


Bionomics and distribution. The species is restricted to the medium-high and higher paris of the His sar Mis. A late autumnal species. iis stight period extends si ona the end of September to the endos Octobos. Etymology. The specific name refers to the intense pale greyisti forewing patiem os the species.

Diagno sis. A. Spectabilis differs frona iis sibi ing species, A. griSEO Variegata by iis clarker, tess variegated ground colour, tess continuo us Cro S Si in CS, more prominent stigmata and sonae features of the se male genitalia. The ostium bursae of A. UectabiliS is s horter but bro ader than that of A. griSes Variegiam, the ductus

bursae is Stronger, bro ader, distat ly strongly tapering iis posterior part is fol dedlaterat ly, and the scieroti Zed pari of cervix bursae is significantly longer, larger, sit-

ualed closer to the fundus bursae.


Taxonomic novellies of the Agrochola traPersideS-groupThe A. traPersideS-group comprises medium- large species with relative lyStrong body, elongate-triangular, po in led, fore ing and Smali, more or tessi ounded hind wing. Eyes smali. globular, palpi Shori, Stender, upturned, with longventral hair-scales: frons broad, SmOoth, Stightly prominent. Antenna os male ciliate with long fasciculate cilia, that of fe male fili forna with scarce, shori cilia. The forewing patieria is very homogeneous with in the group, consisting of Sharply defin ed. oblique, usu atly Straight ante- and postmediat cros stines, well-defined orbicular and renis orna stigmata and most osten interrupted, si ightly sinuous subterminal line: the ground colour is ochi eous, yellowisti, pale brown or greyt Sli, Ostenstrongly Varying with in the sanae species. The male abdomen is stender, relative lyshori, abdominal coremata present: the abdomen of the female is stronger, thic ker the tip of the long ovi positor is protruding out frona the abdomen. The ground plan of the genitalia of both sex es of the A. trapezOideS-group is similar to that of the A. Statira grotis'. the differe iaces are discus sed in delati in the characterigation table see abo Ve).

Diagnosis. This species is rather remote frona the other taxa of the species-group due to iis characteristic dissere iaces in the externat and genital features compared with those of the other members of the A. tria eroideS grotis'. The typical external features of the species are the relative ly shorter, bro ader fore ings, thelack of the whit isti definition of the ante- and post mediat crossitnes and the stigmata and the rather strongly mari ed, dari er brown isti subterminal line: the ground colour of the hi nil ing is also dari er ochi eous. The distincti ve features of the male


genitalia Fig. 32) are the narrowly tubular, reclinate vesica without basal colling orlarge subbasal diverticulum. the cornuti of the mediat cornuti filed are strong, rather Shori, more Or less Straight. Sitting on a semiglobular di Veniculum: the uncusis stion, thick, the apical process of the cucullus is Strong, cuneate, the haNe is long straight. The female genitalia Fig. 33) is characteri Zed by the long, tubular, membranous ductus bursae and the large, discoidat, stightly helico id cervix bursae withstrong basal cresis and finely scieroti Zed ribs and wrin kles in the apicat distat) hal f.


The studies on the large, newly collected material of the species revealed that the differences recogniZable belween the types of A. GPPrOXimatia and A. t tog mPlia are not extending the range of the Variation of the large series of A. mproXimata. These two laxa are interpreted here as conspecific, and A. t tographa is synonymi Zed here with A. GPPr imam. In addition the Dugi Pass the type locality of A. a Proximam is one of the higher passes of the tipper Kaghan valley at least, there is a pass named as Dugi PASS), therelare, A. GPPr imata canbe considered as a species endemic to the Kaghan valley.


the very long Vesica, being conspicuous ly longer than tho se of the other members of the A. traPeroideS-group. without basal colling or recurved distat hal f. hut with two rather large basal diverticula. The mediat. membranous part of the iube ofvesica is very long the cornuti field is siluated far more distat ly than in the other species; the cornuti of this Geld are the largest with in the species-group. The fe male genitalia of the new species have strongly bilobate bursa with the apical part of the cervix bursae with ductus seminalis extending over the fundus bursae proximal ly this long cervix has large . elongate scieroti Zed plate. The cervix