Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


drical, curved at apicat thii d. carina scieroti Zed. with dentate ventrO- laterat plate on right fide, iis scieroti Zation extending sar into basal part Os vesica . Vesica broad ly tubular, inflated, scobinate. withstrong but rather shori, bulbed, mace- like cornutus. Mediat part Spactous, saccate, with two broad membra notis diverticula, distat thiris tapering with hroad terminal diverticulum. Fcmale genitalia Fig. 40) Ovi positor short. weak, papillae anales rounded quadrangular, setose, posterior apophyses Stender, sine. Ostium bursae liuge, heavi ly Scleroti Zed. more Or less quadratic with solded laterat edges. tapering proximal ly. Ductus bursae medium-long, proximal parthroader. spaci ous, wrin kled. mediat part with large . heavi ly Scleroti Zed ventro- laterat plate. distat part narrow, tubular. wrin kled. Cervix hursae s mali, conical, si tu aled at mi dille of corpus bursae. Apical part os corpus bursae rounded conicat, ribbed, sinely, Smoothly sciet Oti Zed. main part Os corpus bursae discoidal. sine ly scobinate. with tur long bro ad. ribbon- like signa. Bionomics and distribution. O. hadcisi is known only si ona the Kai akoram Mis Nattar valley). the stight period os the adulis is October November. Etymology. The now species is dedicated to Mr LASZLO HADAs. formur Cotin sellor os the Em-bassy os the Republic os Hungary in Isiamabad who has supportuit our scienti sic work in Pakistan.

stigma. Comparing the se male genitalia os O. si Scopicta with tho se of O. xid liquiiand O. hadasi, the ostium bursae is the longest in o. fusco ictia. it is lyris orna ta-

Description os ille se male genitalia Fig. 38) Ovi positor shori. wenk. gon apophySeS Stender. sine. Ostium bursae litige. heavi ly scieroti Zed. rather long lyrisona. tapering proximal ly. laterat edgessi ighlly solde l. Ductus bursae si altene l. medium-long. proximal part siron gly wrin kled, mediat pari villi triangular, heavi ly scieroti Zed ventro- laterat plate, distat part narro tubular wrinkled. Cervix bursae s mali. conicat, silualed al middie Os corpus bursae. Apical pari os corpus bursae broad rounded, Strongly ribbed. main part os corpus bursae disco id al. sincly scobinate. with sour long.



Acknowledgements - The aut hors would like to express their gratitude to Vr M. R. HONEY






Hermida, J., Ondina, M. P. and T. RodrigueZ The relative importance of edaphic factors on the distribution os sonae terrestriat gastropod species autecological and synecological approaches 265HOrVath, R., Magura, T. , Peter, G. and K. Bayar: Edge effect on weeviland Spider communities at the Bukk Nationat Park in Hungary 2JβBocat ova, M. Review of the genus Libinetis frona Laos Coleoptera, Ly

Lobl. I. Supplement to the knowledge of the Pselaphinae Coleoptera Staphylini lae) of North Korea 309 Platia, G. and I. GudenZi: Description of a new species of Schinamelius Platia. l 994 with a key to the known species Coleoptera. Elateridae



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PRICE. P. H. l 984) Alternati ve paradignas in communi ty ecology. Pp. 353-383. In PRICE, P.


In the texi resere iaces silould be gi ven as MARS HALI l 992) or MARS HALL l 992). When a citation includes more than two aut hors. c. g. GREY. BLACK and wHITE, the paper silo ut d be referred to in the texi as G REY et til. , provided that this not ambiguotis. Is papers by the fame author s) in the fame year are cited. they should be distinguished by the letters, G, b, c, etc.. e. g. MARS HALL l 992ci). Reserences to papers Vin pressV must mean that the article has been accepted sor publication. Resere iaces to 'personat communications' and unpubiis hed work are permitted in the texi only resere iaces to papers in preparation or submitted a re not permissi ble. Ali necessary illustrations s hould accompany the manuscript . but should not be inserted in the text. Ali photographs, graphs and diagrams should be numbered consecuti vely in Arabic numer-als in the ordor in whicli thcy are resci red to in the text. Glossy photographs or positive prinis Shouldhe sent uiamounted whcrever possibie and should he kept to a minimum. Figures silould he of good quali ty. Explanation os lettering and symbolf should be gi ven in the si gure caption and only exceptionalty in the si gures. Leitering and symbols to appear on the illustration should be os sussicient si Zeto allow sor considerable reduction where necessary usual ly proper sor a 50I reduction in si Ze). Scales must he indicated ola micrographs, not by magnifications in ille legentis. Figure si e must notex cccd 24κ30 cm. On the back os each illustration should he indicated the authoi 's name, the si gurenumher in Arabic numerat s). and the top os the illustration, where this is not clear. l lalf-lones shouldhe included Only when they a re essentiat. De talis and quotation os publication os colour plates shouldhe made to the editors. The sol lowing symbolf should be used on line drawing O U . A etc. Logeniis to sigures silould be typed on a separate si cet. They should give sussicient data tomake the illustration comprehensibi e without resere iace to the lext. Tablos and appendices should be constructed so as to he intelligibi e without res erunce to thetexi, num hered in Arabic numerals and typod on separate s licet s. Every table should he provided withan explanatory caption and cach column Should Carry an appropriate hea ling. Uniis os measti res hould always be indicated clearly metric uniis a re preseri ed). Ali labios and sigures must be resci redio in the text. Only standard ahhreviations si ould he u scd. Arbitrary abbreviations and jargon will not be

The Latin names silould he gi ven sor ali species used in the investigation. although taxonomicassiliation and authori ty necd not he providod in ille titie Palle prooss will he sunt to the author or the sit st-mentioned author in a paper os multiple authors hip) sor checking. Corrections to the proosis must he restricted to printers' errors. Any substantialalterations other than these may be charged to the author. Authors are particularly re quested to retum their corrected prooss as quickly as possibio in ordor to facilitate rapid publication. Please note that authors are urged to check their prooss caros ut ly bes ore return, since late corrections cannot be guai anteed sor inclusion in the prinicit journal. Fisty re prinis si ce os charge will be sent to the Girst author: extra copi es os the issue at a specialty reduced rate) can be ordei ed on the sirin which will accompany the prooss. These s hould be re- tui iacit to The Editorial Ossice os the Acta Zoologica, Hungarian Natural Hislory Muscum Budapest, Bal Oss u. t 3. Il-l088. HungaryThe page charge required from authors ouisi de Hungary is USD i5 per printed page. In exceptionat cases, the page charge may be waived. Please contaci the editor in bes ore submitting a paperis you ask sor a waiver. Authors os papers excee ling l6 printed pages are asked to pay USD 40 sorHUF cqui valent) sor cach such page. i. e. ali cosis os publication sit respective os their nationali ty).FOR FURTHER lNFORMATION PLEA SE CONTACT US
