장음표시 사용
SYNOPSISI. Genera remarks equabie procures deat of hi brother, 1mophanes, who ad violenti seiget upo the Corinthia govemment his mental Suffering consequent thereupon. II. Sent by the Corinthians, he strives Dionysius ut of Syracuse, but laeel spare his liferi anquistie Icetas, the Carthaginians, an Mamercus. III. Repeoples the deserte cities: Us good Works Iove entertuine for tam by eople of Sicily. IV. His resignatio an humility Singula coincidenem Some further particulars --sdom, moderationa his deat an publie honors.
rostratu the impertinenc os the an by force. - Oravit, implored. - Ne id facerent, tot tota it. V
SYNOPSIS.I. Changes the declimn fortune of the Carthaginians mulie Peace, ut retain his arms. II. Saves Carthage, and oes even more tha this. III. Is sent into Spat at the ea of an army takes illi his his son Hannibal, and Hasdrubal on hom he estows his augiiter; his Vietines, and dealti.
SYNOPSIS.I. HIS Super1Orityrus a generat ho Sho enunto ard hima his atreuos the Romans. II. His lassuence illi Antiochus he narrates to imIII. ad commander os Carthaginia forces a the age of tweuty-sive at the head of three armies crossessali Alpsu Various exploitS. V. Hefight with the mos eminent Roman generalS, and i victoriOUS. V. HiSmarc o Rome his Various successsu concietS. I. Recalle to his o- Country, heri conquered by the Roman at Zama; akes a Stan at Adrumetum VII. eao is made; e Serve in disserent Capacities tosave himself Do the Romans heraees to Antiochus in Syria conductifthe Carthagini an toward him. VIII. ait to Cyrene, i unfortunate; en gaged in a se a-figlit,illi the Rhodians. IX. Ingeniou device or conoealla an securin his ealth Dom the gras os the retians. X. Heexcites Prusias, in os Pontus against the RomanS contending illi Eumenes, Lingis Pergamus, he et fortiti a nava expedition his single objectiein to destro that regal genera LimSeis. XI. Hi quee Stratagem for esseetin his purpose. XII. He is Surrounde in his gasile, and commit sulcide XIII. Diei a the age of Seventy his cultivation os
4hould supplicate. G. Sui exposcendi gratia, do the purpos is demandin hi -
VΙΙΙ. I. Antiochi spe siduciaque, inliops and confidenco intho aid os Antiochus.
os truce. t se ii as usuali fixe o tho pro of tho hi or
SYNOPSIS.I. His descent; early instruction, character and mental malities asina thII. Disquietudo in state assairs, the course he purSued therein his liberality. III. Estimation in hic he was held honor preserre to him. IV. His intimacrWit Sylla Manne in hichine employed himself. V. His uncte his famil connections. VI. His course in regarda publie assair various excellence of character. VII. In the aeSaria civit War, he offend&neither Pompe nor Caesar. VIII. Caesar bein Stain, he granis to Brutus in advorsity, What he would resus toti in prosperity. IX. Is the friend of tony, condemne and haled, and proieci and aid the persecute memberso his family. X. In the mutations of fortune, hi kindnes is rewarded, When Anton return to power. XI. Hi further acts of kinoess. XII. His liberality use of wealthao relieve distressa disregar os mere station and honor. XIII. His manneris life domestic habit inmates of his dwelling. XIV. His entertainments his moderation. XV. Hi integrityri capacitiessor business. XVI. Fit companio sor the old or Oung his friendshipeageri Sought. XVII. Equanimit of his life XVIII. Fond os antiquity,Skille in genealogies a loveris poetry-hi Concisenessetherein XIX. Notambitious of distinctiona alliance illi him S Sought. XX. His hieneshipswilli Caesar an Mar Antony. XXI. His genera good health, diSense, closin intervie os counsel. XXII. His last dayx his death.
andienco it is usuali macte by the letters LLS. D libra, libra
T. POMPONIUS ATTICUS. 2 1 gemis ora abbreviation HS. t is osten calle Simpl numus, ornummus The seStertius O nummus Was equa to about thre cenis
e. Haerestem ex dodrante, hei to three-Durtha os his propertyor estate.' Dodrans means three-Durtha of the as, applied in generat,sor three-laurins os any things ahen hom tho phraso facere hoeredemeae asse, uomaho universuPheir.V- Circiter centies LLS. Rosor toNoto IV. 4. Sestertium is a sum equata a thousand sestertii. heu numera adver is sine to sestertium, it denotes s many hundrodihousand sestercos. Thus centies LLS is the Samo a centies centena millia sestertiorum, i. e. 10,000,600 sesterces, an is equivalenti ubout inmur money, 8387,500. VI.-I. Optimarum partium, of the patricia party.V3. Ad .... CCeSSit, te neve attende tho Censor A sales, when the publio revenues ero let to tho highest biddor. It was thocustom, at public auctions to erect a Pear here the rier Stoo ucustom probabi derive stom this circumstaneo that thos thing onlywhicli,ero tahe in War ero Sol in that manner. At tho laxes und publio revenues ero let publici by tho censors to tho highest bid-der.-Nullius . . . . factus St, he was Deither Suret nor principat in farmin the publio revenuo.' Thoso ho sarmed the publio revenuo were calle mancipes or publicani the gave securities to the public, called praedes and ad generali pariners, socii, ho hared illi
VII.-I USU ESt. . . . Vacatione, io valle himself os tho exemptio stom militar service, to hicli ho was entilled by his ago.'Person abovo st years os ago Moyed immunit homolio uties of war.-Eae sua familiari re, drom his Wn persona fortuno or
T. POMPONIUS ATTIGUS. 273tho peaco os societ o tho rightsis thers, a crime Flagitium, an
whicli a closed illi a solemn sacrifico, calle Lustrum This Word, accordiugly, is put so tho termis sive ears lius duo lustra, tonaearsa decem lustra vidit, hecis est years of age These Lustra, ho evor, ero not like tho Olympiads, sed in rechoning dates, ut meret to denoto a certain paco os time. Tho method os rechoning dates among the Roman wa by consulShips, o Do the Dundation of the cit Consul mero firs elected, o tho abolition os royalty intho ear of tho cit 244. The firs consul mero Lucius Iunius Brutus, and Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus. enco, Lucio Iunio Bruto et Lucio Tarquinio Collatino consulibus, in tho 244th yearis Rome. This methodis rochoninidates, however, Was difficuli an uncertainrihecause tho consul frequently die during thei office, and were suc- eedod by thera besor the sua time os election That, therelare, os computin homilio Dundation os the cit Was easter an more definito. Tho ear a divide by tho Roman into tWelve monilis. Theso monilis ero adapted to the ourso Os the sun by Iulius Caesar, with tho aidis Sosigenes, an astronome of Alexandria, an distribu- ted into tho number of ays stili assigne to ach. enc the earthus divided is calle thoraulian, o Solar ear. The monilis eredivided into thre paris, by Kalends, Nones, and Ides. The rs daywas called Kalendae a calando Domin pries calling ut to theseoplethat it Was ne moon thoodes, whicli divide tho monti, derived thei nam Domitio obsolet ver iduare, to divideri and themones Were o calledaecause, countin inclusively the weremine day stom
monili, tho Romans counte bachwards thus, o denoto tho Ist os December, the Eaid Pridie Kalendas, i. e. Me kal. Ianuarii; or, Pridie Kalendarum Ianuarii, marhed hortly Prid Kal. IanTho 30th os December, Tertio Kalendas Ianuarii, i. e. tertio die ante, c. or, ante diem tertium Kal. Ian. 29th, Quarto Kalendas. Ianuarii, C. . A quintum Iapidem, in tho fifth mil6-stone.' From thoearliost perio os Roman history, it was unlawsul to bury within thocity. y the law of the welve tables it Was expressi prohibite in theso terms, HOMINEM MORTUU IN URBE NE SEPELITO NEvκ