장음표시 사용
2 1. Quorum consilio uteretur hy Subj Pr.
3 Supprimere classem: hat ord i more Sual in this senses
CH. IV. 1 1. Multae novem partes detramite Ovmany re novem parteSy-2. Xplain the Roman mod6os calculatin fructionS. 2 I. 0 may quum pleraque poSSimu proferre testimonia be construe dy Ρr. Intr. Diff. os Idiom, II 6.4-2. HOW i quum here Sed Τ-3. HOW is pleraque here sed l 3 Ut mallet se adire e Xplain the Sem Se here. Pr. Intr. 145, 146. J
CH. I. 1 l. Venio nunc ad give instances of this rimos transition.-2. Give instances in hicli qualities are marhed by an adjective and an attributive gen.
2 l. Hoc plura parS hoc .-2. Xplain plerique. Pres. IJ T.J-3. What is the orce of e et heres Milt b, 3J T.J-4. What is ratio ἶ-5. What is apparere hero l 3 Et manu fortis, et bello strenuus distinguisti be-
CH. I. 1 1. Venio nunc ad voluptates agricolarum. Cic. do Sen. 15, 1 so 16 56. 2. Dion, 9, 3, quum audacissimos, tum viribus a rimis: Suet Nero, , 6 vir neque satis consa an s et in penio truci. 2 4. Natio comprehend ali that is necessarnio maho their character underStood the evenis, thei CircumStanees, Order Causes,&c. it is heresore more extensive than causae r includin notoni cause an motives but means. 5. o b seen in their true light. 3 Manu fortis relates to persona bravery bello strenuus te his re lution activity, and per8everance S a Commander.
5 For nihilo segnius Some re ad nihilio secius egive a simila instance of SegniuS.
boy his SiSter' SOD. CH. III. I l. Hominem maximi corporis terribilique facie give a simila instance of the connectionos a genitive it an abi in his construction. . Sthis example quite similar l-3. What is the suppoSed disserenos etween the abi. and the en in his con- Structioil Pr. Intr. p. 62 noto l. -4. What is thedistinctio give by remi, aster Ramshornl-5. Sthis opinion tenable Τ-6. What se ems tot the generat,
5 576. 2. Cic. in thorad Boo de Divin. 39, ascribes to Ajazwhat was reatly dono by Mysses; and in the ver sam book o. 30,put the word o Mysses into the moesti os Agamemnon. 3.
5J Nihilo segnius bellum parare e Sall. Jug. 75 fin. CH. III. 1 1. Pompeius oris improbi, animo inverecundo. Sall. r. 2. No so the alter qualit is a menta one. 4. That the gen denotes a properi simplyrus belongincto the subjecte the abi the impressron it maheampo othera. 5. O tho ex- ample oris improbi, animo inverecundo itfel overthrowiit. 6. Thatthe genitivo describes the rea natur an character of the subjectu the ubi rathe particula manifestation or circumstances os it PV Consilium. Quotusquisque Pr. Intr. 477.J Aster making this distinction, rsiger remarks pon his passage, tha qualities of the body, o far a the relate to the whole hody belon to iis realnature, an can, O that ver reason, b in the genitive. ther qualities of me bod are theresore, expresse by the ablative Only. iat GrRm. p. 532.
2. Primo non accredidit i accredere a common Verbί--
, Whatio oscit me an 'CH. IV. 1 1. What peculiarit is there in quoe
libet eve so sed l-4. Distinguisti etWeen imprudens an imparatus, hen the Orme relate t want of preparation.
5 l. Ad se ferentem explain ferentem here.-2
7. O numbers, e g. classis trecentarum navium. 8. In bono animo esse ἰ animo forti et erecto, in ea mente. 2 1. Dupleae amiculum is equivalent to a compound substantive. 2. Proelium equestre adversum et frumentaria magna
largitio. 3. No bestia is an irrationa animal, hicli is fera, sociar ascit is not tamed. 3I Q. To ook at reii attention. 2. No it occursioweverin Cic. Att. 6, 2 viae ac credens, communicavi cum Dionysio. 3. To bellene ith diracultv nearly mur credit. CH. IV. 1 1. Η had besoro sed Cataonia a country, hiel, homo denotes by gens, and uses illi it jacere, hic is properly used os countries Only. 2 1. O aras it by plundering and devastatin ine SionS,&c. 2. I does no describo particularethings whicli,ere actuallyon thela anto tho in o a gine occasion, ut such things as Wore regularly conveye to the ing tho expression is indefinite both with respectato tho classis things andri the time. 3 1. The indicative. 2. - eve so great. Pr. Intr. 45l, tiote . . ess Suet. Vesp. . quicqui volvere animo. ruamlibet magnum. 4. Imprudens implies that the causeos the want os preparation as that tho person id not perceive thenecessitnoscit. 5 1. It is used intransitivel in ferentem se bringing himsel
- adnancing. 2. Circumvehens in circumvehens se, o dura
eircumvehebatur Timoth. 2, 1J IJ. 3. Movens, vertens, mutans stom moveri, verti, mutari. 4. It implies a uddendrea or panis. CH. V. 1 1. Quem et eae quanto regno ad quam fortunam detrusisset xx. 2, 2. 2. That would meanae lamedhimself, not Somemther person Whereas the emphasis is here o the person blaminς horaimsel f seli ho unwisely he had acted.
3I I. To rite a complete an sui account. 3. Litteris. implied in perscripta mittit. 4 1. Reges implied by consuetudinem regiam in OriSuetu. dinem regum. 2. - obaudire, to gine ea to; to solio then
250 QUESTION ONCH. VI. 1 1. ive an instanc os prospere pros dant.-2. Pisius ervenire cupiebat, quam de re als
3 l. What is in turbam exire ' . What Oea relictum mea here l 4 l. Et omnes confestim sequi What is the Orceos et heroi Pr. Intr. ii. 233. J-2. Is there any ther peculiarit in the sentencess 5 l. ivo instances os tantum quod.-2. O Dyof these exacti agre With the passage bes ore usa 6 1. Explain composito. 2. What is ab aliquo stare ἶ-3. What Other forma are seda 8 For hat is cogitatum here Sed gCu. VI. 1 1. Sed tamen, ut omnia ro Spere procedant, multum interest te venire, Cic. ad Div. 12 9: Eo uiso prol- per succedere, Liv. 21, 7. 2 1. His locis, iis, talibus locis: Vis is more common inthis senso, but hic is sinciently justified by many passages. 2. Eumen. 5, 2 neque umquam ad manum accedere licebat, nisi his locis, quibus pauci multis possent resistere Ages. 3, 6 his locis manum conSeruit, quibus plus pedeStres copio valerent. 3.Yes hoc animo in nos esse debebis ut, α, ad Div. 2, 1 and without solioWin ut o qui sed duros et quasi corneolos habent introitus aures ,-quod his naturis relatus amplificatur sonus domat Deor 2 57, 144. 3 1. To ecomo generali known Eo Cic. eaeire atque in vulgus emanare pro S. Roscio 1, 3. 2. Deserted. f4 2. es par esse must e borrowed stom tho precedin se tenee, the nonaeing rejected. 5 1. Cic. ad Fam 7, 23, 1 tantum quod eae Arpinati veneram, quum mihi a te litter redditae sunt. Ad Att. 15, 13 see quum scriberem, tantum quod eaeistimabam ad te orationem esse perlatam Suet. Aug. 63, 1 Iuliam-Marcello-tantum quod pueritiam egresso-nuptum dedit. 2. N it,oulda lilioth first, is quum ero expresseda quum-jubet. 6I Q. The usual formes eae composito e ut composito alOne OCcurs Ter Phorm 5, 1, 29 co myo si to factum est on hi hDonatus remarhs: Sic vetere8 nos, eae o pisit o. 3. Stare cum aliquo, Eum 8, 2 an cum aliquo adversus aliquem, Ages. 5, 4.ί8J Eaecogitatum ouldae the more Sual Orm.
CH. VII. 1 1. Maximo natu filius is his ausual sor 8-2. De defectione patris detulit explainde defectione. Dion I 0, 2J,J-3. Quam conari What
doe conari here mean Τ 2 I. Ciliciae portoeu What are portae here Τ-2. Give Cicero' descriptionis his paSS.
3 Incipitibus locis: ive tho derivation and the deciensionis anceps Them. 3, 3J, 2.4
CH. VIII. fi l. Statuit congredi, quam, C. explain his construction. . GiVe Ome instances Os
2I I. A narro passQ - angustiae. 2. Duo sunt aditus in Ciliciam eae Syria, quorum uterque parvis proesidiis propter angustias intercludi potest, nec est quidquam Cilicia contra Syriam munitius Adiam. 15 4. Cu. VIII. 1 I. Potius is omittedae re quam us μαλλον Osten is besorora in reeh. 2. Ea Fortuna res cunctas eae lubidine quam eae ero celebrat obscuratque Sali Cat. . tanta is hominis leniunda quin eragitanda videbatur, C. Id. ι8, 5 bene ficiis quam metu imperium agitabant, e Id. 9, 5.
3 1. What doos loci natura here mean l-2. Hujus: O hom does his relate Τ-3. What solutionis this dissiculi doos rem offer '-4. Non amplius homi
4 hat is callide cogitare f5 1. What is bellum ducere ἶ-2. Ad pacem amita-
tramque hortatu est, ut cum rege in gratiam rediret is the last clause, hicli Seem SuperfluouS, neceSSarii to
Claudi oratio fuit precibus, quam jurgio similisu Liv. 3, 40. 3. Quin immo Arretii ante moenia sedeamus e Liv. 22, 3 ubi sedens prospectaret hostem Ιb. 14. 3I I. The adnantage of his round 2. o Autophradates, though Datames is themearest substantive. 3. That ii reserat synesis, Milt 5, 1J,ADto numeri, implied by the preced- in has copias. 4. Quam is omitted. See also ill 5, IJ, 5. 4J lay his plans illi great abilit o ingenuity. 5 1 T dram ut o lengthenisu the war Alcib. 8, 1, oha ut bellium quam diutissime duceret. 2. NO: Such explanator ClauSe are not uncommon. Seo iit. 1, 2, Delphos deliberatum missi sunt, qui consulerent Apollinem.
insidiari is sibi sed correcti here Τ-2. Qui in amicorum erant numero, hi bein a Subordinate clauso in
oblique narration, hyris erant in the indicative ' Pr. Intr. 466. J 3 I. Simillimum sui: hat is the sua dissereno ebetween similis sibi an similis sui DPr. Intr. 212,
3I T. Certaint not, ut the reponderance of authorit is in
favor os t. 3. x Gen. Os eae terna resemblance Phidias sui similem speciem inclusit in clypeo Minervae Cic. Tusc. 1, 15: ple ctri similem linguam nostri solent dicere, chordirum dentes, nares cornibus iis, qui ad nervos re Ronant in cantibus, Id. N. D. 2, 59 here observe the gen an dat. Sed indifferently. Pr retori s admodum similem fuisse constat. Vul MuX. 9, 14. 2 Dative os interna o mora resemblance: Non eg eum cum summis iris comparo, Sed simillimum deo judico. Cic. pro Marcello 3. 4. Loco Se agminis, quo duae incedere olebat. 5. Cic. oin the two ordita the ver Same Way vestitu et ornatu regali do in. 2, 21, 69 restitus laridis res generalty ornatus is the more genera term for his hole quipment.
4J I. - praeceperat. Them. 7, 3J, 3. 2. Cic. p. Quint. 2, 8 id quod parati sunt fac ere. Sall. Cat. 20, n nisi-ros
Servire magis quam imperare parati Stis Caes. B. C. 1, 7:SeSe pirit 3 8Se-defendere, C. 3. Vigor, promptitude,
CH. X. 2 1 Deaetram. 2. Because the phrase ὁεξιαν πέπιτειν occurs in Greela, an is imitate by the Latin authors Thus Eeζια αυτοῖς πεμψε νομα ΠερσικP, Olysen. 7, 28, 1 SO Xen Ages. 3, 3 and εξιαν φέρειν, Anab. 2, 4, 1. In Justi 11, 15, e read inquam rem unicum pignusfdei regice de aeterim se femen d am Aleaeandro dare. And ac Hist. 1, 54 Miserat civitas Lingonum, vetere instituto, dona legionibus, deae tris, hospitii insigne. Elther an ussurance, sent by letter ora an ambasSador that the
f3 1. Persuasit homini has homo an deprectativsorce here Τ-2. Give a Simila instanc sto Cicero. 3. When does persuadeo take ut' hen the U. y-4. What is in sinitum bellum here Τ-5. Amicitiam gerere explain his Se Os gerere.
Autophradates Whente perceived that Datames could notae enclosed in the pass, resolve d to longilien ut thewar. Datame re Solve da tengthen out ille ar, fratherJ
Datame S.CH. XL fl Deque ea re Other re ad de qua re; quote paSSage to justis the ea. 2 l. Ante aliquot dies is this correct according to the sua practice of the est writer Τ-2. Atque ipsos
Promiser made a solem an oath ascis he had inen his right hund whicli perhapilio reatly had done to Somo sponsor, a it,ere, Ostho absent person o tho actua device of u right and as apledge, that tho promiseria bound himself by a solemn ath tis mos probabio that ac alludes o somo Euch device, the deaeterabein an insigne hospitii: ut his, os course, oes no prove thaitho Psinianilia a similariuStom. 3I Q. No. 2. Quid enim abest huic homini 7 i. e. Pompeio, pro Corn. Balb. 4. Seo Paus 1, 1J, 1-6. 3. I tahes ut Whentho person is persuade to do omething the ins heu hecis per- Suaded rati convinced that any thincisis and so. A Waros eXtermination: bellum internecinum. 5. Possibi it implies that tho gar os frientilii was assumed; ut gerere amicitiam occurs ithout an implied notionis this kind Cic. ad Fam 3 8, 5: de amicitia gerenda proeclarissime scripti libri S inimicitias gerere, Att. II, 5; odium, simultatem gerere, C.