Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류


scrutarentur; ho are the ipsi'-3. Qui eae plora ei mittunt e Xplain the use of the impers Suri Withthe present mittunt Pr. Intr. i. 414 b.J 3 1. What is telum J-2. Have e had nn other instanc in ep. os telum so gladius

f4 Distinguis belWeon digredi and degredi.


Datames an Mithridates: ut stomolio utrique tho meanin is themsetne and thei followers. 3 1 Telorum appellatione omnia, eae quibus saluti hominis noceri possit, accipiuntur, Julius Paulus, Sentent recept 5, 3, 34 - ,eapons os ostence ς' though properi missiles. 2. es: Alcib. 10, 5 subalare telum. 4 Degredi is simpinio go arean digredi is to go way, Whenthose, With Whom Phave been also go way in another direction. In ther ords, degredi denotes departure simplyri digredi implies departur an reciproca separation.


I. Generat caution in regari to the circumstances amixwhicti Epaminondas Was educated. II. His poverty, and accomptishment in various purSuits III. Menta and mora character devotion to jurisprudence an philosophy his friendi ossices, an kindness. IV. Artaxerxes attempt toirmehim, but oes no Suece ed. V. His eloquenoe; cene it Meneclides. VI. Replyrio Callistratus speech against the Spartans. VII. His sorbear-ane Unde injuries uor the good of his country incurre the ris os capita punishment. VIII. Tried ut acquitieu. IX. Die a Mantinea. X. Unmarried his patriotismΙ.-I. Hae .... Ie Ctoribus. Q Seern necessar to premise



a largo amount os money.V-Diligebat Trace the derivation. 2. Orbis terrarum MVitias. Is ou expression, Mealth ostho Indies.

I. POpunscitum or Iebiscitum, in decre os theseoplo.' It is opposed to senatus consultum, sor, in regar to decrees an ordinances, theseoplo populus mero divided into tW classes, plebs and senatui. decree of the wholeaeopte or, hicli is the Samo hing, of the twoabove-name classes, was properi called populi jussum.-Imprudentiam, inconsiderateness, i lying also, aut os foresight.V-Multabat o mulctabat. Th ver multo implies, in connection illi punishment, ossi deprivation in this case, deprivation fuisse. VIII.-I. Sua opera, i his means. V2. Neque . . . . Subiret. o di ho den but that o hould undergo tho punishment of the law.V- periculo suo. In his billos condemnationV- tho recordis his judicia sentence.' d. Apud Uiesore omne a by.V4. Retraxit, Enalched saved. - Universam . . . . vindicavit.


258 NOTES. S. A Judicio, Se Lexicon, unde the word Caput

Is rive into exile. II Witti ther return in disguis to Thebes. III. Pelopidas restores liberi to his sellow-citigens the tyrant having been Stain and the garrisontrive hom the ciladel. V. This exploit thework of Pelopidas in os of his ther deeds, he hares the glornwilli Epaminondas. V. Struggling illi adverSe fortune, e revenges theasDon putauponii by Alexander of Thrace, illi,homine age Successsul war, though he himself fel therein The Thessalia cities honor

them orth.V-Si tantummodo summas sc res attigero, shalltouch onlymniis hie actions.''-Medebor cum satietate tum ignorantice lectorum, d hali provido against both the satiet and thoignorunce Os Troaders. 2. Laconum rebus studebant, lavore tho interest os tho Lucedaemonians. -υque . . . consilio. andio did that os his own privato jud ent, Without the sanctionis the public.V3. Thebanis .... esse. That he had to do illi, i. e. thatine must contend with the Thebans.V-Patria carebat, dive in

exile. II.-I. ContuΙerant se Had betaken themSelves.V-Ut . .

obtulisset They might eudeavo by the firs occasion hicli fortune Eliould present. 2. Sentiebant idem, ingree in sentiment an Deling.V-Ad


credit os Deoing Thebes belong to Pelopidas.' 3. Assuit, ho was present.' When f sollows tho preposition dis osten changed int f thus adfui oris ut Se Lexicon, Adsum.


SYNOPSIS.I. Agesilaus preserrexto ris nephewrior the Spartan throne. II. y a Sud-den Strok of poticy, he meet the Persia genera in Asia before herisaware that Agesilaus ad even et ut o his marcti his reason foradhering to his salth, though ait Was roken by the Persia generat. III. The truce enlex; hile the enem expectit in Caria, he devastates Phrygia the manne in hic he stimulate the energies of his arm fortis reorganization at Ephesus the fame ar polle characteriZes him his SuccesseS mode of Success. IV. His obedience characteriZed thebatile at Coronea his veneration. V. The Corinthia victory renSonS: no Stormin Corint an other Grecia cities. I. Declines to gorio Leuctra aves Sparta his knowledge of human nature. VII. His publicosis his own moderation VIII. PersonalineometinesS-diminutiTe and lameri his sorbearance of corusorisu his gratuitieS.


3. Ite . . . . Iter, in . . the ther. 3-Fieri, regem unde



SYNOPSIS.I. Generat remarks serves Oth Philip an Alexander in a post of great responsibility II. II receives Cappadocia, and Serves Perdicas. III. His fidelity govem partis Asia stratagem by hic he ingeniousty brings his troops toriae the enemy. IV. Hi Success particular of the batile. V. Pursue by Antigonus; besieged his refources in a lege. I. His advice to Olympias his fidelity. VII. Manages in the name of Alexander VIII. Fighis illi Antigonus insubordinatio an licentiousne Ss olMacedonia Phalanx Antigonus' device. IX. Is circumvente by Ei menes. X. Eumenes is basel betrayed to Antigonus XI. Incident of his captivity XII. His dealli. III. Hi ServiceS, an poWer.


262 NOTES.

judicia sense that is, the sum os ali the right an privileges of a Roman citizen, Whicli, is hocioses, hociose his caput. Causa capia

at ono time . . . . ut unother'


2. Raperetur, 'stio Elioulda drawn.V-omnium . . . . Oblivisceretur Ehould bur in oblivio ali injuries.' 3. Gessit, iore carried condueted. '- em, lassistaneo. Subsidio sibi, do her assistunce.' I. Ratius duxit, considered, Stoemo it better.' -Referentem, 'rendering.' Ingratus, in ungratem One, an ingrate. 'VII. e. Principii K. Se infra VII.-Administrare, to man.


EUMENES. 263 3. Nam . . . . regia, no a tho tent of Eumenes, ut at thoroya tent.' Principia as a road open pace, extendin the wholobreadth os the camp, an separatin the lower par of the cum Domiti upper Hore Was erecte tho tribunal of tho generat, Whenis otther administered justico oriaraugue the urmy. VIII.- . Acie instructa, Mith arm drawn u in batile

XIII. I. PhiIippo apparuisset, had attende Philip as his

a. Ornatum, insignia.'


264 NOTES.


I. More notoriouisor integrit os lis than sor militar genius, hence termeathelood rejecis the in os Philip II. ccuse of ingratitude to Demosthenes, and of want os fidelit to the State. III. Two factions at Athens is rive away goes o Macedonia is there imprison est, and finalty taken ac to thens for triat. V. The eople very mueli exaSperate against him hecis refuse delance aster a mock triat, is condemnex his dealli, an ignobi Sepulture.

Ι. I. Ex quo DOm hicli circumstance,' referring to integrit os liso. II. 2. Iebiscit Se Note, Epam. VII. 4.3. Causam capitis Se Noto, Eum V. 1 Damnare capitis. ΙΙΙ. I. Optimatum, of tho nobi es. 2. Capitis damnatos Seo Note, Eum V. 1.3. CauRam . . . . dicere, he was Ordere to lea his cause, nominali besore in Philip but in realit besor Polysperchon.VIV. I. Pedibus Jam non valeret. I may be translated, ho

2. Inde . . . . ViriS, then ein judiciali condemned certain legat form being one through illi ho a give u to tho undecemviri V-elevo magistrates at Athens, hos ossice it Was to talio chargo os hos committexto prison, an to eo tho sentence of thalamexecuted on crimis ais.