Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류


Is propitia generali uSed in the fame ense a here l-3. Sive an instanee scit applicatio tomen.


With this vio Dion stayod at home and too no partin the festival He mans partic. a trireme, and giVesthe command oscit to a trusi person I Wil give thocommand of this part Say of these to a certain

yO may Save me. Is ou had beon et disposed to-Ward me, O might have ave me. Cu. X. 1 1. What are the tW meaning O concidere '-2. ive an instance of the lauer meaning. Hann. 3, 4.J-3. OnStrue celeri rumore dilato. 2 1. Hujus de morte ut palam factum est is his ausual construction l-2. Give instauces Os de belli used in his a to describe vaguel an generali an Vent

them. O virtus-notitiam eroe posteritatis habet, v. Pont. 4, 8, 48. 5 1. The govomment os a single person: Eo Singulare imperium, c. Regg. 2, 2.

6 1. In G, it is suid domum , set ori Di s in custodibus

sepit theseauard admitte tho Zacynthians. 2. No it is usuali appliedo the od only. 3. Parentes propitii. Ter Adelph. 1, I, 6. Cis. X. 1 1 T cui dore sud den ly, or ut o pieces ut-terly. 3. Tho rumor ein quickly Epread. Seo note onquotidiani above, 7, 2J. 2 1. the sua constructio is palam facere aliquido am; Hac re palam facta,mann. 7, 7. 2. Addunt, e S ab inimor te, Caes. B. G. I, 41 de defectione patris detulit.


236 QUESTION ONwith iis attendant circumstances.-3. ive an inStanc eo sic illi an adverb.-4. EXplain the tenSe os poSSens,


Dat. 7, 1. So τα πιρὶ Ni dvov. 3. Groecas litteras-sic avide arripui quasi, c. Cic. 0 Seneci. 8, 26 Seeir. Intr. i. 779. 3 1 Crowded thronged public, c. e. g. portum Caieto celeb er imum atque plenissimum navium. Cie pro Leg. Man12, 33. 2. At tho public expense. 3. In publico. CH. I. 1 1. o : ut states that his disciplina militaris aseVO more remurkabie, and more amous the nobilitatus est bein sitho Oint insiste on. 2. Nobilitata crudelitas T. 2, 7, 26. 2I I. Ruspiam an nullibi. 4. When an actuat divisionis to e expressed. Pr. Intr. i. 281.

Me must then Suppos fuit enim talis dux, c. to mea that he was in that respect i e us a muster of the theory and practice os the militar arthinferiora none.


Iphicrates a S great a generat, that he neve losta battio by an savit Os his Wii. IS any generat searlier times t be referre d t Iphicrate. Iphicratesis sat neve to hau los a batile by his Own fauit. Iphicrates enriche tho artis Wari many ne inventions an many improvenientes Though, diminishtho eight so thoi armor , thei person Willi equallywel defended, and the oldior thomsolves illa ablot move and charge illi greater activi ty.

3 Because the meanin tocto expressed is that he had been in tho habit of having, C. 4 1 That contrario has no authorit that e contrario is used by ep. and Quintilians eae contrario by Cicero. 2. That e

contrario - contra eae contrario se eae altera parte contraria I and

that therocis no re οὐχ rejectingis contrario in Cic. de Fin. 5, 12, 36. . ex Eum 1, 5 manu 1, 2 Att. 9, 3. 4. Dod scutum Seo Dici os Antiqq. 5. o denoto that it Wasthoi regula constant appellation. 6. The tength. T. Cuirasses consistin os metallic lates connected by leuther thonga nisi Sowe to a Shinis piec os Stron linen. 8. the atque is xplicative and those of bronze, implying that the werether ore exceedingi hea . . o connect two notion os Whicli the latior might se em inconsistent With the forme aridyet 'an nereriheless. aer. Intr. ii 220. 10. Magister hic Samnitium summa jam senectute est, et quotidie commentatur. Cio de r. 3, 23 86. 11. It is seldom sed in his sense ab-8slutely that is, ithout another verb. 12 Signa, quα Nobis curasti. c. Cic. Att. 1, 3, 2.


238 QUESTION ON3. J-2. Whyris ut nullus, no ne quis, sed here ' PIIntr. l. J-3. Dicto audientem esse alicui pars dicto and distinguisti etWeen parere, obedire dicto audientem

2 l. What is the meaning of eam in eam OriSuetudinem J-2. What is consistere I 3 1. Explain mora.-2. HOW doeci appea toleuse here l-3. What is intercipere ' and What does inter mean in CompOSition/-4. Tota Graecia : hy notantota Graecia

Spartan army, consistin os 4 5, 6, 7, ο even hundred en, at different times an accordi licto different authors. 2. o designate a bod os Lacedoemonia troops, a phalanae sor a bod os Macedonians. 3. Inter in composition denotes tho interpositionis Somo obstacte between an attempt anxiis Success thus interdicere and interced re.-Intercipere seu tali themaesore their purp0Se a uecompliShed 'ene to intercept to cui Q, especiallybyra Stratagem O sudden attach. 4. Tho ablativo without in is Sed to Xpress notuom potnt rei thinis hole, but eaetensiono de the whOle. 4 1. Cum laude, o somo suci expression implied by the sol-lowin clause. 2. From Fabius cunctator the sint Euccesssul opponentis Hannibal. CA III. 1 1. It is the wea autem os transition in i ε. r. Intr. ii 481.

2 1. Ιt always implies that the quantit is notini littIe, butles than it hould heu to litile. 2. Quum multis in rebus negligentia plectimur, tum azime in amicitiis et diligendis et colendis de Amicit. 22 85, Κlotet an de T. 3, 11, 47. H. Intr. i. p. 207, w I.J 4I Q. Caes. and Livy,-no Cicero




Iphicrates is sal to have pre Serve an Xtremelystrici discipline. Iphicrates Onareat glor by cuttingo a Lacedaemonia mora Artaxerae applied to the Athenians for a generat, O train hi mercenar trOOPS,

and bring them to a Ugh state os disciplino. He illno Pretire tit he has ahen the ity, and bum it to thoground Will o inspire any ne it admiration byyour perSOnal appe arance NO. Menestheus the sonos Iphicrates by a Thracian ady Was asked hic here spectediost, his ather o his mothera

fdunt ut e nocturna Phoenices in alto poet in . D. 2, 41 hoec sunt opera magni animi et eae celsi, et prudent Laconita Loque identis de T 1, 23, 1. 3. Agesilaus eelin sure ofvictory. 4. That the ubi does no expres tho ground of this considen e the hin in hic he trusis, as in consilio idere, c., but the objectis it the thing hic he confidenti expecta. The ne est is the common phrase idens rebu8 suis in poet the object is usuali expressed by the ius, as in parum fidens pedibus contingere matrem, Luc. 4, 6 Ix figura cuncta sibi χ sura pericula Caesar, Id. 5 577. 6. es quae prima pha-Iangem prostrari Laconum Pel. 4, 2. T. Restin their

man says Bremius obfrenavit. Cornelium eontra non nisi Alc. 8 I: Ages. 7, 4; et Epam. 6 IJ, eontrisque dietisse. Id fortasga aromemtum eris uaestionis, auetor hisua libri instilusnd Vol li. p. 124.


240 QUESTION ONgenu Scuto -8. De Scribe the position. 9. What is moro Sual than projicere hastam J-l0. What is, id novum contuens y-ll. Whicli S the Stronger, contuen O intuens, cernenSy-12. Uith What Verb Would you compare contueri y

consuit uite i constituere more than parare cis So,

what is it forco Τ 2 Neque prius inde decessit, quam totam inSulambelio devinceret: ho didiso depar tit he had conquere the whol istand'-ho is it that the Latin lan

3I What is magnas praedas facere ab aliquo '

the greatest possibi fore is exerted against the enemy, WhoSe chargo is received in this position. Moser. 9. Porrigere hastam f10. Whenio saw this,hicli, ne poSition : - τουτ τ και νύ ςOr τουτο, καινὸν δν. 11. Contuens in deholding wit attentionor ait Onishment 12. With conspicere in attentius intueri: e. g. quos ubi Afranius procul Misos cum Petreio conspezit, nova re perterritu-constitit. B. C. 1, 65.

3I 2. Position posturo, altitude I. Actors, musicians, C. Cu IΙ ly I. Constituere se parare et frmum reddere.

conquered the whole Sland was, no oni an historica event, ut also a purpos et that he was determine notrio leave the fland and


It is certain that Chabrias has ought a battis besors Thebes It cannotae dented that Chabrias has marchodio the assistance of the Boeotians. The res of the main-bod Would no retire. A Statue Was erecte to Chabrias, o havin taurat his en o Dee domboland thei shiolds and await the charge os the enemyWith a lino of potnte spe ars Chabrias ished that ni statue hould e represente in the kne eling pos- ture, hich, b his directions his en ad assumed, and which ad gaine them the victory. I Will notwithdra tilles conque the whol ista d. CH. III. 1 1. Questum, quo gereret: hy S gereret in the subjunctive Τ Ρr. Intr. i. 33, and 836.J . Is queri alWays solio ed by quod Ιb.-Seera. 629. J-3. What is cum 2Egyptiis y-4. What is denuntiare '-5. What is neque here equivalent tol 2 1. When oes non stand rs in a sentencelfΡr. Intr. i. 102.J-2. Construe luber alius, quam ut posset e fugere Pr Ιntr. Diff. os diom 94. J 3 1. Explain tho se of ut in ut invidia gloriae

come Sit. -2. Neque intuuntur: DO What ver doesintuuntur comes

4 l. Fecerunt idem: Xplain his Sem facere.-2. What dous it mea in the nex chapter id ceteri facere noluerunt I-3 Dissimilis horum et factis et moribus:

50 mazimos quoestus praedasque fecisse. The phras seem heroto mean ali that tho Egyptians gane Agesilaus for his serdices. CH ΙΙΙ f1I I. - una cum AEgyptiis es adjuvans. 4.To declare in a positive threatening manner. 5. Neque tamen;

neque Nero.

3 I. r. Intr. i. 26: here so Nou rea pronoun.-Seera. 621 and Notes. 2. From intuor sor intueor: hicli frequently eum in Plautus S atrido, fervo, scato, sor hicli the longe forms trideo, ferveo, caleo, ere ster arta Sed. 4 I. It is used a the representative os a precedin ver Me Se o do , even heremo actionia been Epoken os It is herem libenter aberant Athenis. 2. - non maluerunt perire I. Horum a b th gen aster dissimilis factis an moribus eingino abi os manner - in actions and haracter' p o facti and


e lain the disserent possibi constructions os this passage.

CH. V. t l. What was tho bellum sociale '-2. What is privatus -3. Is magistratus Osten Sexto denote militar commandi Alcib. 7, 34 2.J-4. Whaiis the usual Ord sor militar command Τ-5. What mustbe supplied aster quam J-6. What is adspicere heres 24 Dum studet-fuit explain his ense Os studet. Ρr. Intr. 509.J 3 1. What is suberat '-2. In tutum explain this.


moribus may bo dative aster dissimilis, horumaeing the dependent genitivo after thes Substantives. In this case, a person is sal to botinlike things; ut his irregularit is no uncommon: e. g. proeπ-taret equitis Romani filiam generosarum nuptiis. Att. 12, 1. Cf. IV. II q. warietween tho Athenians and somo os their principa allies,-Bygantium, Chios, Rhodes, and of Iphicr. 3, 3. 2. Without an command - sine magistratu. 4. Imperium. 5. Quam eos, qui, c. 6. T loo to him a thoperson in hom the had the mos confidence. 3 1. - in propinquo erat so Caes. B. G. 1, 25 quod mona




2 1. What is ori remarhin in hujus praeclare

facta '-2. Give a Simila instance.-3. What oes a reser tib . What is his in os constructio called in gramma Τ-5. What are the Ord sor any aster sine ' Ρ. I. 390 a), and note V. J-6. What is the usual Wor foro pay into the reasuta '-7. Whyris in rarium referre sed here l 3 1. What is pecunia numerata '-2. Cive SuOS- auger i maluit, quam id sum ere, c. ive a Similarinstanc DOm ep. Os the connection Os a passive anda active infinitive it malo.-3. Quam id Sumere, cujus oSSet: hy the subjunctivel Pr. Intr. 483, 2).J-4. Explain domum Suam ferre.-5. Give a Similar

CH. II. 1 l. Circumvehens PeloponneSume linti the Lat. Or, to sat round a place '-2. O What then

Cia. I. IJ Impiger denotes one, ho ithout an hesitatio ordela set to or With great activit andieat laboriosus is lis hocarries o his or mitti extreme perseveranee, Spuringi paci tobring trio a successsu concluSion. 2 I. That facta, as a participle, has an adver With it, aud, in Substantive gOVern a genitive case. 2. Dolere alterius improbia facto. Cic. do Fin. 2, 17, 54. 3. o sucha substantive os in or argentum implied in the precedin mille et ducenta talenta. Comp. Cim 3, 2J, 8, II. 4. Synesis stomσυνεσις, intelligentia: the agreement ein With a nou whicli is known toae meant though that actuali used mas different. 6. In cerarium deferre. 7. Becuus the Same sum a pald in, whichiadaeen expendex so that the sum a repaid. 3I Q. So much ready money so much in hard cash. Violire clementiam, quam regis opes minui maluit Alciti 10, 3. 4. o tali it homerior his own purposes liene to P- propriatorio his own use. 5. At hic nihil domum suam proetermem iam nominis sempiternam detulit. Cic. do fi 2, 22, 76


5. What is a constructionis this Lindis alleda Ch. l.

2 What is a pullainar, and rom What must ita distinguishod l 3 l. Huic uni ante id tempus contigit: ha timeis meant l-2. Distinguisti etween contigit and accidit.

I cannot o dente that he was very killa in tho

circumvehebatur 2 se a b supposed omitted. 3. nde hens belluis, Cic. do . D. I, 28 78 quum praetervehenequo vidisset, Liv. 22 49 6 Nearly SO anno v ertente, Ages4 ad se ferentem, Dat 4. 5.J-Se Z. 4 145, 147. Note4. o Lacedoemoniorum implied by Laconice. 6. Unirersa ut alii.- uorum ut fortuna atroae, ita causa fuit justissima. Veli Patere 2, 15. T. Adjacere mari, o mare, unda Syrtim adjacent, Pomp. Mela I, 7. . ex e g. Dat 4, IJ quce penso a cet supra Ciliciam. 2 Sacrifices eing of tho naturo os sensis, tho Greelis andRomans On occasion o extraordinar solemnities placed mage os the god reclining on couches With tables an viandibesore them, asi the were reali partakin os the things offere in sacrifice. his Ceremon was called by the Romans a lectisternium' Dici os

λ Translate it more regularly than Cornelius has done imitate Caes. B. G2, 35 quod ante id tempus aecidit nulli; hould aceidit orisontigit be usoda Other rea ante hoc tempus, i. e. Cornelius' time ante id tempus has theaWk ardnes os mining Timotheus in only person to Whom thisia happen's More his daνε.