Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

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HISTORICA AND MEO GRAPHICA INDEX. 375 through Austria, Hungary, and Tarta , salis into the Euxine or Blae sea, after a eo se of more than 1,300 miles. Italia, E f., a Celebrate dino tr in the Sotit o Europe bo unde dis atho non hy Witrerland an Germany on the orth Nest y France, an surrounde On iis ther sides by the Mediterrane au

London. It was known to the ancients by a Variet os num es, Ausonia innotria, Saturnia, c. and was called by the Greelas Heveria, e cause it lay est of them Besor the timo of Augustus that partis Ital to the orthis Macra and tho Rubicon, Was calle Gallia Cisalpina, and was divide by tho P int two paris, calle Cispadana an Transpadana Tho principat districis of tal Proper ere Etruria, Umbria Picenum, Latium, o the districtis Romeri Campania, Samnium Apulia, Calabria, Lucania, and Brutii. The outher partis Italy a coloni Zed by Greelis, und was hene called Magna Graecia. Italicus a tim, adj. Os Italy Italiau.

brate for his expedition to Colchis in quest of the olde fleece. - tyrantis Thessaly the ardent friendis Timotheus to protectwhom, hen oblige to stan tria ut Athens, Iason cum DomThessaly, at his o imminent haZard. Iulii, rum m. an illustri Ous tam ii a Rome. The mos celebrate dperson of this fami ly, and inde e of at tho Romans, as Julius Caesar, ii abolisti e the republic an established the imperial

Iuno, nis f. tho aughter os Saturn au ops, Sister and wis of Jupiter, an queen os the oti. he is represente i u lo 'robe an magni figent rem Some times sente On a throne, itha diadem ou er ead, an a golde sceptre in her hanes audsomelimes Sittin or laudin tu a light cur, ruWn by peucocks, attende by the Aurae, o Dymplis of the uir, and by Iris, thogoddes of the ruinbow. IuniuS, a, um, adj. belongin to the sumit nos tho Junii. Iupiter, Iovi8, m. the et dest Eoum Saturn an ops He was orti an educate in Creteri an is nid o have de throne his fallier, whose ingdomae divide with his rothere so that he himselfohtaine tho dominion of the me uvens, the uir, and the e th;


Labeo, nis m. Quintus Fabius, a Roman consul in the ear of thecity 571. It was durin his consulfhip that Hannibal diod. Lacgdremon, Onis,f. Lucedaemon, calle like Nis Sparta, the capita o Laconia, mount in tho Peloponnesus. The inhabitant os Sparta ero tho mos powersul eopte in Greece, and tho most singula in thei institutions otio tendeno os,hicli acto aliothem despis ut tho luxuries of life an to inure them to temper- uneo, hardships, uti fatigiae, an ali ho militar virtuos. Theyscorno to hau thei cit Surrounde With walis, accounting the ir

Laphystius, i m. a saetiolas Syracusan whο isti ext bring himselfinio notico by his opposition to Timoleon.

io the god Vulcan, ho ali te on tho istand whon Liched uios heaven by Iupiter.

Leonistus, i m. Ono O tho generat Os Alexander, hos lis homilcosave in batile Aster the deuth o Alexander, o isti e tomaho himself masteris Macedonias an unde avored in uin, Ogain ovo Eumene to his designes. Leonidas, , m. a in os Sparta, Whο, illi three hundred os his count men, WithstoO sor Somo time the wholo arm os Xerxes, ut tho passis Thermopylae Leonidas, illi his heroi comrades, wero ali OvorpoWero an Staim an a monument Was erecte tothei memory n the spo where thse fell, illi this inscription: 'Stranger, teli a Sparta, that e te here in obedience orae, lares DLeotychideS, E m. Spartau ing, ho desente tho Persi an flootand arm ut Μycale, noli Sumo day that the were Vercome in tho famous batile o Plataea.- son os Agis, hin os Sparta, who was the competitoris Agesilaus o the throne. Lesbos, o us, i, f., O Culle Mitylene, an istan in tho Egean ea, to tho norit os Chios it was amouisor iis beaut an ita excel.


HISTORICAU AND MEO GRAPHICAL INDEX. lent Wino. his fland was the birthplaee o Alcaeus, the athero lyrio Oetry. LeucoSyri orum m. the white Syrians the ancient nam os tho Cappadocians, and of the inhabitant of that partis Cilicia noxit Cappado iv.

Leuctra, rum, N. RHOWn os Boeotia, ne a Whicli Epaminondas outed the Spartans in a great utile. Leuctricus, a, um, adj. Os Leuctra.

Liguria, e f., u countr os Gallia Cispadana, in Italy, extendingsrom tho Varin tho east os Savoy to the Macra, no tho Magra, o tho ordere os Etruria. Ligus, O Ligur, uris, . a native os Liguria The Ligurians'ero Celebrate a mariners, and wero hiesi employed in the Roman

Longus, i m. Tiberius, a Roman consul, ho, long illi his col- leugue, Scipio, as defenteda Hannibal a Trebia. Lucani orum m. Lucanians tho inhabitant of Lucania. Lucunia, T, s. v countr o Italy, extendin Do the gulsis Tarentum to the Tusca seu an formin the en trunco of the Dot of th boot. Lucretiu8, i m. a Celebrate Roman Oet wlto embrace tho philosophica tenet o Epicurus, hicli ho has beauti fult illustraled, tu a poenam si books, entilled, De Rerum Natura. o die in the forty-Duri yeur of his age, about sty-fouraears elare tho Christia era. Lutatius. See Catulus. LuculluS i m. Lucius, a Roman generat, ho distinguished himselfin tho Mithridatic ar, in hicli, however, he was Supersede byPompey. Lucullus aes a muti flarent ealth and wus re-marhablo sor his love os splendor an magnificenee. LuSilani orum m. LuSilanians inhabitant of Lusitania. Lu8itunia, B, f., ne of the province Os ungient patu, Comprehend-

in Portugul. Lydia, .f., calle also Maeonia, amou uir of Asia Minor, to the easto Ionia. It cupitat was Sardis. Lydii, rum m. Lydians, inhabitant of Lydia.

subjecis ne to Seleucus in Asia Lysimachus purSue themthither; and was killud in a batilo illi Seleucus, in tho eightiethyear of hi age. Lyris, iS, . a native O Tarentum, ho embraeed the philosophy os Pythagoras, in hichio iustructed Epaminondas.


Thessal to tho ouili Thrace an Illyrium to tho norit, and extendin froin tho Adriatico the Egean ea This a thepaterna hingdom os Philip an Alexander.

Machrontichos, i f., a town in tho isthmus of the Thracia Cherso-ΠeSe, here a Wall,us uili acros tho isthmus by Miltiades,

Alc. Vii. MagneS etis, . an inhabitant os agnesia. Magnesia, B, f., a districtis Asiam inor, atered by the eander. Mago OHiS, . a Carthaginia generat, cum Hamilcar andirotheros Hannibal. Mamercus, i m. a tyrantis Catana, ho having one to assis Dionysius of Syracuse, as deseate by Timoloon. Mandrocles, is m. a genera to hom Datames test the command of tho arm Whenio revolte Dom ArtaXerXeS. Mantinea, B, f., a Cit os Arcadia, neu whicli paminondas gainedhis lust victory, at tho expensem his lila. Marathon, Onis f. a muli Own o Atticu about te miles northeast

Dor Athens sum ous for tho decisive victor which Miltiades, witti te thousan Athenians gaine in the et borin plain,

ove tho Persia arm o u hundred thousandion, Milt. v. Marathonius, a, um, adj., si pertaining t Marathon. Marcellus, i m. Marcus Claudius, a celebrate Roma gonerul, ho,

in a ar illi tho uuls, illo with his own and Viridomarus, their ing, and thus obtaine tho spolia opima. ΗΘ a SOonaster ento oppos Hannibal, in taly und by Somo SueceSSeSwhicli ho gained convince his countrymon that that sormidabio generat,a no invincibie Aster a lege of three ears, he reduce Syracuse, then in illanco illi tho Carthaginians. owas again opposed tomannibal in Italy, and conducted the cam-paigi With great vigor an considerabi success, tili ho sol intou ambusti ai lar hi bymannibal, an perishod in his fisthconsulfhi and tho ixtieth year of his age. A consul uringwhos administratio Hannibal is supposed tot avo di0d. MardoniuS i m. u Oble Persian, Eon-in-lu to Darius Aster thodeseatis Xerxes, at Salamis, Mardonius a les With an armyo thro hundred thousan chosen men to completo the Onquestos Greece. ΗΘ was affled, homover, in ut his operations undat last deseato auditui in tho batile o Plataea. uarius, i m. a Celebrate general; ambor ut Arpinum, os mean parenis. o was employed in the Iugurthine ar,rars a thelieuienant of etellus and havin by his insinuationes an magnificent promises, Supplante that genera in the command homo terminate the war, and by the reacher os Bocchus, got Iugurtha into his hands. Upon hi return rom umidia, he ussent against tho Cimbri an Teutones, nations froni the horos s


HISTORICA L N GEOGRAPHICA INDEX. 3 stho Ballic, ho had deseate seven Roman generais, and threatene to verruti allotaly. e deseate them illi prodigio Slaughter on this occasio he was continued sive ear in theconsulfhip. A violent contes tuo placo etween Marius and Sylla, for the honorifiein chosen to oppos Mithridates, hin os Pontus, thearentes monarch of the east. Sylla prevalled undMarius as oblige to fleo fortis life Bein recalled hoWeVer, b Cinna, an create consul for the event time, o too cruei revenge On hi en ies, and inundate Romo it thoilood os iis nobtest citigens Sylla, havin defented Mithridates, asinSten- in to retali at o Marius for thes enormities, but Marius died besore his return, in the eventiethbear of his age. MaSSagetoe strum m. a peopte os Scythia, to tho east of tho Caspiansea, beyoud the Iaxartes. Media, .f., uiso tr of Asia, extendin along the outh of th Caspian ea. It capital Was Ecbataua. Medicus, a, um, adj. belongin to Media.

Meneclides, is m. a Theban the opponentis EpaminonduS. Mene istus, i f., a Seupor town etWeen Egypt an Cyreneri here Agesilaus died. MeneStheus, eos m. the Son o Iphicrates by the daughteris Cotus, hin os Thruce. Me SSena, E, Me3Sene es f. the capitalis Messenia a districtis tho Peloponnesus. A colon stom his it founde the ow of Messina in Sicily. Micythus, i m. a Outh through hom Diomedon, by ordor of the Persia monarch, attemptestoarib Epaminondas. Mile8ius, a, uni adj., o MiletuS. Miletus, i, f., uisit os Ionia, o the Confines Os Curia. Miltici des, is m. an Athenia generat, ho acquire immortui amob his patrioli valor, and speciali by the victor Whicli, attho head os te thousan Atheuians, he gaine on the lain os Marathon, ver the arm o Darius, consistin of 100,000 men. In consequence of his fallure in au attach o the istand of Paros, his ungratesul countrymen Suspected him os e in in traiiorous correspoudenco illi the Perstans condemne him tota uinoo est talenis an a he was unablerio discli argo it thre him into prison, hero horaied. Minerva, E, the oddes of isdom and of war; sal to avosprunilaom he ruinis Iupiter, frum hici Vulcan rel0ased herby cleavin her ather'chead illi a blow of his axe Minerva was the inventres of pinning Dd eaving the patronem fleamin g, and of the libera aris. The olivo was her favorito treo She is generali represente a an arme virgin beautisul ut Stem, ith Zure yes havin a helmel on her ead, and aptum noddin formidabi in the airri oldin in her right haud aspear, an in her est a sitiei covere With tho hi of tho goat Amalthea by hich sh was nursed in tho mi dille of her hield was th head of the Gorgon Medusa, hicli turne every one who ooked a it into tone. Umutius, i m. RusuS, maSter os hodie to Fabius Maximus, tho die.


tha ubi commander, too advantago of his absene a Rome toprocuro tho adunncement os inutius to equa aut horit with thodictator. Minutius rashlyiaetarde a batilo illi Hannibal audit Was ni by the nexpecte arriva o Fabius that his armyWas Saved rom destruction. Machnowledged his error, and evorastor submitted impliciti to the directions of his commander Honsterwardiset in tho batile o CanusΡ.-Rufus, consul ut Rometho third year aster Hannibal, iunishod Dom Carthago. Mithridates, is m. hin os PontuS, an the eventi of that amo, Was one of the mos accompliShed an wurtilio princes that eversille a throno. Ho a tho inveterate enem O the Romans. os,homino ordere 80,000 to e massa red in ono night throughout his dominions Tho Mithridati War, hicli continue with se in ervat so thiri years, Sine of the moest important recorde in the annuis os Rome. It was Successivel currie on by Sylla, Muraena, Lucullus, an Pompey. Tho latior orced Mithridates, aster many disusters to tali refugo in Scythia, here hewus meditatin an invusion os Italy, in imitation o Hannibal, when his arm mutini ed, an transferre tho command o Phurnae es, hi Son. Seein himself thus abundono an botrayed by his own childron, ho terminated his life by poison. Tho o whicli his dentis occasioned a Rome was equa to the terror hicli his arnasiad inspired. Mithrobarzanes, is m. the fallior-in-la os Datames. Mitylene, es f. the capital cit os the istan Lesbos. Mitylenoei, rum m. the inhabitant of Mitylene.

Mocilla, E m. L. Iulius u Roman praetor, protecto by Atticus after

tho batile o Philippi.

Molo8Si brum m. the inhabitant os olossis. Molossis, idis .f. a districtis Epirus, celebrato sor a reo os dogaremari able for thei Sige, fiere eneSS, undisois barhing. Munychia, B, f., ne of the three poris of thens. Mutina, B, f., O Modena uisit in Gallia Cispadana tho capital of the modern duch of Odenu. Mycale, S, f., u promontor Os Ionia, opposito to tho fland Samos,near hicli the Perstans and thei ullies ero de aled by Cimon. Cim. i. Myus, uratis, f., a town Os Ionia, neu tho ouili os the eander, giveni Artaxerxes t ThemiStocles, o furuisti him illi meat.

With Agesilaus, in os Sparta, and with his assistanc quelle a rebellio os his own subjecis, an eudeavore to deseu himselI


ΠISTORICA AN GROGRAPHICA INDEX. 381 against the poWer of tho Perstans. o was ut longili subduod is Darius, an Egyptaecam froin that time tributarnio Porsia

NeocleS, is oris, i m. an Athenian latheris Themistocles.

Neontichos, i, f., a fori in Thraee. Neoptolemus, i m. v relatio an generalis Alexander tho Groati Aster tho denti, o Alexander, Neoptolemus received Armonia aghi province, and bein Supporte by Craterus, ad War against Eumenes by hom ho usa ille in ingle combat. Nepos, OtiS, . a Roman biographo an historian author os theso Lives of Eminent Commanderes, astoria ut Hostilia, a villago ostho Varonenses, o tho O. o a tho intimato friendis Atticus an Cicorori and like his otherclearned contemporarieS, Wu mueli patronised by the em peror Augustus. o publishe three bookso chronicies undisomo Otho historical orks; ut nono of his Writings aro no extant except the Lives of minent om- manders, an a se fragments of his ther productions Nepos is deservedly admired so the purit of his stylo. Neptunus, i m. the econ Son Os Saturn an ops, ho, in the divisionis his suther' hingdom, astorio a dethroned by Iupiter, received the empire os theraea. e is generali represented hold- in a trident in his and standin in a chario of helis drawn by ea-horse or dolphins, an attende by animal resemblingmen in the uppe par andisti in the under. Nero OniS, . Claudius, a Roma general, who intercepted Hasdrubal Whilo astoning rom Spain illi eiularcementa to his rother Hannibal Themani o severa os tho Roma emperors, Os WhOmtho most infamouisor crueit Was Nero Claudius Caesar, adopted

by ClaudiuS.

biades in tho Syracusan expedition. When Alcibiades no stomthe persecution of his en emies ieius as est Sole commander. For Some time lio conducto the siego illi vigor and with considerable Success. ut tho Syracusans, eiularce by the Lacedaemonians, Soon guine the ad vantageri an aster various diSuSters,

Nicias as obligesto surrende himself,ith his,holo army. owas putrio de ath by the Syracusans. Nilus, i m. the principat riverae known in Africa. t flows throughAbyssinia, ubia, and Egypt sertiligin the latior country b iis periodica inundations These inundations are occasione by therains hicli sal in Abyssinia. The watera eginoo riSe u ut themiddiem June, an continuo sor abo ut fori or fisi days, When the again graduali subside.

Nomentum, i n. no Lamentana, a town of the Sabines, ne anthe Tiber Nora, Τ, f., no Nour a Strong orires in Phrygia, on the eonfines of Lycaonia an Cappadocia. Numidoe, arum m. the inhabitant os umidia.

Numidia, B, f., adurgo hingdom in Africa, aloining to tho territoriosos Carthage. 'Soeus, i m. tho sonis Dionysius, tyrant os Syracussi


O. Octuvianus, O Octavius, i m. Octavius Caesar, tho nephew os Iulius Caesar, the dictator Aster the murdoris his unci he perseeuted the murderer With nrelenting onge anceri an in conjunction

sessionis the Roma empire. His reig Was more WiS and moderato than might have been anticipate Domnlio cruei and un-Warran tablo measiares by hicli it Was acquired. o die at Nola, . D. 14, in the 76th ear of his ago, and 44th of his rei gn. indipus, i, oris dis m. the sonis Laius and Iocasta, Wh unwittinglyhilled his own sather, and in consequenceis Solving the id di os

the Sphinx, becam tho hin os Thebes, and tho hiasbandis his

Olympia, B, f., a tow of lis in Peloponnesus, here the olympio games ero celebrated. In the temple o Iupiter, at Olympia, Was a beauti fui statuo of that od, si cubila igh executed by

Phidias, and rechone one of the even onder of the wOrid. Olympias adis,f the mother of Alexander the reat, in consequenco

of hor infidelit was repudiato by Philip her hiasband, and in

her pOwer murdere Aridaeus, and his is Eurydice, illi Nicanor, an ab ut 100 of tho te adin men os acedonia. he was asterward besiege in Pydna by Cassander an bein forcod toSurrender, a putrio de ath by the relations os hos whom holia murdered. Olympias adis, s the pace os curae ars the interva whicli elapsed botwoen tho celebration of the olympicinum es. Olympiodorus, i m. a musiciun ho instructe Epaminondas in

Olynthii orum m. the inhabitant os lynthus. Olynthus, i f., a tοw11 and republic os acedonia.


HISTORICA AN GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 383 in Italy rises in tho ouili os Piedmont, an uster a coiano of480 milos discliarge itfel into the Adriatio, or ut of Venice, by Dur OuthS. Pamphylia, e .f. a countr in Asia Minor, to the orthoastis Lycia, o the hor of the Mediterranean Pandates, is m. a confidentia friendis Datames, and koeperis tho

Paphlago, nis, . a Paphlagonian a native os Paphlagonia. PGphlagonia, Z.f., a countr in Asia Minor,in the shoro os tho Blachsea, to tho est of the iuus Amisenus, gulsis Samsoun.

belouod friendis Achilles, was illed by Hector at the lege os Troy. Revelago for the death of his friend roused Achilles Dom

Paulus, i, eo Emilius. PauSaraiaS, B, m. R Sparta generat, ho signati ged himsel by thodeseat of the Perstans unde Mardonius, in the batile o Plataea. His ambition rising illi his success, he proposedo botra his count o Xerxes, o condition os receiving that monurch Adaughter in murringe. His reason able correSpondensse uidiSCOvered, and he was starved to de ath in the templo o Minerva,

Peducaeus, i m. Sextus, a friendis Atticus. PelopidaS, E m. a Theban generat, ii restore tho liberinos his native city, hen oppressed by the Lacedaemonian an aster-WardS, in concer With Epaminondas, exalted tholoweris Thebest a temporar Superiorit ove the ther Grecia states. e selli a batile against Alexander Os Pherae. Peloponne8iacus, a, um, ad i. of or belongin to the PeloponneSus. PeloponneSir orum m. the inhabitant O Peloponnesus. Peloponnesus, i, f., a peninsula in tho outhern partis Greeee, OWcalle the Morea. t is connected with the est os Greeco by thoisthmus os Corinth, about v miles inire adth. It was divido dinto fix region or districis, Achaia, Elis, Messenia Laeonia Arcadia, an Argolis. Perdicca8, B, m. a favorite genera o Alexander the reat. lexander in his last moment gave Perdiccas his ring thu Seem ingio intimato that ho wished imo b his succoSSor. When, Ontho divisionis tho empiro among the different commanderS, uehos them visite to mali himself absolute, ordiccas propoSed toSubduo them ne by one Foroliis purpos ho entore into aleaguo Wit Eumenes, but was a lust, after much loodshod n


sassinated in his tonta his own ossicera. Pergiament, rum m. the inhabitant Os Pergamus. Pergamus, i, f., ο culle BERGAMO, Risit o Mysia, tho residenco os hin Eumenes, and the ther Attali princes. Pericles, is m. an illuStrious Athenian who for 40 years hol thogovertiment of his nutive city, and was equali distinguishexas a StateSman, a generat, undis orator. Unde his administrationtho fine aris attaine thoi perfectio in Athens, and tho it Wasombollislio With thos splendi specimen o architecture, culpture, audiuinting, hicli avo communde the admirationis ali Succeedin ages. Pericles a thoriathor-in-law of Alcibiades. Perinthus, i f. tho sume sineraclea, no ERΕΚLI, a tow of Thrace, o tho Propontis.

PerSoe, arum m. Perstans, inhabitant os Persia.

terminate by Alexander, lio conquere Darius, the lust monarchis Persia, . . 333. Per SicuS, a, um, adj., si belongin to Persi a.

body-guard. In the genera divisionis the empire aster Alexandor' death Peucestes received Persi as his Lingdom. Phalereus, i, See Demetrius. Phalereus portus, calle also Phalerum, O Phalera, rum, the ostancient of the thre harbors of thens, and the eares to tho city butismali and incommodiOuS. Phalericus, a, um, adj., si belongin to tho Phalerea harbor. Pharnabazus, i m. a Persian Satrap t whom Alcibiades e sorrefugo, and who baselyaetrayed that unsortunato Athenian attho domand of Lysander. Pheroe strum, f., a tow of Thessaly, and the capital os tho tyrant Alexander tow of Laconia.

Phidias, in m. I, a celebrate statuar o Athens in tho age os Pericles 2, A Dion o Atticus. Philinus, i m. a nativo o Agrigentum, horiought unde Hannibal

against tho RomanS.

Philippensis, is, , adj., o Philippi.

Philippi orum m. a tow of Macedonia, orth Dom tho istan Tha-SOs, hero Brutus an CaSSius ero deseate in a decisivo batilo by Anton and Octavius. Philippus, i m. hin os acedonia, an sather os Alexander tho Grout Ho was the laurili sonis Amyntas, und received his education in tho ous o Epaminondas of hebes. His ambitionWas scarcset inferior to that of his son and by the extensio olhis power in Groece, and the admirabio disciplino hicli ho in.