Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류


HISTORICAL AND MEO GRAPHIC AD INDEX. 36b Mithridates hin o Pontus, ho ad invite him to his couriwith the warmest profession os friendShip. Dati8, 3 m. One os the generat o Darius, des eate da Miltiades, intho butilo os Marathon. Decella, oe, . no Biala Castro, a village of Attica, hicii tho Laco demonians sortifi0d by the advico of Alcibiades. Delos, i f. the centra istand of tho Cyclades, the birthplaco os Apollo and Diuna.

Delphi, rum m. no Saloni, o Castri, the chio tow of hostis, acountr in Greece, a Siluate ut tho Ootis Mount urnassus,nea tho Castalia spring It was amous for the temple and Orael os Apollo. Delphicus, a, um, adj. Os Delphi. Demade8, is m. an Athenian Orator, ii advised his countrymen todeliver u Athen to Antipater. Demoenetus, i m. a laetio u Syracusan undisnem O Timoleon. Demetrius, i m. PhalereuS, an Athenian who, hen his sellowcitigens, astor the de athis Alexander, ero divided into two sactions favore tho laetio of the obles.-When Cassander adohimself master of thens, he intruste the overtiment of it to Demetrius Phalereus, in hos haud it continue for tenaears. B his is an moderate administration, he excite sueti gratitudo in tho Athenians that the erecte thre hundred bragenstatues to his honor. While Athens as enjoying this intervalos tranquillit and happiness, it Was suddent besiege and tukenb Demetrius Poliorcetes the popula formo goverument Wasrestored, and Phalereus retired restri Cassander, aud asterWardsto tho our os Ptolem Soter, hin os Egypt. ero h spent histimo in his favorii pursuits of earning und philosophy, and in

among hom the dominiones of that conqueror ero divide after his death. avin delivere Athens homuli tyrannyis C sander, he was revered by tho Athenian od. et astertii sata batilo os Ipsus in hicli Antigonus a Stain, an Demetrius oblige to retire illi great loSs that chio an ungrate fulieoplo hut theirantes against im. 0 oon reduc sed them, hoWeVer, o Subjection, and again reate them illi leuity. Afior establishin himself notio throno os Macedonia, the oss

tiquity. o distinguished himselfi liis patriotic ea in opposing

the aggression o Philip against whomis ende avored, illi ullthe poWer os oratory to Ous his countrymen. et this ealous patrio asterward suffere himself to boaribe by Harpalus, thscreatur os Alexander. His patrioli ardor, hoWever, guiu revives and when Antipater an Craterus ere bout o enter Athens a conquerors, the demande ali ho orators ho ad


year of his age, B. C. 324. Dercyllus, i m. a governor os Attica unde Antipater.

Diana, e . . the aughter os Iupiter an Latona, and twin-sister os Apollo. Sho a tho Oddes of Ood und of hunting. AsApollo reside ove tho day, and tu that capacit was distinguished unde tho nam os Phoebus, o Sol, o Diana rulo in thoheavens by ight, and was then distinguished by tho nam os Luna. Her empire extende even to the inferna abodes, hero Ehe was known by tho nam Ofiecato. ence ho is called by the poets, tergemina, diva triformis. Her statues ore generallyoroe ted here three ways et stom hicli circumstanc Eho Sometimes received tho appellationis Trivia. horis representodas a tali beautisu virgin, illi a bo or aveli in hor right haud,

and a quiveris her Ahoulder, Chasin deer orithe wild animais. Dinon, Oni3 m. hiStorian lio roto a histor os Persia, in the eigno Alexander tho Great. Diomἴdon, ontis m. v nativo o Cyzicus Wh attempte to ribo EpaminonduS. Dion, OniS, . a SyracuSan, Son o Hipparinus, early relatexto thotwo tyrant of Syracuse, Dionysius the lder, and tho ounger. ΗΘ us a Seholar, an ardent admirer os Plato, hom, ut his destre Dionysius invitexto his court. avin graeconio obnoxious to tho tyrant, he was anishedo Corinth, horo e collecte apowersu arm y, and wa Eoon ablo to ethrono Dionysius. Hown Soon asterWard betrayed an assassinate by on of his intimate nequaintanees, nam e Callicrates, o Callipus, in tho fifty-

fifth our of his ago. His de ath was univorsali lamented by tho


HISTORICAU AND MEO GRAPHIC AD INDEX. 36ὶ father a tyrant of Syracuse Wit even greater omelinthan that os his sather, ho possesse ver inferior abilities. y th ad- vice of Dion heaecam the pupit os Plato, hom ho invited ohis couri; ut hen the philosophe advised im to restor tholiberino his subjecta, he was o offended that he caused hi tobe seire and sol as a lave. The popularit os Dion excitingitis suspicion, he caused his toto anished; ut that oblemati colle elingin arm in Gree e goon returne an dethrone thotyrant. Aster the assassination o Dion, the tyrant, a restored but ad not long Moyed hi triumph, heu he n agnin X- pelle fro Syracus by Timoleon the Corinthiau. e ster-Ward supporte himself at Corintha ke epingis school. 6 is suid o have die of oy ona earing that a traged of his compositio had been reWarde With a prige. Dionysius, i m. 3, a musicia o Thebes by hom Epaminondas

ossico hen Atticus died. Drusilla, oe,f., Livia Drusilla, the daughter os Lucius Drusus Calidianus. She was give in marriagorio Tiberius Claudius ero, hy homsh had two sons Tiberius and Drusus. In the civit Warietween Auton and Augustus, herinusbandispou Sed the cause of Antonysand whilo Drusilla as fleein Do the danger hic threatened Tiberius, Eho u Seena Augustus, ho usis strue Withaerbeaut that he resolve to murr her. e uecordingi divorcedhis is Scribonia an he had Do male progen of his own, ho adopted th. two sons os Livia, b Tiberius. In her elevationsti conducte herset wit crueit an ingratitudo toWard thosamily of Augustus an is even charge with havin murdered the emperor himself, to hasten the elevationis Tiberius herison. Tho undutila conductis Tiberius as a jus punishment for hererimo. Sho die in the eighty-fixili ear of her age, A. D. 29.

Elis, is, o et dis, s a districtis Peloponnesus and likewis the amo oscit priuetua City. Elpenice, es, j. the aughter of Miltiades, married irstat he brother

Cimon, and usterWard to Callias. Emphyletus, i m. an Athenian the friend os Phocion. EnniuS i m. v utive fraudiae, neu Tarentum, in Calabria. o fixo his residenco in Rome, here his genius und earnin Procure him the privileges os a citigen. o was the firSt eminent poet a Rome. His verses, though rude an unpolished, uvε osten great vigor; and Virgi has not disdat ne to adopi many os them into his own Doems. Tunius a tho intimate friendis Cate


368 HISTORIOAL AND GEOGRAPHICA INDEX. and of Seipio Africanus. o die of tho gout in the foventiet year of his age, bout 169 years bosor the Christiau era. Epaminondas, re m. a nativem Thebes, in Boeotiari ne of tho most accomptished an able generat os antiquity. ΗΘ ο-οperated illi Pelopidas in res uinchis country Domnii dominationis tho Lacedaemonian undaein united illi that patrioli leador intho command of the Theban ariny, he deseate tho Lacedaemonians, unde thei hin Cleombrotus, in tho memorabio attio ofLeuctra Aster this victor lio conducte his arm to tho Peloponnesus, and udo the Spartans tremble so tho alat os thoircity. In a subsequent campaignino deseated the unite forcos ostho Lacedaemonians, Athenians, and thei ullies, in the batilo os Mantinea. his a the termination f his illustrious careor. Bein mortally ounde With a javelin tho hoad os,hicli 0- maine in his breast, and whicli, he knew, could nota extra ted without occasioni niliis immediate death, he furvive onintili ho was assured that his me had gained tho victory, and illi sawhis hiel brought ac sala, the excluiming,- havo lived long euough, for I die unconquered,' heire tho avoltu stom his breust, an immediatet expired, B. C. 365. With paminondas tho glor os Thebes ros an fell. Ephesus, i, f., a cit os Ionia, in Asia inor, celebrate so tho tomplo os Diana, ne of the even Onder of the wor d. his templo a 425 Det long and 200 seet wide. The oo was Eupport-ed by 12 super pillars, ach 60 fe et igh, aid o havo been place thero Das many hings. Thi celebrate edifico as notcomplete tit 220 oars after iis solandation. It was urn by


HISTORICA AN GEOGRAPHICA INDEX. 36staining oni Salamis, on conditionis his payin a mali tributo to

Euboea, , f., no calle Negroponi, a large Sland of Greece, longilio Dortheast coastis Attica, and tho coasi os Boeotia. It was 150 miles long and 40 ut it greatestareadth and was separated stomuli continenti a narrow strat calle the Euripus. EumeneS, is m. a native os Cardia, in Thrace, tho ablest an most deservin os the generat os Alexander Aster tho deuth of thather Eumenes rem aine stendit attache to tho roya sumit ;und co-operated illi Perdiccas in ende avoring to subdue theother commanders, ho ad partitioned the empirorum Ongst them. Horaesente Craterus an Neoptolemus, tho ulter of whom hoste in single combat an sor Somo time SucceSSsuli oppoSed Antigonus. Bein at astaetrayed by his own partyrio his antagonist, he was duom exto peristia hunger, but aster fastin forthreo nys he was hilled by Ono of Antigonus' SoldierS, B C. 318. Eumolpidoe strum m. the descendunt O Eumolpus, Sonis Neptune. Eumolpus, originali hom Thrace, a Chie pries of Ceres, ut Eleusis, an ossico hicli his descendant continued D many agesto enjοy. Eurisa, E, f., Europe, ne salie laur great continentes into hicli the

the outher extremit O Greeco Though tho malles of tholaii voat division of the globe, it far surpasse them ali in politica importance Almost,holly Attuat Within the temperate One, it climat is peculi uri favorabio to tho physicut an menta energies of manci hil iis numerous an extensive inlaud Seus, facilitatin tho intercourso e twee iis variou nutionS huV promoto thei mutua progress in nowlodg and civiligation. It is here, accordingly that the human in has approacho nearestio persection. Dis here that earning Seioneo, and the uris, huVobeen mos successsuli cultivaled that the nativo Deedom and privileges of men have been mos resolutet Vindiculed, and most generali recogniSed, and that ouernment have been Stablishod o tho firm basis os mutua advantago to th ruter unditio uled. COHSequenco salios advantage Europe nomgives la suo tho greator partis the globeri an scenis destine to diffuso ove ut the ther continent tho light of knowledge, resine-ment, and true religion. t ancient division Nero candinaria,

includin Deumarii, orway, aptand Finland und weden Germania, Germany Sarmatia, o Scythia, Poland PruSSia, Russia, aud Littio Tartaryri Dacia, allachia, oldavia, and Transylvaniari Moesia, Servi and Bulgariari Thracia, Romaniari Macedonia ; Thessalia, Ianuari Grincia Propria, Livadius PeloponneSus,morea Epirus, Albania an Ianinari Illyricum, Dalmatia, Bosnia, clavonia, and Croatiari Pannonire, ungur ; ricum, Austria Rhoeti an Vindelicia Tyrol, and thocounita os the rison Gallia, France, witzerland Flandera,


Fabius, i m. the num os a patricia sumit in Rome illustrious orthei heroi virtuos, an so tho important Services hicli theyrondere to their country. Quintu Fabius Maximus as ap- potnted dictator to oppos Hannibal unda his caution and shil- fuit Walch in tho motions of his enemy, ston thwarte his meaSures and cheched his progress. o die in tho 100thooaros his ago, aster havin beenive times consul, and wico honored with a triumph. FalernΤιS, a, iam, adj. Falernian;-ager, a district at the Dot os Mount Massicus, in Campania, celebrate sor it Wine. Feretriu8, i m. n urnam O Iupiter, a feriendo, giveno hi by Romulus, wh ha been nabled through the aidis that od toconque his nemies Romulus bulli a templo to Iupiter Foro

trius to hicli the spolia opima ero alWuy Curried. Flaccus, i m. Lucius Valerius, a Roman patrician, ho a Cato scolleagia in the censorShip. Flaminius, i m. Caius, a Roman consul, sis raSh an impetuous disposition, ho was deseated by Hannibal, ne arith lahois Thra- Symenus, an perishod in the engagement. Flamininus, i m. a Roman consul Seni us ambasSado to tho our os

Prusias, hin os Bithynia, o demund that Hannibal, ho adfled sor refugo to Prusias, mighta delivere umto tho Romans. Flavius, ii m. Cuius a Roman who Was a Dion Os Brutus. Fregelloe, arum, s. a cit of the Volsci, in Latium, o the Liris. Fulvia, E, f., a Roman ady Who a firSt tho is of tho tribune Clodius, nex os Curio, an asterward of arti Antony. howas divorcedi Anton that he might murr Cleopatra. Whenslio repatro to hi in tho ast his oldnes an indifferetico

Galba, B, m. ServiuS, a Roman orator. Durin his praetorshi hoptundere Lusitania, and belli accused by M. Cato, Seupedoni by producin his sonso tho Ornan eople, an imploring thoi protectio in tho, Dubject manuer. Gallia, cae, fis Gaul large division os ancient EuroDe comprehend


HISTORICA AN GEOGRAPHICA INDEX. 3 1 in the moderat countries of France, the etheriandes, Holland , Switzerland T rol, and Italy nori os theto. Gaul was dividod by tho Roman into Gallia Transalpina, or Ulterior, Farther Gaul, o Gaul boyon tho Alps and Gallia Cisalpina, o Citerior Hither Gaul, o Gaul on this id of the ips, in regar to Romo. ither Gaul was also calle Gallia Togata, ecause thoinhabitanis ero admitted to tho privilegem Roman citigens, und ore the toga, the peculiarires of the Romans Farther Gaul a calle Comata, Dor tho natives earing their vir long and tho outher partis it Braccata, rom the se Os braccce, breeches O troufers, hicli id not sorm a par of the Romandrem Gaul was called by the Greeh Galatia, and the inhabitant Galatae. Gallus, i m. a Gaul, an inhabitant of Gaul. Gardates, um m. the Same a th Cardaces See Cardaces. Gellius, i m. Quintus Canius, the contemporar an intimate of Atticus. In favor to Atticus, Gellius as exempted by Autonydromthe proscriptions of the triumVirate. Geminus, i m. Cneius Servilius, a Roman who set in a batile against Hannibal, the ea asteri ha been consul. Germunia, E f. Germany a largo countr in Europe Ancient German extende hom tho Rhine to the Vistula, and Dom humanubo to tho Baltiori so that iis boundaries ero very different Domthos o modern Germany whicli lius tho Germunis ean Den-marh, and tho Ballic, ou the noritici russia, partis Poland and Hungary, o the east S Witgerland and the ipsisti tho ouili an France and th Netherland On the weSt. Golonoe, o Colonar, arum, s. a tow of Mysia, O the Asiaticishoreos the Hellespont, opposite to tho fland of Tenedos. Gongylus, i m. an Eretriun Senti Pausanias illi a letior to thohingis Perain. Gortynii orum m. tho inhabitant Os Gortynia a cit os rete. Gracchus, i m. tho amem severat oblo Romans Tiberius undCaius, the Sonsis Sempronius haviti espoused tho cause of thopeoplo against the Patricians, and endeavore to limit, Danagraria law, tho properi os individual to vo hundred acres, wer both cui ossi the Patricians Tiberius achille in a tumulta Scipio Nasicari und Caius, about elevenae ars uster ardS, b Opimus, the COUSU. Gracchus, T. Sempronius, a Roman consul, lain bymannibal in an

Graecia, .f. Greece, a Celebrate Counir in the east os Europe nowla in partis Turhey. The principat division os Greeco ere, Graecia Propria, Peloponnesus, Macedonia ThesSaly, and Epirus. Graecia Propria containe the districis of Attica, Megaris, Phociε Boeotia Locris, Doris, und Etolia. oecu8, a, um, adj. belongin t Greece, Greeh. GraiuS, a, um, adj. Grecian, os o pertaining to Greece. Grurium, i n. a sori in Phrygia.



Halicarnassus, i, f. tho principalisit os Caria, theatrihpIaco os hs historians Herodotus and Dionysius celebrated sor the monumentos ausolus, erected by his queen Artemisia, and rechone onoos the wonder os tho Orid. Hamilcar ciris, . a Carthaginia generat, ather fiannibal, ΟΡ- posed to the Roman in the sirs Punio an Hammon, Onis m. the num by hicli Iupiter a distinguishod in Lybia The oraclo os Iupiter Hammon, in the Lybian deseri, was ne of the mos celebrate in the worid. Iupiter a thororepresente unde the Ormis uuam. Hannibal, hiis m. a Celebrate Carthaginia generat, Eon fiamilcar, and the most inveterato an determine enem that ove Opposed tho Romans Aster deseatin in Euccession thei ablest generuis, and Curryin terror to tho gales o Romo ho ted his armyinto inter-quarterS, ut Capua, here the were enervated by tholuxuries of the plac0. The Romans thus retiove Do theirsears for the Saset O the capital Sent an arm into Africa, undo Scipiori an Hannibal, recalle to deson his countrymon, Was no doo med i deseat an disastor in his turn Aster tho conclusionis the war, he was oblige to eo Dominis country tooscap bein deliveredis into tho hand of tho Romans he was persecuted rom placeri plueeri an ut longili, hilo at the colarios Prusias, he terminate his life by oison, he his enem ies Woro in tho actis Surroundin his houSB, B. C. 184. Hasdrubal, o Asdrubal, aliS, . a Carthagini an generat, On-in-IuWo Hamilcar, distinguishod himself in tho Numidian war, and luid tho oundatio os e Carthago, in Spain. A Carthagini an generat, tho sonis Hamilcar. e was defonte and flain by the con- suis, M. Livius Salinator and Claudius Nero, Whil ho was hasten- in Dom patu ith a large rein rcemon sor his rotherman-mibal. Hellespontus, i m. no called the Dardavelles the narro Etruit be- tween tho Egean ea, Archipelago, and the Propontis, se of Marmora This trait is bout fixi miles long in a indingcoursori ilibrendit is, ut an average, bout thre miles, but Wherct narro est, it is omeWhat les thau ono mile. The nam os ollespontus is likewis given to tho ouuir along the Asiati constof tho struit. Ηelote8 re m. an inhubitantis melos, a tow of Laconia. uin urwith Sparta, this town was destroyod an it inhabitant reducedio Elavery Theiri terit continuod, under tho amem Helois, tho public laves os partu :- Heloi, a partu StaVe. Helvius, ii m. Cuius a Roman colleague illi Cato in tho sedilestiis Hephaestio, nis m. the m0St intimate friendis Alexander tho Greut, whomi accompunied in ali his conquests, und by hom he us


HISTORICA AN GEOGRAPHICLL INDEX. 378 excoodingly beloved. o die at Ecbatanu, hilo Alexander Wasreturning rom India The conqueror a inconsolabi sor his deatha undis arriuiu ut Babylon, performe his funera solemnities illi great magnificence, an ereete a Super monumentio his memory. Draclide8, is m. a native Os SyracuSo, lio, ster the expulsion ostho ounge Dionysius stom Sicily, uisexu laetion against Dion, in hos haud the fovereignio er a lodged. He a putuo de ath by Diou's comman a circumstaneo hicli contributed in no mali degre t alienate Domito the affections of tho Syra

Hercules, is m. tho most celebratodiero os antiquit for his stren than achiovemenis, a the Sonis Iupiter an Alcmena. of his exploiis, hicli urerio numerous orae here delailed the most re-marhubio cre, the twelvo labors imposed on hima Eurystheus, hin O Mycenae, vig. 1st, to kill a large lion in the Nemean

walched the olde apples of the ardens of the Hesperides,nea Mount Atlas, in Africa, and bring the apples to Eurystheus -and 12th, to dra sto the inferna region the three-headeddo Cerberus Hercules an his is D ejanira, eing one o uiourne together, ere topped by the river venus. The centaur Nessus, offering to carr Drianira ver the rivor, u intrusted with tho chargori uti ad n Eoone reuehed the oppositeban than e attempte to bear her aWay by Orce. Hercules Eho an arro and mortali Wounde him. The centuur, hen


3 4 1ETORICA AN GEOGRAPHICA INDEX.set ontro. Aster his dealli ho was admitted into heaven a a

It is sitiante between 6 and 44 north lat. and etweo 10 west, and 3 east long bein aboli 700 miles long and 500 miles bruad. t is Separate Dor Franco by the Pyrenees; in allisther paris it is surrounded by tho Atlanti und the editerranean Spatii a divide by tho Romans intomispania Citorior an Ulterior, ithe and Fartheripuin Augustus divide it into

sis comprehende ut tho Orthis Spain, froni tho Pyrenoes to thomouth of tho Douro. The Eouther division a calle Baetica, Dona Baetis, the vadatqui vir, iis principat rivor the westernregion comprehendin Portugat, a culle Lusitania. HiStioeuS i m. a native Os iletus, a colle ague of iltiades in thocommand of the arm Whicli Darius, hen Settin Oudio his eX- pedition against Scythia, testat guard his bridge ver tho Danube. Homerus, i m. the firS an greatest os epic poets, supposed totaVolived pward os in hundred years bosor tho birthis Christ. Tho placo of his nativit is unknown uot se Ner than evenillustrious cities contende so that honor, Vir. Athens, ArgOS, Rhodes, Salamis Smyrna, Chios, an Colophon. Hi two principa poem are therili ad in hieli ho describes the war against Troy and the dyssey, in hicli ho relates the wandering Ostho Grecia adventurers, an Chiost os Ulysses, in thei return home aster Troym ad fallen. Hortensius, i. m. Q. a Celebrate Roman orator, tho contemporary, the rival , et the friendis Cicero. 'staspes, is m. a nobi PerSian fallier osain Darius.

astor tho deathis Dionysius. Mo a conquered by Timoleon. IONeS um m. ΙOnians inhabitant os Ionia. Ionia, B, f., a cOunir in the west os Asia inor, o the horo of tho Egean ea, havin Mysiam the norit an Curia o the outh. Iphicratensis, is, , ad j., of or pertaining t IphicrateS. Iphicrate8, is m. an Athenia generat, ho distinguished hi inset bytho improvemenis hicli ho introduce into militar discipline, and by his successes against tho Thracians an Lacedaemoniuns. ISmenias, B, m. a Thebun Who, long illi Pelopidas, was ahenprisoneri Alexander, tyrantis Pherae. Ititer, i, m. the amo Whicholio Danube SSumes ea iis mouth. This river, tho arges in Europe risus in Suubla uia flowing