Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류


instigateda his is Olympias.

Philippus, i m. therias hin o Mucedonia os that nume, as oujsDemetrius. In his insano Antigonus et Ze on his throne and rei ed twelvo ears, on hos death Philip recovere his righis, and distinguished himselfi liis War against tho Romans. Ulast, hoWever, ho u completet conquered, and oblige to acceptisspeae o term disadvantageous to his hingdominia degradin to

his dignity. Afieri avin the atteraears of his lis embittered by dissensions in his family ho died in tho 42d year of his rei gn,

B. C. 179.

Philocles, is m. an Athenia commander, WhO through eulouSy, rejected the advice of Alcibiades, and was in consequetice, desented by Lysander at Egos PotumOS.

Philocrates, is m. a Syracusan, brotherit Dion. Philostratus, i m. a Syracusan, brotheris Dion. Phocion, o nis m. an Atheniun, Contemporar With Demosthenes,

altho distinguished by his privato an public virtues. o With-stoo tho attempis o Philip to tali possession o Euboea audwith stili nobier heroism, rejecto tho libera offers by hicli that

Phrygia Magna an Phrygia Minor tho ulter of hicli asalso calle the Troas Tho inhabitant os Phrygia ero called

Pisander, i, m. a Partan Commander uring tho Peloponnesianwar, hom tho Lacedaemonians utrusted illi a largo se et sor


B. C. 560, hichio et lar hirt years, an transmitte totis sons Hippias an Hipparchus. At longilio O patrioli friendes, Harmodius an Aristogiton, burning with indignatio a tho oppression os the tyranis, an particulari incense by an insultwhichmipparchus ad ossore to tho sister Ofmurmodius, resolve to restor tho liberinos thoi country, hic the happily

Pittacus, i m. a native os tho fland of Lesbos ortitylene, and onoos the even is men o Greece Aster Deein his counir Domtho tyrann os elanchrus, and romolio invasionis tho Atho nians, he was hose by his gratesul countrymen overnor of thei city. e retained the ovemment for ten ears, he hovoluntarii resigne it, ecaus horiound the power an influencoo a fovereign incompatibio illi tho innocence an virtve os privato liso. Platoea, T, or B, arum, s. a sortifio town in Boeotia, ear hicli ho PerStans, unde Mardonius, ero defented in a rea batile, bytho Greelis, commandedi Aristides and Pausanias. Platoeenses, tum m. the inhabitant of Plataea. Plato, nis m. an Athenian philosopher, tho mos celebrate of thodiscipies os Socrates, and tho mos accomptished an eloquont ostho GreekS. Poecile, es f., a portico ut thens, adorned illi various eugravingsan pictures, hero Zeno tho philosophor sed to alli undieach; enco his followers Nero calle Stoics, homolio Greeh

Poenus, i m. a Carthaginian, a nativo o Carthago. Polybius, i m. a native of Arcadia, ho roto tho histor os tho Grook and Romans, in sori books, of Whicli ni Seventeen aro

Polymnus, i m. a Theban sather os Epaminondas. Polysperchon, Ontis m. One of tho generat Os Alexander the reat. Antipater, at his deuth, appotnted him governor os acedonia, in preserene to his OKn Eo Cassander,- preseronee o whicli thoorueli an incapacit os Polysperchon prove him to 6 very unWOrthy. Pompeius, i m. Cneius, urname Magnus for his reat exploiis, was one os the mos illustrious generat that ver appeare in Rome Tho rivulshi belween Pompe and Julius Caesar astho cause of that civit,ar hicli terminate in the elevation os Caesar to absolute poWer, unde the nam os Perpetua Dictator

Pompey us finali desoate in thoarea batile o Pharsalia, and was assassinate in his light o Egypt


HISTORICAU AND GEOGRAPHIC AD INDEX. 384 Pomponius Titus See Atticus. Pontus, i f., a large countr of Asia Minor, hiel extended along th εEuxino se sto Colchis to tho rive Halys. Procleg, cis, O HS i m. Son o Aristodemus an Argia, and winbrother of Eurysthenes Tho continua dissension belween thstwo brothers, both os,hom sat o the throno is partu, eretransmittest thei descendanis. Propontis, fidis f. tho Se is armora, et eo the Hellespont,now the Dardanelles, and the Thraciai Bosphorus, no thestratis os Constantinople. Pr0Serpina, oe,f the daughter of Ceres an Iupiter, a carried offb Pluto, as he wa gathering flowers in the vale o Euna tu Sicily, and thusae came queen of the inferunt regions. Pruδia S, E, m. nain os Bithynia, to hos coit mannibal fled forrefugo Tho Roman hear of the Carthaginian' retrent, and insiste that Prusias hould de live him into thei hands See Hannibal. Ptolemoeias, i m. the nam os thera ptianaings, after the de alli os Alexander the reat.

Pydna, B, f., a toWn Os Pieria in Macedonia. Pyloemeneδ, 8, m. v native o Paphlagonia, ho en to the Trojanwar, and was Elain by Patroclus accordin to Cornelius Nepos; but accordiu to Homer, by Menelaus Pyrenoeu 3, a, um, adj., of Or elongin to the Pyrenees, mountainswhic separate France rom Spuin. Pyrrhus, i m. v celebrat edain os Epirus, Whο be in invited by tho Tarentines into Italy for sum, time Maged Wur successsullyagainst the Romans, ut was at last deseat eda Curius. PythagoraS, B, m. a native os Samos, a celebrate philosopher, Dunder of tho secis calle Pythagoraei, Pythagoreum. Pythia, in f the riestes os Apollo a Delphi, hi de livered alio Oraeles unde the supposed inspiratio of the god Apollo himselfwas called Pythias fro hau in Stain the serpent Python heneo his priestem a nam e Pythia.

Quirinus, i m. the nam give to Romulus, the Dunder os Rome, asterae a ranked among the goti, ither DOm quiriS, Pear, o Cures, a cit of the Sabines. Quirinulis, is, , adj., of or periaining to Romulus Mons Quirinus, no Monte Cavallo, ne of the hills on hic Rome was bulli, Eo called Domin temple os Quirinus, o Romulus, hic stoo on L

Rhodanus, i m. a large and rapi river, hicli rises amon tho Hel. vetia Alpa in Witrerland passe through the ah os Genova, and entering the territori es of Franco, is Oined by tho Saono the


388 ISTORICAL AND MEO GRAPHIC AD INDEX.anciout Arar aster hicli it talies a s utherii direction, an salIsinto in Mediterranea se a MurseilleS. Rhodii orum m. tho Rhodians, inhabitant O Rhodus. Rhodu8, Or os, i f., u celebrated stan in the Egean ea, o thoc ast o Lycia It was remari ablo for the purit os iis atmo- Sphereri and was supposeda be peculiari favored by Phoebus, thogod of tho Sun. The colossa statuo o PhoebuS, ad os brassi was tho principat curiosit whicli it ad to boast os. It was thomor os Chares, a nativo of tho fland and was bout 105 foethigh. Rhodes a famous in ancient times laesit powe by sea. It is about 125 miles in circumferoneo. Roma, e f. the principut cit os Italy, and long mistros os howorld was ounde by Romulus, bout 53 years bosor tho Christia ora It was uili on even hilis, calle tho Palatine, tho Coelian, tho Ianiculum, tho Aventine, the Viminat, Quirinal, and Esquilino ills. Concorning tho extent of this ity, authorsare notogreed -Pli ny nys that iis circumserenoe a twentymilem; and Di faida have contained laur million os inhabitanis, - population three times greater than that o London. t had 644 towors on iis alis, of hicli 300 emain and 7 gates. Perhaps nothin in Romo a more rem arkable than iis aquo- ducis, hicli conveyed uter homoli distanc O many miles, and wero carried ver alleys, Supporte by bric arches, reared ut a prodigio us expense. t tho oot of tho Capitolino ill was the forum, o placo os publieausi ness botweo tho Palatino and Aventino ills tho Circus Maximus, a mile in circumserenoe; and long the Tiber, the Campus Martius, hero tho Comitia were held, and where the youili persorme thei exerciSeS.



skilla conductis Themistocles, ver thatis XerxeS. Salaminius, a, um, adli. Os SalamiS. Samos, o us, i, f., an Stan in the Egean ea, opposito tomount Mycale, o the coastis Ionias bout 100 miles in circumseretice, samouisor iis in and arthenware, but moro famou a belugilio native coianir Os tho philosopher Pythagoras. Samothracia, B f., Samothrace, o Samothrahi, an Aland in the 2Egean sea Opposite to tho ouili os themebrus in Thrace, thirty-

two miles in circumferen o.

Sardis, is, o Surdes, tum f. tho chiesiit os Lydia, siluate at thoseotis Mount Tmolus, o the rive PactoluS. Sardinia, e .f. an Aland in tho Mediterranean, est Domataly be- tweon 36 and 41 noriti latitudo, an botwoou 8 and 10 east longitude, about 170 miles long und 90 miles broad. t climato was utilio althy, but it Eoi fertiles an it Was considere Ono stlio Roman granaries It is separate sto Corsica by a strati, calle aueiently taphros, o fossa, o tho Struits of Bonifacio, about seve miles broad. Sardiniensis, is, , adj., o Sardinia.

Saufeius, i, n. Lucius, a frieud os Atticus, ho Spent many years with him at Athens, devotest tho stud os philosophy. Scipio, onis m. the nam os an illustrious famil in Rome, os homilio ni t distinguishe wero Publius Cornelius Scipio, urnameditio Elde Africanus, holirst revived the drooping opes of his couutrymen, aster tho fata batilem Cannae, and by transferringilio a into Africa, obliged tho Carthaginians to recal Hannibal, over horna gaine a decisive victor at Zama, und thus compelle tho Carthaginians to rue sorteaces an Publius Emilianus Scipio, tho ounge Africanus, ho oo tho cit os Carthage,


390 HISTORICAL AND MEO GRAPHICAL INDEX. Scythia, B, f., a Vast truct os country in tho Orth os Europe and Asia, nexplored by tho ancient Greelis and Romans. Scythi88a, B, f., a Womanis Scythia Seleucus, i m. Ono Os AleXander' generais, ho was distinguished by tho epithet os Nicator the Victor i γου s. In tho partition ofΛloxander' conquesis, aster his death, Babylon as allotte to Seleucus ΗΘ enlarge his dominion by tho conquest o Media, and foverat os the eighborin provincos and o unde the cityos Antioch in Syria. o was murdered by Ptolem Ceraunus, uman on homi ha conferre many important lavors. Sena, B, f., Qtown Os Picenum, in Italy, neu tho mouth of tho rivor

Servilia, e f., a Sisteris at Os Utica, and motheris arcus Brutus. Sestos, o us, i, f., a town in the ThrKeian Chersonesus, o thomelles- P0nt, oppositorio Abydos. Seuthes, is m. alingis the Thracians, in tho timo os Alcibiades. Sicilia, oe,f., Sicily, an Stan in tho Mediterranean ea, at ille Eouther extremit os Italy Dom hicli Dis separated by tho Fretum Siculum, tho Stratis o Messina. It oxtend Don 36 35 to

38 25 nori latitudo, and Do 12 50 to 16 5 east longitudo; it greatest longili eing 1 miles, iis readth 133, an iis circumserenco 20. Sicily, ii account oscit sertilily, was considere tho principat granar os the Romuus. Siculi orum m. tho Sicilians, inhabitant of Sicily. Siculus, a, um, adj., os Sicily, Sicilian. Sigoeum, i n. a tοWn pori, und promontor os Troas, in Asia Minor, notria stom Troy. Silenus, i m. a Curthaginia historian, Who roto an account of theamir of his countr in tho Gree langu age ho is Sometimes calle Philinus. Socrates, i, m. v native os Athens, the most celebrated philosopheris antiquit for isdom an virtve. is opposition to the Sophisis, whos salso retension to scienco h deSpised an ridiculed, excito thei implacabio atrod; and by the ho a charge be- fore tho judges of thens, illi introducin ne divinities and corrupting the outh. His innocene and worth wero nablo toprotectaim against thei machinations and lio a condemnedio di by drinhing tho uico of hemioch. During tho intervalle- tween his sentenco an death ho displayed tho greates fortitudo an magnanimity an refuse to avail himself of tho mea whicli his Dionds ad procure sor his scapo. o dran thopolson ithout emotion, Supporte by the conscisusnes of his inuocone and tho hope os immortality. Socraticus, a, um, adj., si Pertaining t Socrates.

SophroSyne, es, . a daughter os Dionysius the oldor. Sosilus, i m. a Spartan hiStorian the friend of Hannibal, and his instructor in tho Gree language. Sosiu8, i m. a Roman consul, in the year hen Atticus died. Sparta, E, J. tho capitalisi Laconia. Seo Lacedaemon. artuni orum m. tho Spartans, inhabitant os Sparta. Strymon, Onis, . a rive so in tho auctent boundar betWo-


HISTORICA AN GEOGRAPHICA INDEX. 391Maeodonia and Thraco, and flowin tuto tho Sinus Strymonicus, tho Gulsis ConteSSu. Sulla, o Sylla, oe m. a Roman obleman, of the famil os the Scipios. o serve his firSt campnig under artus, and whilo his quaestor in Numidia, go Iugurtha into his possession throughtho reacher of Bocchus Sylla ecame asterWard tho rivalaud deadi enem os artus, and thei contentions deluge Rome withalood on returuin froin tho Mithridatio ar, Sylla Vercam ut his opponenis, an caused himself to e create perpetua dictator. e then setis Dodia proscriptionis his nemies, by hicli ho confiscate thoi effecis, and et a pricem theirheads Thousand wero thus massacred; ut after overning With Wanto tyrann sor neu three ears, Sylla nexpectedlyresigned his poNer aud died Eoo after of the morbus pedicularis, O lous diSeuSe. Sullisnus, a, um, a Q. Os Sulla. Sulpitius, i m. tho nam o an illustrious amit in Rome Thopersones of this nam mentione by Nepos, are Publius Sulpitius, Who was consul in the time os Hannibal, after tho conclusion ofth secondiunt War. 2, Λ historian lio roto an uecount of tho exploiis fiannibal. 3, Publius Sulpitius, a tribune of theseoplo, an an Sociato os artus, Wh Was proscribe nudmurdered by the adherent os Sylla.

Sylla. Seo Sulla.

SyracuSoe strum, s. Syracuse, the ancient capital f Sicily lauuded by a colon hom Corinth. I attaine u great degre of Splendor, undaecum so largo a city that the circuit os iis alis as about tWenty-two miles an uials tris famous in recta histor fortho obstinato an successsu resistunc Whielicit made, heu be- sieged by tho Athenians unde Nicias.

Μediterranoan and th Euphrat . SySamithres, B, m. ouem the person Senta Pharuabagus to murder AlcibiadeS. T. Tachus, , m. a hing of gypt homingesilaus assiste in his aragainst Artaxerxes hin os Persia. Poenarus, O OS i m. promontor o Laconia, o Cape Matapan, tho mos Eouther potnt Os Greece. Tamphilus, i m. a Roman consul the colle agit os Cethegus, in thoyeur When, uecordin to Sulpitius Hannibal died.

Tarentinus, a, um, adj., si pertaining to urentum. Tarentum, i, N. , O Tarento, an ancient cit os Calabria, o tho

Sinus Tarentinus, Gulsis Tarento, in tho ouili festaly it Wassounded by u colon os LacedaemoniunS. murus, i m. ΜOunt Taurus, an extensive and Ost rid gem mouit. talus in Asia, stretchin eastward Dona Caria an Lycia.


392 ISTORICA AN GEOGRAPHICA INDEX. Terentius, i m. Varro, a Roman consul deseato by Hannibal in Apuli R. Teribstetus, i m. a governo Os Sardis by whom Conon a thrown

Thachus, o Tachus, i m. alingis Egypt who was assisted by the Greelis in his ar against Artaxerxes Ochus, in o Persia. Agesilaus, tho Spartan commander, aster ard deserted him, and went ove to his enem and rivul, Nectanebus. ThaSOS, O us, i, f., o Thapso, an istandri tho Orth of tho Egoan Seu ne a tho ouili of tho Nessus in Thraco it aboundod in inoand boautisu marblo. dis inhabitanis ero calle Thasii. Thebunt, brum m. Thebans, inhabitant Os Thebae. Thebae, strum f., Thebes, the capital os Boeotia, bullii Cadmus, tho Phoeniciun Dum hom tho citade Was calle Cadmea. Themist5cles, is m. a celebrate Athenian tho Contemporar undrivalis Aristides B deseatin tho Persian fleet ea Sal amis,ho Dee Greeco Doni the terror of the invasionis Xerxes rebulldin tho alis of the Piraeus, und augmentin the naV os Athens, ho reste frona tho Lacedaemonians the empiro of tho Sea, an rendere his native country tho firSt Ower os Greeco. V et his countrymen, With thei characteristic ingratitudo, Oudemne him to exileri an after haVin in valu ought a placeo relago umong tho States os Greeco h fled to tho ourtis tho Persian monarch Artaxerxes, hos sather he had delautod, and whos fleet ho ad destroyed Artaxerxes received im illi distinguished respect an assigne him for his maintenance tho revenues of three cities. But when the in prepare t mahe war against Greeo the patriotismis Themistocles returne in ullit vigor an to avo imself rona the necessit os rebollion onthe ono haud an ingratitude on the ther, he terminate his lis o

Theopompus, i m. a native os tho Stan Chios, horuttained distinguished reputation as an orator an historian. 0 as a pupil of Isocrates an carrie of the rige of Orator On ne occasionWhen his master us his competitor Only fragments of his com

Theram εnes, is m. an Athenia genera in the nys os Alcibiados. Η was one of the thiri tyranis,hom Lysander Set over Athons buta resistin the crueities an oppression o Critias an his Otho collo agues h incurred thei resentinent, and was condemned

nidas. Thessalia, B, f., a Country Os Greece, between acedonia and Greecoriopor, havin Epirusin the est and tho Ege a se on the east. ThraceS um m. Thracians, inhabitant of Thracia. Thracia, oe,f., Thrace, o Romania, O Romelia, a largo counir Iu


HISTORICA AN GEOGRAPHICA INDEX. 393tho outheast os Europe, Mundedi the northa Mount Haemus, whicli separate it Dominaesia, o the eas by the Euxine ea, in Thracia Bosphorus, o Stratis o Constantinopte, tho Pro- Pontis, or ea os Marmora, and the ellespontis Dardanelles omine Eout by tho Egean ea and o the westi Macedonia, stom hic it was separated by the riverittamon. Thrasybulus, i, rn. a celebrated Athenian who, aide ut firsti onlythiri stiends, undertos and accomptished the expulsion os thothiri tyranis hom Lysander ad et ver Atheus. e aster-Warta recovere the power of tho Athenians in the Egean ea an on the coastis Asia. o achille in his campi tho inhabitant of Aspendus, hom his arm had piundere Without his

knowledge. Thucydides, is, n. an Athenia historia os great celebrity. Thopleasuro hic he sellis hearinisomo os the work of Herodotus rea excite his emulation, an ho resolve to attemptrihe Same sine os composition. o hos sor his subjeci the war etweentho Athenians an Peloponnesians, os many O tho transactions os,hicha liadae en au ye-witneSS. His narration is remurkablo sor ita fideli and his style sor a conciseneSibordering SOme

Thurii orum m. o Thuriae, urum f. O Thurium, i, N. u Cit OfLucania, in Italy. Thyus, i m. a Satrapis Paphlagonia, ho revolted DOm Artaxerxes. Tiber, o Tibgris, is, contracte Tibris, o Tybris m. the river Tiber, on hic Rome was siluated. It rises among the Apennines, and fallitato that par of the Mediterranean hicli a calle tho Tyrrhene ea about twelve miles belo Rome. Tiberius, i m. Longus, a Roman consul desente by Hannibal at Trebia.-Claudius Drusus Nero, tho Son o Livia, an adopted Eon Os Augustus, hom he succeeded us emperoris Rome Tiberius as usamouisor his dissimulation, crueity, and debnuehery. Timaeus, i m. a Sicilian historian wholourished ubout 260 years B. C.,

and die in tho 96t year of his age. Non os his ritig aro


Timoleon ontis, . a celebrate Corinthian, ho reseue Syracus

sto the tyrann os Dionysius an havin Setti e the ovem-ment of that ity, resigne diis power. e die at a reat age, universali regretted by tho Syracusans und was uried in tho

Timoleonteum. Timoleonteum, i n. a gymnasium, O Schoo Os militur exercises,

whic Timoleon institute a Syrae e. Timophanes, is m. a Corinthian brotheret Timoleon He attempte dio maho himself tyrantis Corinthu' provent hic Timoleon, after havin ende avore in aluo convince imis the impropriet of his conduci, caused him toae assassiuated. Timotheus, i m. an Athenia generat, sonis Conon. e took Corcyra, an distinguished himself by his victorie ove the Thebans but his countrymon offende by tho mitur of tho expeditionagainst Samos, through the rastines os his colle ague Chares, couindemne Timotheus to pay a heau fine.-Ηe retire t Chalcis. wheroa died.


Thra Symenti S, O Trasimenus, i m. tho lahe o Perugia, in Etruria, Dear hichmannibal deseate tho Roman sor tho hir timo, unde tho consul Flaminius. TorquatuS, , m. L. Manlius, a Roman consul distinguished asaeingono of the friend of Atticus. Trebia, B, f., uuiveris Gallia Cispadana, risin in the pennines, and running pas Placentia into tho Ρο. Near this rive Hannibaldoseate tho Romans the seconestimo, unde the OuSul Sempro

Troas adis f. the territor Os Troy in Asia, calle also Phrygia

Utica, E f., o Salcor, a tos of Asrica Propria, in tho modern hingdom os unis, at tho ouili of the rivor Bagrada. Aster thodestructionis Carthage, Utica was the capital of the country. Atthis placo Cato, havin vaint opposed sor Some time tho poWer O1 Caesar, Elew himself in despair, an is thonce called Cato Uticensis. V. Valerius Seo Flaccus. Varro Seo Terentius. Venusia re f., a tow of Apulia, o tho confines os Lucania, thctbirthplaco of the Oet Horace. VettoneS, O Vectones, urn m. a nationis hither Spain, aloining tollio Celtiberi. Virgilius, i m. Publius aro, tho prince of Latin poets, a born ut Andes, ear untiau, bout event years bosor Christ. His great wor is the Eneid, an epic Oem, Written, a Some SUPPOSE, at tho equestis Augustus, and intende fas complimentary to the Roman nation, and particularint tho famil os tho Caesars. His

Eclogues delight us by thoi gracem simplicit and delicac ossentiment an his Georgices may bo pronounc edisne os the mos