장음표시 사용
laiendshimo Maecenas und the emperor Augustus.-Η die at Brundusium, in thera I Stoearis his ago. Volumnius, i m. Superintendentis Antony A Wotamen. ISO, nis m. Cn. unlius, a Roman conSul Wh Wus overnor fAsia, and triumphe ove tho Galatians Hannibal wroto a histor of his exploiis. Xenophon, is m. a nativo os Athens, celebrate us u generat, a
philosopher, an historian. illi first capacit ho distinguishod himsol by tho abilitWwith whichio conducte tho retro ut of the 10,000 Grook wholad served in thorum os the younger Cyrus, aster tho lata batilo os unaxa, and the deuth of thei tender, Clearchus as a philosopher, o is universali admire so thoboautisul account whicli ho has give of the doctrines of his master Socrates and his histor of tho educatio an lis os Cyrus tho oldor, and of tho expeditionis Cyrus tho ounger, illi thoretreat os tho 10,000 Greelis, ure imperishablo monuments of his talent asin historian Me die ut the age ostinet years. Xeroees, is m. Son o Darius Othus, Lingis Persia, amous in histor sor his invasionis Greece illi an arm o 2, 100,000 men, and a fleot of 1,327 vesseis. This immenso armament Was deseut-od an nearly annihil aled by the kill and valoris tho Greelis.
Zacynthii, rum m. Zacynthians, inhabitant of Zacynthus. Zacynthus, i, f., no calle Zunte, an istandis Greeco, opposito toth bottom of tho Corinthian guis, orauis of Lepanto. Zama, E f., a toWnis Africa, ear hicli Hannibal was deseated by Scipio.
-without 'in besore themameos an istand Milt. 1, 1J, 29. Accusativus plur tertia deelen.
Aditus - conveniendi aliquid agendi, o laus. 3, 3J, I, 2. Adjacere. Timoth. 2, 1J. Administrare legationes. Dion
mostly Wit gen in tho senseos contemporary I, IJ, 4. AEquum est, constr. Them. 7,
annis ante. Milt. 8, 1J; unis id aempus and ante hoc t. Timoth. 2, 3J, Antistes macerdos. Lys. 3, 3J. Apparet, Impersonui. Lys. I, IJ.
Cognomen sor agnomen. Arigi.l, 2J, 11, 12. Colla care in agris, o Colonisisi lili. 2, IJ. Colloqui aliquid. Them. 9, 4J Committere proelium. Milt. 6
Commode. Proes 1J, 12, 13. Comparare iter. Alc. 10, 3J. Compellare Alc. 4, IJ. Complures Paus 2, 2J. Complures and plures S. Paus
Confugere in aram Paus 4, 5J. Consuevi and consueveram Lys
Continentia S. Arist. 3, 2J. Contingit S. Milt. I, IJ, 27. Contra ea. Iphicr. 3, 4J.
Contrario unctaSS. P e contrario eae contrario. Iphicr. 1,
Conventus in religious festinat.
dice crimine accusari. Alc. 4,
Cultus vestitusque Paus. 3, IJ. Cum usuali precedes tho relativo proii in Corn. Nep. iniit. 1,
statues Alc. 3, 2J Deaetram mittere. Dat. I 0, 2J Dicitur, Impersonat illi uec. Ins Paus. 5, 3J. Dicto audientem esse. Lys.
Discedere an decedere distinguished. Them. 3, 4J, 2. Dives, superi divitissimus. Alc.
Dominatio, τυραννίς. Milt 3, 4J Domi bellique Alc. 7, IJ Dubium non est. Proes 1J, 1-6. Ducere tempus Them. 7, IJ
Et non, When preferrest Neque.
Facere de aliquo. Them. 2, 64.
Generosus Them. I, 2J. Genitive. reo dependent genitivos Them I, IJ, 5. Gen. Neocli ho Neocles. Them
Gratia gratiam referre, gratiam habere, gratias agere; Seldom gratia referre gratias
Idem et, qui, O cum Milt 3, 5J. Igitur resumptive Thras. 4, 3J. Ignorare aliquem Arist. 1, 4J. Illud roserring to hut follows. Thras 1, IJ. Immodestia, in Want os discipline, insubordination Lys. I, 2J. perfect - was proposing to dotho action Thras. 4, 2J, 4. Imperfeci sula aster Proea hiator Milt. 4, 4J Implicare Dion 1, IJ. Implicatus and implicitus Paus.
INDEX. Imponere in re and in rem Cim.
In bello Corcyrceo, and bello Corcyroeo Them. 2, IJ, 5; in aram confugere Paus 4, 5J; in aliquem an in aliquo vim eaeercere. Dion 6, 2J; magno an in magno periculo SSe, versari. Dion 8, 2J in proe senti aud in proesentia Them.
Indicatinus in orat obliq. Milt. 3, 4J I. In sinitivus Act. and Pass. illi placere. Them. 3, IJ, 2. Ingratiis. Them. 4, 4J, . Insuetus With gen Dion, 7, 3J Intercipere. Iph. 2, 3J. Interim interea. Them. 6, 5J, 5. Intueri, intuor old so lab.
Lis Litem oestimare Cim. 1, 1J. Loqui Graeca lingua l. Milt.
reas, id eo valebat, ut. Theydid notanow what iis mean- in Mas, quo uteret Them.
Nescio quo pacto. quo caSu. quo modo.
Thras. 3, 2J, 1. Nomen. Suo nomine. Them.
Phalanis in the de restricted sense. Chabr. I, 2J Phalericus. Phalereus. Them.
Postquam With pers indic Them.
Preposition is heu repea ted Alc
Procul. Them. 8, 7J. Prosteri S. Theni. 7, 4J. Prosigare and prosternere Milt
Prohibere aliquem fa cientem Them. 6, 2J, 3. Proinde ac si les Common than perinde ac si Alcib. 6, 1J, 5 quast Lys. 2, 2J, 4
Q. Quaerere eae, de ab aliquo Dion,
INDEX. Qui quidem, unde What Circumstances it is a favorito formos
Nepos s. Dion, 2, 2J. Qui quippe qui Dion 3,
Substantines in io, tor, an triae, Willi pron poss. Lys. 4, 3J Superior nutu major Dion,
Supprimere classem. Timoth. 3,
Terra. Mari et terra, terra ma
Vero, cim mihi iero. Con. I, , 1. Vestitus Cultus vestitusque. Paus. 3, 1J. Vicinitas collective Alc. 10,