Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


In inti nunquam Iussat Palatio S 'VA.


tractiurst aros hom observin a stua die affectation in many person os treatinga Dr. Priesti 's theologica an metaphysical writings with igh and contempti an anet, endeavour in ther particulari to infuse the like sentiments of him into the rising generation: hic la I could notaui kohupon asi pernicious consequence, tendingv to prevent thei acquaintance With a writer, Dom hos various Works, above those of any other in ur-- country the might reapthe greate advantage both in respeet ofuseful knowlege an virtuous improvement.


Iaad n vae etherein was I capabiem it, o lendin him any id against ita attachsmade ponaim, asci he were in dange os being overpoWered by his opponents Forte is more than qua to a whole homo them :whicli the have ali xperience in theirturns bimo Horsely one of the most violent of them, the least of allexcepted But Ithought it might e possibi sor anotherto suggest ome circumstances, an to V


approve the good ense of that apolog os hic for giving his favourite Homer,

Pani mistahen, is many ill nolle sur-prised atra very recent fudi, bullitie known, whie I have ad occasion to mention, concerning the ecclesiastica arahorit exerciti by the englim bimops ver the Americans, since the becam independent of the civit power of this count . It willappea incredibi to them, that in these en- Iightene times, the eadin clerosiould

see to put the episcopalians pon that continent, unde harrow of iron, and constrain them, a far a the could, o receive thospurious creed of Athanasius, an to hecome


tioned in the scriptures. I have been informed that the apparent lettinii se ascit ereos se many of these Iast, at the firaepreachingo the ospei, was ne of the principalthing that contributed to mahe the ingeni-ous Rousseau an unbellever ascit fremexto him, illi good reason, a thing quite ut os nature, and probabili ty. But a proper inquiry, and investigation ould have hewn him, that

pat soliti attention to this su 1jech, and in vinas Mede and Syhes hia remarhed um it, for Lardne and Farmer hadnot diei publime thei sintvnendi a to ali into his strange notion os demons having a greater licens stan usitato afflicti mankinvi in the age of the postles. One reason, sayche, 'sor hic the divine providence houla suffer spiriti

to exert mei malignant m ercs muc atthat time, might be tolive a chech to adducetis amore the de S and to epicurea astetis amore the gentilas, an to remove in seme measure these two impedimentario the gospel 'Rem. onaccLmist. voL i. p. I . e ma Venture t pr no vice, that o sudduce epicurea atheist, Was everconverte by suc instrumentalis', and argument.


Tit PREFAC R. vii that there asino phemmenon of the hi a that time more than at an other; and

that these hings eiu mentione by the sacred writer is no proo of thei reality. Tlie expresse themselves on these mattere agreeabi to the superstitio of the tune and their own rejudices. An s far isthei representatio of things, howeve misitae therein stom invalidating the sacredhistory that it is a proo oscit antiqui , and genuineneis. It would be no dissiculi ta , bra Amremarhs interspersed, and illustrations of the severat passage of the bible, here the word

Satan, C. is named, o nable the ommone reade to ste, that divine revelationgives no countenance to the existence of anysuch evil eings, o to any po e but thatos our benevolent creator being exerciseloverus Andra ope his mill e confidered, among many the things, in me versiones the bible, henever icis underlahe without respee to any great churches, o parties in religion. Some litile meritu ill ahe t mystis inone thing, ecauserit is no my Wn, and Lam meret concerned in itis a transiator squia in having produce to light the S. of a Castellio's