장음표시 사용
Castellio's, publime about thirty years since
yet the distinctio that the author mahes, bet ween the severat paris of the scriptures, and the different account, ought to mahe
of each, is socius an fuit of good sense; that every judicious person wil approvecit. would add that this incomparabie critic
l, Animus etiam erat, ad examen revocare, irae S. Castellio paulo ante obitum de interpretatione scripturae in chartas eo ecerat cum vero nec libri ad manum sint de arte hermeneutica scripti, quos cum systemate S. comserrem, nec tantum otii nunc habeam, malui aliorum prius iudicia experiri qui etiamsi forte aliter sentiant atque arissimus ille scripturae interpres, non aegre tamen serent, spero, quae cogitate meditatus est, a situ et interitu vindicata, secum communicari. Saltem quod ad me attinet, malim legere scriptum viri docti et pii, meae sententiae oppositum,
quam scriptum hominis mali et indocti pro mea sententia editum. A tali adversario semper aliquod discimus, C. weaeeirum. . si ii p.
wil satis' any one that is unprejudiced.
that evenareater liberties may be taken than Dr. Pries le or thers have done, ithrelation to the Character an imperfect rea- ning in the scriptures, ithout urtingthe evidence for the facts of theme Ten tament, o weahening the foundationis ourfaith, bicli res sin the wel authenticated miractes s Christ an his postles, and his resurrection Domine dead.
personat no lege, o longaefore he was mise to the se of Duinam 'ut ad anopportunit of knowin more of his haracter Domin correspondeiace, hichae had
ed, and to homae communicate himselfvery reely. e had reat piety but it was of a gloom cast, and tendinnio superstition; whic he might have aught froni reading the lives of romissa ainis, ome of which was the means of handindito him. ealways appeared dissatisfie with the publicstate of things and of the world; hichmight originate Dom his iew of divine providenc
providelice, that in his systena could certainlyafford ut litti chearfulnes to those ho
shewn in the solio ing Work, that the opinio much insiste o by him, and whichraises the most melanchol suspicions of thadeity, viz. that repentance sine is not f ieiento resore ful creatures to the δε- et οὐ of thei mater, is a void o Dundation in scripture, ascit is contra Morali rationa seo timents of the Divine Being, andio ali jus conclusions rom reain and fiat. What a doo also doescit ope to the worst superstition to beriold that a return to sincere piet an virtve ill no satisfror appeas the divine displeasure against sint
he has made in the bye religisus mom is, throughout the two volumes of his
commentaries o the psalms, ilicio many
os the clerical assembi at aedinison' library, mentioned, p. 3I. Who united withother no alii the episcopalaench, to reque a revisat of the articles and liturgyan form os subscription of the church; in the year 77a. .. The secondiro sed par of this orsi,see p. a. 3. is in good forWardneis,
and will in due time e lai besere the public.
Ne ut bifidio Buclerbireat error, that repentanceatone is no susscient to obtain pardo flori mithout the interposition V Iesus Christ. Nemelanthoi descriptio gi Wb his of the divisegovernment. Fefources of his ηban mi he. His frepresentation of the moria me live in andit inhabitanis God, and the oriri men, and theis expectation here ter far uter han his Ilis Mould ma e them. P. 237