Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


soliciis ou by the most cogent an assi:ctionate arguments. Ἀ9, to conside this intime, and is in ahe meastres, which might

tended meret to distharge the dullas and visces of civit liue, unconcerned in this matter a the ma imagine, se a tolerander no

obligation to take a par incit. Next


couragemen to it Yourfrst apprehensions Iam persuaded, ould lead D to thin thalii good min&could e eas in such a cuia tomar praetice although many iuch there have been, and are Who an bring themselvestote satisfied init it through the force of

habit, and Dom various reasons, and particu

and what a christian oughtrio acquiesce in. s agreeisl with his divine master'steachings, deserves our maturest consideration. It is no theresere impertinently o with -


uponaim the ossice of a monitor, and i Imay be allo ed sorio speak of a tutor to)ou, o the present occasion. He hereb does no more than discliargethe du hic one man wes' another,

Merare noto examine.

It was no unpleasing circumstance to observe in his letter, that Dr. Priesti 's ad-dres to ou had gained some degre os attention, and was lihelyrio gain more. . Sucha curious device, o speedit put in execution, Without an argument, an meret in the way os drollery, to deterIou rom looking into his ritings, betrayed great apprehensions Iest yo might be inclined to perustitiem; speciali When it a b no means clea fromethe first that the lette originaledwithoou. For though the writer seme- times


tion naturai.

about that unde the umble nam ofundergraduate a concealed a person feminence in the university, and the rumour sto gre into a very generat persuasion, which no one thates can fin calis in question, that it was the compositionis no essa person than the learned president of agdalen college, an dean o Canterbu ;Who, Da very venis artifice an anachro


him a good man, and it appear ver particularly Domais ther publication, that heis notini a sincere bellaver in but a Wor-

stiper of Jesus Christis God Almighty,

and this in an extraordinar manner, beyondmany and theresere, notrio mention other

subjects of wide difference, e must egreatly hurt with, an to the ulmost of his

writings, hos aim is to prove seo scrip ture, and the testimon o Chri himselfand his postles, and the genera persuasionos christians in the earliest ages, that our Lord wasint a most virtuous and excellent Creature, the messenge and prophe of themost hiis and onl true God a mortes mano the natio of the jews, an famil os Abraham and David. The doctrine embraced, and pleaded sor,b Dr. Horne, ein no taught in thehible, as has been ostenciliem, and willbe een hereaster in his ork; etaeing drawn in almo with our fir breatli of ich I may speis from me experiense


io interpret the scripture itfel by them,so that ali avenues o Dee inquir into ira

pression an influence, it must have been with greatlain and dissiculi that an have emancipate themselves, an come a thetruth in his Oint. That these setters whicli aremo cin youth comparativelflight uponyour minds may be

letters toFou, at the lose of those inscribedio the dean o Canterbu , composed in astrat of good sense, piet an benevolence, justi admired an no again, at the instant Lam,riting, he has stewn the weaknes of the arguments; hic the fame Morin person unde his seigne nam of Indergraduate,


Undergraduale, ad advanced, in repli tollim, an in plea foroour remaining unde these chain os subscription se ever. It willae myrias to acquaint o with the desective accounts, an miseepresentationo many things, hic this your pretendedhrother-undergraduate' prejudices have led

No Tiris is more dissiculi than to asissime a character that elong noto us, and


andaci consistenti initi In Dr. Horne'siet . ter dra iam forJou, we find many things atyon time ostiis, never likebrio have enteredint you thoughis particularly the mystic notion, p. o that the episti to ui Hebrews is a divine expositio of the old Testament. e also perceive no in theauthor that curiosi ty, and ardent hirst after an luve of truth, hici belong to the human in in the early prime of life :hut, halcis most uianatural to that age, a fixe resolution to mahe no inquir into

subjects of the highest moment, ut to sit

down azy an satisfie with what others, without an iust pretensions have decided

concerning them, b ore he was born.

By riling hovgeve in the character of ayoung disputant, he has a plausibi excusese passing overa circumstance, illi,hichyo oughti no means tot unacquainted whichris that howeve he lead for substription to creed and articles, and wi notadmi the idea os an alteration or relaxation, a reformation therein has rom thoe first, more particulari os late, Men desirea


It is a great missortune notrio do rightthings, and give up what is rong and indefensibie, at the time, as seon a perceived,

gro Moae received without examination asine mos sacre truths an reformation, stom


s in various causes,aecomes the more difficuli, the longe i is delayed. Thus the suspecte texi, Golin V 7.which was marhed out a suci, in ur enς-lissa bibles, at the time of the reformation, and whos spuriousnes has heen more and more evince since that perio to the present day by the critical inquiries of learnedmen, is, neverthelesi, in the face of ali thedemonstrationis it notiavingiee of the writin of the postle that the subjectris Capable os, no assertia tome genuine, ith a temper and spirit and by a method os argument, hicli certainindoes no credit to the writer, o the ause he would maintain.

For this Leould refer ali that are judges, to

Commentaries and Esiays, publimed by the Societ for promotin the noW- ledge of the Scriptures, 786. Andyet, on this gentiemali' hard assertions devoidis ali proos, imo Seabur has lates proclaimed this explode textri beauthentic throughou America, as seras his