장음표시 사용
Ofir. Horne' mron interpretatis of severat passura Uscriptura. p. 288
O Dr. Priemey' hisor of earl opinion comcereis Iesu Christ. p. 33s
to a important paris pon in theatre of theworid, and who must by your siluations, do much good o mucha m in ita
This I professa, Myraim and ambitioni these thoughis hic I have publichlyaddresse to ou respecting the matters in discussion belween Dr. Horne and Dr. Priest-ley, in hichoo bear a considerable partu ait m m farther notification os certainthings, in some ther of Dr. Horne's writ-ings, hicli a mineadiso mo essentially, and whic yo ma Mitherwis aptio takeruponarust Without examination, Doma deserencerio his authori , and known Wor-th character. And rom an earnest destre in particular toamst o in undexstanding the revelatio which we belleve me Divine ein to have give of himself, and of his ill, and moral
we et g I have been farther promptedio lay besere you semesamples of theoni justmethod os interpretin the sacre volume, ich contains that revelation, with a large exemplificationis the contrar method; and have closed the hole it a catalogue of the
t vesties. the false rearivs of Scripture, hich have been introducta at different times, and contihued throuo an undue pre judice in favour of the doctrine of the trinit and the divinityo Jesus Christ. accompanted with a list of the mistra lations of our englim bible, hichhave arisen Dom the iam cause, an still
vi. 26. to his apostles, who were to carryon the instructio an resornrationis theworid, after he had test it to aria them, that a generat applause, in thei departinent, wasino tot obtaine without mea compliances, and seothin me in thei idolatryand inful practices. Thi mo assuredi belong noto Dr. Priesiley, hateverte his merit o demeriis in other respeets. His franknes in publici- in the progress of his inquiries into the scriptures, and early christia antiqui , and the doctrines an opinion he has dra nseo thos sturces, ostentimes contrar to
sor ages, has xcite the mi and displeas Eo tho against him, ho rom various and different motives oukl have everrthingrelatim to religio remat quiet an u to hed and of othos, ho unhappilys pos the salvationis mantandrio dependupon holding certain articlegos belles, hichhe maintain tot voidis ali seundation sotha many set no bound to thei evit speaking, an ignorant censures of him. Suchaoweve has been the tot in ali ages, among thei cotemporaries, of the ruest friend an benefactor of mankiud, ho have et theniselves to oppos and correctyopular errors, speciali in the things of
religion Socrates, one of the most virtuousos men, and a preacher of truth in his day, accordin to the light given him, as accused of polsoning the ind of youth. Isine dispassionate iseland good approve the
accusations of thers may ae more Hlyborne. Whether an just cause of complain or offence, has been no given, ou
Dr nowip. Horsel , Μr. White Μr. Howes, Dr. Horne, dean o Canterbum, an president of Μagdalen college, Ox- ford, have latet appeare in print against our author, chied with an intention to confute hatae has Gance concerning the divine uni , and the person o Christ. The state of the argument etWixi h set an Dr. Horseley, r. riestie has mentione in page o, c. of his lettersto Dr. Horne , an has made seme animadversion on Μr. White, in his M Im- portance an extent f re inquir in matters of religiona' and in his Defenera Antiarianim for the eur 1787, p. 7 toto8 hath made a suu repi to the chales,
The resident of agdalen maintains, that there are three divine persons, wh are ch of them Gods, and equali to wormiped and et that these three persens, thus distincti tote invoked are o three Gods, ut ne οὐ in doctrine, an a wormi this, as appears rom the face of the scriptures, and wil more appea tho
more accuratei the are examined, holly
unknown to Moses, an to Jesus, an his apostles and to the philosophic inquirer, nature's V light certaini teaches it great
author and Creator, o D, to be ne persononly one conscious mind, ne single intelligent agent, is and good. Aster havinishewn the inconclusivenessos Dr. Horne's argument in defence of this
Trinit in Unity, as e stiles it froin thecree ascribe to Athanasius, it Was natural
a P Theolain argument so the existence of the Deit' obvious torali, and curring irres1stibi convisitions Wit it, is rom me evident contrivince and fimes of ming sor ne nother, hic We meet wit through- - out alliaris of the universe here is no med os nico and subue realaning in this matrer a manifest contri- vince immediatet suggest a contriver It striis us M like a sensation, and artia reasoning against it m visuZEleos, ut it is ithout shahing our belles. No person, for example, that knows the principies of π-- lics md me structure of the eye, an belleveritat it Was formed without stili in that science or stat me ear Was se ed without the knowlcge of sounds o that the male M and semale in animais cremot formessor each other, and 3 sor continuin tha species. Allisur accounts of nature lare sui os instances of this hind. The admirabie and beautim structure of things for fines causes, Mira ur idea of the antriser: the unit os desgn mews him to OneV--Hatiris' account of Si Isaac re ton's
philosophica discoveries p. 4oo. νοή
yenoble, an ingenuous youth, themations hope, and future ornament an suppori,
trust concernefandirimed at the thought, that ou mould be constrainexat an time, particulari a se early a periosas semeis yo have done, to subscribe an declareyour belles of a doctrine so irreconcileable toreason an to scripture, togethe with thato original or birth-sin, c. &c. O connected with it. From a foresight of the difficulties, in whic thos of o in particular, ho aredesigned for sacred ordos, ill probabin involved is everyo mouid starch the scriptures in earnestrior muralves, and find thedail service of the church, in hich ouare bound to minister, and the articles offaith, to hic your stachings are to e. c0nformabie, inconsistent it the convictions of your consciences he reris and
' A late excellent prelate, ho earnestly isted serra
farther remrmation, and was not wantiniimendeavour topromme it, Was Wont semetimes in semilia conversation Mith