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Τhus also the sellowing histor os recent facts illvilew, in fiat different estimationthis creed of Athanasius is heldi seme inhigh places in the church, than it was in Tillotsen' Mys by him, and othera : and this,
oinriversilies I9this, even after it has Men stili more clearly demonstrate notrio have been composed by Athanasius, ut drawn u long after his time, and ut ut unde his name, ostprobabi by one Vigilius Tapsensis thusame ho rst cite the spurious ex of Joh v. 7, a genuine a ne ho ac- customed himself to ut the ames flearne me os forme times to his orks, an pasi them os a their's a practice, whateve his motive was forcit, most highlyto e condemned tendin to throw Onfusion into history, and to prevent urcomin at certaint about an person Orthings in forme ages.soon after the separatio of the Ameri can States frona the mollier country, in
in Philadelphia, fio September 27thoo October th, 1783 Philadelphia, printed 1786.
Considering the attachment of many oold forms, and the strenuous efforis no used to preserve a steady adherenCe to them, there M a Commendable amen ent f
In thei preface, the have Commenda- bl inserte the different articles proposed se a revie by in William's ecclesiastica commissioners in I 689 among homwere thos excellent men, illoison, Burnet, atrich, pnnison, sic Tw of the articles therein mentioned, a be revie ed by thos eminent men,
,hethecobe articles of religio may ' no deserve a reviem; and the subscrip- tion to them and the common prayer be contrivia, after seme manner, test. cep- tionabi than a present λ
asi1g the sol lowing rcaso his clause, as p. urnet, p. rason, and ther writer inform us, is found in no creest, normentioneda an writer, untilabout με the sth centur an in the fir creeds that have his clause or articie, that of
Christ' buria not ei ny mentione in them, it follows that the understood the descent into heliores of his buriat or
descent into the grave, a the wor is
In the first conventiori of the protestant episcopalchurch, held in PhiIadelphia, si omsept. 27 to Oct. 7 I78s, it was resolved tos addres the archbimops and imops of the churchi Englandi equestin them' to conser the episcopa character, on such person a mallae chosen an re- commende to them for that purpose, fro the conventions of thei church, in thei respective states. '' In thei second convention, et also atth cit os Philadelphia in June, 786, letter as read fro the Archbimops and Bissiops of the church of England notist in thei approbatio of the addres madet them, and desire os complying with the prayer of thei addrest, ut expressinisonae
hesitation o account of a reportis alteration adopted, o intended in the american
s consideration, at a meeting of the arch-
even in that whicli is calle the a se ε oles creed, an article is omitted, hich was thought necessar to e inserted, illi a vis to a particula heresst, in af very early age of the chureli, an has ver since had ille venerable sano isti of universi reception ' litti after in the course of thei letter,
at Philadelphia. In whatio lo s, concerning this tali conventio at Wilmington, erare
b re admittin the icene creed into their america liturgy, ut that i stout be atthe option of the minister, o rea that orthe postles creed. The restoratio however of the creed of Athanasius se called totis plaCe, as unanimousi negatived by three of the states, andi a majorit of theothe two. ut Christ' descent into elim again adopte an received into the apostles creed, though not without semenegative voices and the thera might perhaps satis* themselves illi having deci u ed publicly the sense the gaverit, as equivalent tollis being put into the grave, or buried. ye THAlfons Patricti, Burneis, Gn-n sons, could ye have been no recalled Dom
inscriptioni halchinenis, hicli present itself so osten tonia e s in me struet of this metropolis In cae quies, in heaven res; bureas in truth it shouldae reverseri suo
terra ales, a coelo ita in the grave res, in heaven si a for surelyn duli repose is to e expecte there Andthough such sor of things, I apprehend are commoni rios to undertiners, ho solio a beaten road, without
much distinetion, I must consese Was particulari pleased to. ove Safleaouse aster ita master, the late Sir George favile, ad quived it an ali earthi things, a halchment with that fine bold christia motio, Resurgam, Issat risererin, hic noneaut the christia cansa quies con ente. An it trulf longe in him, sin christian se suc hewas, takin a latitude in many ining to thinhrior imself, ac belleve ali do that thincat allis the subject Iremember earin him on express himself,ith di approbation that gentieman wil pardon me of LGibbon's nisi way os attaching christiani cin the gulisos a pretende frienvi instead os cominisore omnly against