장음표시 사용
loward a right understanting of the sacredis lume during the fame intervat, than since the tameto the possies, speciali in ur Wn munim. we are hoWeverisit but ne in the usineis. Much remain is bes ne, bifarther critical inqui-ries, to hem, to the satisfactio es ali, hat mereth sentiment of the postles coneerning theislor an master, hoin the language of scripture mas under o by thois for hos use rit Wasimmediatet wa iten and hoWChrist' co trymen, and coremporaries, interpreted What he spori con- cerning himself, o What his postles sald of him twhic semcto be the way es comingat the knowlege of What he taught, and c, in reatly Waa.
exactnes an authentici ty. Such are the Dur evangelists Matthem, ark, Luhe, an Isin. There is a disseren is opinion, amon immedmen, missi regar to the date of thei respective virilings; ut it is probable that the dre. pand publi2ed thei memenre of thei divine master, mearly at the iam time.
by livin and conversing ith him, during the greate par of his public ministry, ad themeans of heing et acquainte Wit the thingsthat he relates of him. Andrae describes iam
attinether, as a human bring a descendant of Abraham and David, thei tW great progenitora . bor of his mother armas other infanis, onjproduce in heri by the extraordinar PoWer of God a the fies of our race as formes in ther
divine avour These mustae briefl considered, te the sit ut be thought to have more erghtthan the reali have.
interpreteri is, God mitis M. These ord arearom Isaiah vii. 4 and wereno more intende by the prophe to foretet Gything concerning Christ than the motas seon fiercite by ur evangelist, ii. 7. 8, fio Ieremia xxxi. s. ere to predi the rict and concer of the parenis, hos childnen Herodiadput o Math. ut the are both quote by the apostle, after the manne of the e. in those times, hodovexto cite their sacred -- o an occasions, a containing semething that mi obe accommodate to the present purptae. Nostinghoweve cani more giundi s thin is suppose,
that hecause the postle applies to Iesus thois motas of the prophet, the t sale ea his nam Emanuel, viz. God mith us that theresore he hela Iesus to be God Almighty. For the phrase, the Rad cis his ame, manuel God ithus, impliesoni in the present case that the persen to homicis applied mould deserve in besse calles onaccount of som extraordinis kindnes of Godmanifeste to the moria is him. Anes that nothing
Grais Is ix. 6. xii. . Ierem iii. 7. xxxiii. 16. Eaeh. xlviii. s. c. here ne fame phrase bears thiasignification.
ctem from thei very infancy that it te hes three persons to Maeach of them God or, in the woias of the creed ascribesto Athanasius, that the Father is
an iterpretation to e rue Wishout examination, that teaches there are three rsons Who axe each
recorded these Wotas, ad Ood them. Nom ou Will find that throughout his. gospei, this evangelist introdures Our Sasiour, constantly an invariabi speahing 'hut os ne person, as God Whom e cans, an frequently tacitaeta in
there a nothinc peculia in Chri stili God his Father, ascis it potnted in his havim mynature different rom oura since Chri noleis spealis o God a being our aram in the sol-
The appellation, he Son, hici ou Lord lieregios himself, and Whieli is osten given him. i. e. the Sonis God in iis primary sense indicates onlythat he had his origin imm God, as ali his ra. 1 creation, Lu e iii 38 It ais signifies the beingespeciali dear to God, andri uoured by hini in Whic senserat is gixen to ali christians, Iobnii 3, a. his sonowers, a Mellis to himself Andi this sense, it is semetimes peculiari anu appropriated to the holy Iesus a being the Christ the Messiah the Son fruori by ma os eminencer hic are ali synonymoua phrasis, he applied to Jesus 1 and marioni h high ossice, an dig- . nitri esto ed on him hy Atintrat God, and
not an difference or distinctionis nature, stomithat os other men. As to the notioni a labile metaphysical generatisno Christ, rom God, elare the ori Was
y- vereries: smade, supposed in be conveyed by the rem αν.hich, learnes men invented an , pleased themselves With, When the becam assiamed of having one forcte auctor of thei religion, ho had suffere an nominious death, and .ruitia to exalchim aboveth conditioni a man: his mas a thin quite fore1gn to the thoughts of this disciple 'o Ieius; Matthew, the toll-gatherer The evangelista πere notphilosophera, or metaphysicians, any more than their divine mineri And et thicis the mystic, unnitelligibie sense, in hichahe defender of the divini
.s Christ, modern as eli asancient, ais refuge, when drisen rom allisther reisurces an arguments both of reason and scripture vis that hemas the Sonis Godi an eternat generation is .
.ho nam alis discipies Wem tote baptized the passages, here,attheu speata oscit, are the
tha bis hem of the spirit basi
attested an propagates, is spolien offas a person, ct into hos nam the were iste baptized a figure of speech most frequent in the scriptures. Tole baptized into the nam os an person, is tobe enliste unde them , to submit themselves tothei direction. Sora Cori . . the Israelites aresaid o have been baptized into Moses in hichthe postle has respe to Exod. xiv. I. Wherecte are spolien Das bellaviet Goland his servant Moses i. e. the engaged themselves tote directed by them. Having thus explained the apostles sense os theseverat term used Lassi; Amitae supposed thata chosen diseiple o Christ, an postle, and personat attendant poninim, Wh Wrote illi a design
sign olive ait necessar informatio relatin tothea pel, should, at the ver en of his book, bring in his master Iesus, speaking of tW persons, himself and the hol spirit, eing each of them God, qualisit the ather, acquainting them Mith a thingi suci magnitude abruptly oni ad the moment of his leavin them, hic he had
ove throughout his precedin book, he hadis scribed the holy Jesus, merely, asine of the humanrace, an also relate his constanti speahingis
himselfas such only, and the spirit, o hol spirit, neve mentione by him in his history, o MChrist, a Ming any thing more stan the extraordinar poWer of God p no: EiTAER Christhimselfior his evangelist, appea to have had any the most remote de of the ind; and ali that MatthewMould understand tote intended by this formis baptism, Mouldie, in accord With .hat Iesus, his lord and maste 'ad ali along taught: vis that his followera ere, by the eremon os baptium, to e initiated into the religionis thegospei, Whicli came, as from iis laurce, fio God, the benevolent ather of an was delivere is them by Christ, his c sen servant, xii. 8.handbelove son, and was finali confirme by the hol spirit, by the attestation and the isti a divine poWer, o Christ, an in his apostles anaimmediate solioWera WAoEva thereiare is disi
hut quiae the contraροι There is an admirable note of Dr Matis minis passage of St. Matthem, hie stem What aliberal, and judicious critic in the scriptures, hemas capable of having been in ali respects is his judment haesito been overa e and cra ed in early youth and vhich alse manifests, that at thetim os ritiniit, he di no rechon pon his sorino baptis in ur evangelist, as an proos of the doctrine os a Trinity, to euelleron. I thereae an particula doctrine, says rior dum, Whla I find written ut in one fingis textis scripture, or expressed ut darhly;
ut reasenabi conclude that thes reis Goddesigne no that doctrine, o that duu tome of ery great importanc in the christian liue Fora ditis expression is muchim re easti mistaen asto the true sense of it an a single texi is muchanore tiatae to e miscopied or dropped by transcriber, o tot misconstrued by a transsator, o Verseemor neglected by a common reade or