Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


them in theis mother-tongue - 2IT FALSE READINGs, o alterisios of the worri



TH E mo important Enowlege of Iesus

a ing


ing the whol rao of man In to viriue, and aneterna felici . Go ness, beron ait thought; for creatures of yesterday, lachris e re toleput into a capacit of liring again When thesepresent cenes hali e ver, and of living foreveri The in inust be Mad, as a stone, to Whateve is great, and good, and excellent, that is no excite thereb noto lose suci immortal


teachin men virtve, and true religion, Masmillingio resign it in the extreme torments for thesam great ens that e might be also ready i John ii. 16. to a iam our sives, to exeri

mery benevolent endeavour .lo promote the virtve

and happines of others. But there is nother knowlege of Jesus Christ, namely, Wh he Was, an among what clas ofbeings hecis to e ranked concerning hic henove semcto have ad the least apprehension, that these Wouldie any diversit os opinion among his solioKers and et o mali dissentio ab titi an in the days of his postlex; and in Pr si os time, it a carrie to. great height and 'iulance, Wing chiefl to the interference of t e


τ. Univer ω. . smasistr te in lining upon himeto decide in a matrer intimi puros bis province so that hometheaear ofour Lord 25, to the present ea I79o, it has been in a his degre penal, in ali christia countries, o ni is dissent rom What the civilioWera esta-blished .as the true doctrine concerning Christ. Inour OF country the punishment Was betniburnialive untili se lateras the eignis Charies II and the penalty at this danis imprisonment, it many grievous an crue distabilities, was thecia sufferest have iis course. So that torax ourselves

righil in a justanowlege of Christ, is, o many

good me have been embarassed by t, ou illperhars best se in an instance, that has recently been lai before the public. The late plaus and justly celebrared Dr.Watis ca),lestaehin&him a stori tractoto he pubIished aftet

V The publie thoroughly to know De Watis scharacter, an sentimenta, and Wbo have no opportunit o Perusing


his death, and whichiost probabi contained histast sentiment relatinguo his poliat. It is draWnu in the formis a prayer o God, and intilled, The Authoris Solem Add res to the great anu ever tessed God, o a revie of what he had writte in the Trinitaria controverst Thepicture os a trul aevout ind, in such a situ tion is most curious, and edis 'ing as Me have the

that state os perplexity, and uncertainty, in Whichthis orth person represent himself, after ali his researches, whether the God hom he was toworship consisted of one or more persons, is a

pcrafin his voluminous woiias, are unde great sibivariotis. to the ingenious alithor of Thetis of the Reu Is et tis D.D. y Samuel Joheson, L.D. iis notes, containing animadversion and additions London. 378 thia uesicatior the citations are here madet


and the hol Spiriti

notionis three real person going to mae pone


co)at Was the missortune os thas Worthyperson, is have rece1ved such a dee impression of the doctrine of aTrinity, Dom iis educarion in his youth, of thereaeing three divine persensnatara timone true God that it elemed in him inmur iri, thoughhemas at times Mavering about it He had beentaughtto calicitis mystery, a the fabricator of it might weli termit understandingahersi a thin difficultly orio at ali tone comprehended. , his turned his plaus in eo appi toheaven to have his doubis removed by seme secret divinora aud illumination. ut no illustrationis an reuealea

doctrine an be expectar rem lusiot God in an othae Way than by a diligent stild of the sacre Writings, hichcontaicit. Unhappii Dr Watis vias perplexe ullinis lase,


and pomerito thee, M stteth upo the throne, and to the Lambfor evre anime Thus this eminent Divine, ingenious in chigh degree, an studious to the last, it acutenesi, and critica talent equat to the investigationo the true sense of the sacre writings, as hegreatly excelle in the artis recommendinciis truth to the hean aster ali his labour ando starches, appears is have goneiu of the worid. unsetile an unsatisfie with respectrio the Gouhe was to Ormip. e could o divest himselfo his early prejudices in favour of the received interpretationis certain texta, relatin is Christ

divinis oro ea Ebeari sine spealis, elongingto the Son and Spirit, and yet nox able is reconcile it to that strong ponvictis of the Divine Uni , of the single peris of the God an parento est, it Whic he stem de ly penetraledxhroughout the Whole of his prareriti is the a Mint of importanc tu stille, hoJesus Christ the founder of our religion, ase hether ne of the humanaace, isted .it exu ordinar divine poWers, oris great angeli spirit, existin besere ali ages orcis e God, qua tocte supremedis solutio of this question, such asali


that there mirat be cause tola patrios adjusting the long dispute, is right method had Mensu ueri an falles. aut hic tru to e able to me.

has no been done. hos persons, ho havetinen the ea in or inve the ogue to the doctrine, hic mahes Christ tome theaeternat God. o the firmos Mings nexi in him, and his instrument in the creation, have consultes the scriptures illi an undue blasimponetheir minds, it a systemos opinion atready formed, and deri ed fromitherisurces. in the rue philosoph of nature, or an