장음표시 사용
creationis the worid, and aftemard a lining pie ure in attendin to the concern os mortes rto reac in that magnificent, animate stile, peculia to the sacres ritings that ali hires eri
originali made an are conducted by the ostperse sis mos the Divine Ming, and thes alas os me in particular governe byra ostωis an hind providen G. m. in imitation os solomon, and with acknoW lege reference to im S John, in his prefac
introduces and describes divine morim, as a great person age, Wh ha been rom the first,ith God, nq, Who Was God by homini things had breumade a first, an disterent advantage of hean knowlege fierward communicate to themorid, and speciali to the Israelites; ut . t
o Universites. tha no besto eri on allisther nations equestywit 3eMs, the means os attaining terna sise: The apostle thus personisting the divine Missioni, that he might have an opportunit thereb to declare the fulnes of it Which dMela in Iesus; si in plainer Words, a mentione above, that Iesus was the Christ the Messi h. This, whicli Wilite farther illustraled, and prouedisi the designis the evangelist, a seon obscure an lost among the earne christians, by the comments of false philosophy, and romtheirio Minisatisfied Wit the plain doctrine athe scripture concernin Christ and throughthem, the whole christia mori has Menilin duith rel et to his true character se Iε- eam. But the genuine intention and meaning of the apostlewould have ood a fairer hanc for eingrecovered, in later times by christians, speciallysince the Reformation, that the scriptures have been allowe m. be transtate into the octe longue o disterent muniries, is the transtator had kept more exacti to the original It would no have been ahen, o instance, so mediately, and se a to exclude ali farther in-quir an decision that the term logos, mort
o for Christ, and that Christ a God;
lita been rendered, AE thius mere mari scit, ana
mithout it was no an uis made that mas made,
1583, have attende to this constructio in pari, though they have o carrierit throughout ascit ought to have been done. Castellio or Chastillon, homes ame Mithhonour in m forme addres to ou has strictly adhered to the apostles language, in this passage, in
his French transsatio of the bible, hic I put loWim Andes question not his intending the
samem L evangite Ion St. Iehan. hap. i. A commen- cement eruit la parolle, e lassarolle eloit a commen ementver Dieu, e toti a parolle Dieu, laqueste test a commenoement ver Dieu mutis e teriait par elle, Tans elle rienis alte ait, qui ait et fiat. En elle eloit te, ea vieetoit Ia Iumiere des hommes, e la lumiere luit e tenebres, In tenebres ne Pontias comprinis. Ilo ut unaomme en--ye de Dieu, qui avolt nom Iehan, tequel vini pou tem-nue our temomer de Ia lumiere. IL avolt lxvraye lumiere, qui illumine out homme venant a monde La ditte parolle init a monde, este monde avolt ete ait par elle, et monde ne lya a conneue Elle et venue ches sol, aestans ne Pont pas receue Erious ceux qui l ont receue, elisleur a donne uislance dyetre .it enfans de Dieu aux croyans cesso nom, tequel ne soni pa engendres de sang. α de volunte de chair, ne de voluntela homine, mais de Dieu.rila parolle a te nitie chala, eis habite entre nous, Pleine de grace e verite e avon ve sa clarte, comane clari dasis unique duaere.
tame in his latin version, but in term sermo, Ming ther of the astutine gender, it is no se distino and discernible: The excellent e Clere, that accomptished scholar, rs adventured to publis in latin, What
miserim, hichra propose, e rendera the termλως, ratio, re on. ut he Var Properi re- mains, that λογος, reasen, is the fame With δ οριαι miserim, and that the are osten ut for ach
It is more agreeable tolli language, as vel asmore scrἱptural to rende the term logos, miserim,ratherethan reason, and therefore I shali adopesit in the transsation, hicli Lam Min to lay foreyou. An Pirust that ou Will thus find an eassons of the whole passage, and in perse agre nient Wit the stile of the sacre vriting ,heneonsidere in the light bove representes, as a persenification o Divine isdom, o a chauracterietin of the Divine ein by one of his attribules 1 and that Du ill thereb be Mardia against that poIytheism, hic christitas, fuli ostiathen idetas, ver early grastedipon it.
A nem transation, and paraphrase, Urbe Preface γλ
a human belu, a mortal man; hic is the prope rendering. Incarnatio an Incarnate, are teritis that mouldae avoided.
mere made bycit, and without it mas nothin mari.
intende God imself, hos attribute it Was;
and not another God. Rem a The construction here givencis not amere tautology, a som have represente it, si it amountexto nothing more than flaying, in circuitous manner, that God as a very misebeing. For it is always of importanc for gravarespeetable riters particulari acquainte Miththe waysis God, to asser that therare ali the resulto wisdom. ut there as a peculiar propriety,
and beauty in the postle introducing Wisdom, the wisdomi God as a Divine Person, creatingand overning ali things that he might in a more forcibi .a inform his reader of hat theyeould not of themselvesano , and of ha hecould ear testimony, that this isdommas in
the highest degree impartesio Jesus Christ. Rem a It stili discovers more the judgmentis St. Iolin, in mining such a pedem to his histor os
creative power o God, b his isdom, i. e. shimself alone; Diti true, as has been the sen- timent of many judicious persens that he had respe to grosi, ide preading, an plausibis
error; hicli in very early times too place among Iearned christiansu vis that the world was se imperfect and abounding With evit, that it was nin the
cites rom Beausobre, in his histor o Heretics, page 78 an stili more, an passages in Dr Priestley's admirabie ork, the histor of early opinion conceming Christ, and in his Ibetters o DL Horstey. Rem 4. f. Were not possessed opsech satisfactor proos that ou evangelis here reais, noto Christ, ut os the logos, the Word, the WiΩdonios God, hic is himself there Muld ne-vertheles hera presumption, and objection, against the common interpretation, and his intending heret describe Iesus, a God equa to the supreme, that could neverae sumounted For it is out of
historyos his master Iesus, in Christ, i. e. their expected
- Universities. 37 expected reat prophet, ne descended stoma particula tribe and family of their nation, it declarinthim tote GOD. Moreoveri lac a declarationMould have been a direct breac of the law of God, give by Moses and by that tam Deut. xiii Io the apostle ould have been liable to have been stoninto deam, sor delivering and preachinisuch a doctrine. ur Lota' adversaries indeed, in theirram, JOh X. 3. accused imo forminissita pretensions; ecause Ver. o. he had said randis Father re ne though it Was ni in sense simila to that in hich he asterWard said, Iolin xvii. I. a. that his discipies mere One ii his and with thematheri ut he, With great humili , instanti disclaime every thing of the hind Ver. 34. 35. 36. leging that he ook nothing more poninim than belongesto his character an authorit fio God, a the Messali:
have been blasphem in him, is he had pretendedio b the supreme God. Ver. q. s. In is mas life and the fife anthe
the dar nes comprehendia is not.
Paraphrase With the Divine Wisdom heretosore Was lodyd that great an peculiar testingand privilege of the gospei the nowlege of the way to ternal life and this knowlege as, and was intended tot a sufficient light to guide men
ssione orthipo the earth, many chus rather tomes in the dar es of ignorance, than to inpine proper se of it. Remari. Thae sacre writer refers to the re- ception hicli the gospei ad hitheris et with in the orid, particulari among his countrymenain figurative expressions of eas comprehension,
and familiis to the ews Christ osten alis him self the light; speciali that which was to conduct
specis more particularly by hos inmediate instrumentalitri Divine isdom ad the inopening and discover of this light of eterna liso
Paraphrast. Johia, the se of Zachariali, ad a divine commission to testis an declare, that God Was bout o mahe the last an most perstet revelatio of his illo the worid. ut thoughan extraordinar prophet, he pM notola person
Paraphrasse. Divine Wisdommas se a Whileamong men, i. e. in the personis Christ as heseo aster explain himself But though it adive them heiraeing thei preiudices an evit Passion miae theni pa no regata tocit. Ven