장음표시 사용
s. e. si estissime o in strone in suppon. must agre that the motas in me originalequali admit this transiation. And thos in areser havin Christinere in e casse God a stile nevero e sed concerning him, domot sufficienclyconsideri stat even pontia supposition hesis atthe iam time, in the nexi verse, declared minavea God ver iam ho made his haleve he
same of thesame. i. e. Christ was a mala, altogether mortes liae there of mainind. Harres note is en Properi Ipse militer particeps factus es eorundem i. e. mortalis homo, et miseriis obnoxius. Hebrem ii. 6. Instea of rea For verit he oo non For verit he di noton him the natur osan delivem angeli. but hegeis bat he ook on his eliseres ue seta of the sed of Abraham. A raham. The prope meaning of the wor in the original, πιλαμβανεται, is, o lay hol o any one ohel them S that the aking our narure ponhim, asci Christina been possesse or another natures fore, is a thin quite beside the apostle's mean g. Beauisbre, hom I have sollowed thus rendere the wotas Car illa est pas te liberate ' des anges, mais decla postεrithd'Abraham.'
It is illi diffidenc that I propos this neu transsatio of the entrance of this epistis, thougis Lam mysei per1uaded of ies Ming a just represe
talion of the meaning of St. Jolin sorine resionagiven bove, in the explanatio of the preface to
it ma be proper homoer, here in mention that
the postle is here opposing ome early christians, Who out o mistae regatas si Christ, an clieprejudices of their philosophy, Would no allo. Umto have been a res suffering mortal, liri iners. And that this .as the in corruptionis the me doctrine concerning Christ, cannot e dente onan grounds of truth. - fram thel inmet is not fio the egin- ning of time aut astur possile himself is Mundio explain it, rom the egiming of our Savio laministry, at hic time, he might properimbe catad the Christ that is, the anoinred prophet, maccountes the descent of the holy spirit poesiam, to qualit him se his great ossice, in the abundant ista os a divine istom and pomer then fies conferresum iam. And a circumstance of this hind was ver jum urge against these men, Who, in astrange Way, made Christ i a separate preexistent*irit, unite to the man Iesus.
no one ea mis ahe or pervert, that Christ Jesus as a fureba mortat man αδναες, ne of the human race, as ait the rest. us are mo tal men, ανθρωποι, and that he had n other origin Was in no other clas oebeings, Masino more preexisterit,
I has no been manifestes, in many instances,to What a degreemur presentinois transsationis the scriptures, missi resent them, an milleaticiose thousand and en thousands, horare sercedio relympo it; speciali is contributinxto imtroduce amon christians, tuo octe person as
And the apostle, by this decIarat1on, here, as indeed mem here Ise, ut here particularly defines and publistes Christis have beeii a morta man, and God in no sense Whacoeverish describin himas a distinet perso and agent, actingae tisint God an man. The antient unitarians potntia si his reat, imong many othera equali strong, to their adversaries.
,resentcie s belleve the Divine Unit in themo exclusive absolute sense and who have maintaine an tauot, an maintain and teach, stat Ie vah, the Father, is God alone, an tobe orshiped, and n other person, netiner Jesus Christior the hol Ghost the have been almost universali calumniared, a I no an and semetimes by learned an good men, as sorcing
an unnatura sense pon the sacre Writings, astampering With them at ther times, and altering them, to a them spea a the would avectem.
ut stom ha has been lai besere o in he vera cli ters of this ork, and the method os interpretatio of the sacred Volume pur- sue incit, oti mill perceive, I rust ho muchisese christians have been miseepresented For, in generia, the nitarians, o Socinians, a theyare semetimes called, though dissering much stomSocinus, speciali in his orstipis Christ theyno oni professo sollom ut actuali do sol-lo the scriptures only and sor thei senti-ments of God, and Christ, and of the divine remale Will, rom them only These the study
tota the reach. An is in an thing theymistae, o misapprehend thei meanius, Mytrivi stat therare ready, and Will rejoice in correct
Theyare, hoveveri absoluaeb perstaderi pono firmest munci, such as have been ta domis in his mois, viz. the testimon ameses, ocSolomon, and the nitent propheta the testimonyos Iesus, and of ali his possies, I. That there is ut one ori me eran, horis God; ameb, IehoVah, the Father Hone. et That the oly Jesus vas a mari of the jemisti nation, essedis an commissioned by the, iamidit Father in tota his ili, an to bringat mankinyto viris an Gema happinest. d although there M those ho re unWillimis admit thera hiis these great truths; et thecloud of preiudice are ait vanisting, and the evidence of them is continuali cominisin 'bbridit an irresimble, that there innae no do tof the time approrumating. When the fore uin
N Universi ier. 3 7 the christia name, and the fies os ad the divine mmmmdminis, pronusMd is Moses, and adoptea an eonfi edas Iesus christ, Whie in the very term excludes ver person fio boing God butone murae universali acrio lege an ob ed