장음표시 사용
sto a tho Nauis Mops a s densious thought, and ejaculationis thaapostle' is almight God struch wit admirationo the divine go nes in the subject besore iam. An this is rendered the more probabis, b iis
I should thin these argument must e sincienti convincincto ali, that t. aut in his placeris far frum stiling Christ, God me assi ut I Mould also is the reade to mine se of hisom understanding, and consider, hether the a. postle, hester an man, in the se of his reassin, could invince fuch a contradiction, as in theam sentence, to cal Christ the mos him God, and also acie uineali descended stom ews sorthis astris the meming of the vota hom τι concerying the es Christ cain.
lation, has Men, and stili is inade se of to insinuate, that me are notrio trust is mei rea ni interpreting the scripture, o that in the se of theis reason the cannot properi judge of thethings contaloed in the scripture: hereas μκα properi signifies the man who ollam his animal propensities an inclinations an no his rea namhic is God' natural gistrio us, and that facul Whereb me Merio judge of an extraordinar ora evealed light that he afford us. Corinthians . .
ula et Me ovi af the The est manuscript copies of themem Test nitent avour one orither of these readings, missiother important auctorities. I put bimoplearce's note rhin the margin See also Seque to an A- log se resigning the Vicarage of Gattericli,
Seutforis, the sameras sent frum God Iohii l. 6. xvii I 8. s. e. havis a divine commissiori. St. Paul then says here, stat at his appolate time, the Mni t gave a commission to Iesus, the seno Marn Da emissi family, subject to the a. of oses. Beausobre renderarit, Die a enu eson ris, ne 'lane semme, et assufetii a laclia.
solio re, Was rom the communication os divine poWers to each; though to Christ, as it is expressed,
For reasons bove mentioned the scholastic ord, vaearici rejected hecause in common eadem is co intenances the strange notionis a God consutin of three per m. Philippian ii. 5, c. This is the iam us passam, hic in o Common transtation, speas ot inris Iesus divis se formos God, and this oris mi obber robe qua mis Gad, and tam vo bis the formo a servavi es, hic on account of the vario remistahes a ut it, I hal conside more particulam. Many unde tan it tot expressivo o Chin's humilit in leaving a glorious conditionis belanin .hic he had existe besere ali ages, itiae asine supreme God, o the creator of in thino unde iam, an condesce in to animate a -- man dy, and se iniecome man. But as, stroughout the scriptures, me never in stat Christinimself cla ed an respectrimm men, si in thing that he had beenies eine a bornam his aposties neve esse here refer us to suta an extraordinar instance of humili , a that os leav-ing anothe wori in come into his, there is re se maestate, an to suspectomat nothingis thesert is tende here. For it is a circumstance of that magnitude, an se muta to thei master's
T. Universites et os harae imagine that the would have tata sucismali notice of itu ut mould have been frequently
Grotius, a cite is Lardner, denotes My an e terna appearance, semething that Ghes ursenses sicli sor instanc a Christ' eminent ροπα ostieatin ali distases, casting out demons, aising the
V Mom, forma, in nostris libris non significat internum et occultum aliquid, sed id quod in oculos incurrit, qualis erat eximia in Christo potestas sanandi morbos omnes, Histendi
daemonas, excitandi mortuos, mutandi rerum naturas quae vere divina sunt, ita ut Moses, qui tam magna non fecit,
ssima ob id fuerit deus Pharaoni. Grot in Philip ta 6.
This interpretation illo more confirmed, and perhaps senae ne i h lat in pon this celebrate passage, by considering ita connection victine subject the postle is reating pon. litate besere, at the et eth verse os die fies Chapter, he egius an exhortation in his Philippian converis to mace an unity an resumingit in the eginning of this secon cli ter, hesays; ν there be therinore an consolatio in Christ, i. e. elonging torus as christians , i m eo orι ef Ave, i. e. i an comfor to e derive Dominat mutuat love hic is peculiari bound upon.
us is an fello. 80, athe any iam participatio of the spirit, i. e. of the gifts of the spirit, then ordinarii dispense in bellevera is π)o eis and mercies, i. e. an natural hindnes and
o prophest, . . eachin by a divine extra A
. in resilari uis Philippiam ii. Insteia of reia. But made himself ν, aut empties himself
reputatio, and Dia πω taking the semii a ser-him ue formo a sem Vant, ein in the comant, and was made in likenesio ommon mo the Menes of m . tali. Paraph se. ut o the contram, during the whole ou e of his ministi' acte a a personwho mas intiret destitute of such altering intinctions in much asae condescendes, witia theuimos selDabasemen to the tritus necessities.s othera, as a nave attending on his God.
sbio as a mari heium as an ordinar mortal,
Umo ver expressi an partieulari does si Paulvere tem us, that our Lord was ne os urown peetes, subject