Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


Paraphrafe.---Whervire God hath falsed iam to eminent dignity, and of his goodnes bino eaupon him themo hono able distinction. Insteia

co The exaltationis Christ is the prevalene os his -- liriona a divise power. I. 3.


Paraphrasse.-That he hole ori mali bebrought in submit to the minorit os Christ, andio bellave the gospei, vith thainfulischno lege.1nent of thos gractous te sis a future temes happiness, hicli Jesus desivered from the supreme Father of est: to whom ultimaret assimis and

Thus ham it been fusi evincia, stat St. Paulliere, in speining o Christ Iesus eiu in the form et of


os God, and taing uponaim the formo a servant, had nothing in his mind relatinxto an prior exist- ence of our aviour, ut es intende to expres the Ver extraordinary godlita ita os adivine missio an pomer conserre umn him, an his umbi demean unde them Thiside Was briefly intimates to the public adem ars since ah an mentione acharini e received fiom a learne friend. That fitend was the late Dr. Jolin Ie r oneo thos great an rare charactera m se holeenero of mrid, and his asine of the larginan most benevolent, a continuati on thestretch to promote piem Virrue and the publicgood illi an unwearie attention, at the fame time, to serve his private friend and acquaintance,

by very in ossice. I pleased the divine providencerio removelim Domus besere he had ound eisure to give a prope sor in his admirabie , laetares, and intended

a 'ino Dissertations, Missi a Postscript p. o. s. Printe so Johnson, 779- ό A the nil of the manuscript whic contain the planos theseaeistures, ruere thos Theological propositions and niis cellaneous observations, ii genera maxima os reasti aud


τ. Universities amistende illustrationi in secre oracles, speciali of theme. Testament sor hic scarcinan - in an age since the apostles, a betaerfitted. M it Was an Meet, hic he neve te)lostrarat os in his application to an in themiis of the labours of his nemiosissime profession,ine that ut os a principi os conscience, and stat he might no an longer orshi an other Bemibu the onerime God and parent of the universe, he had resigned his presermenta and prospem in the established church. In semeloose papersamoniliis manuscript nomon the New estament, est,hic he hindl b queathedri me a se days es besere the presenticene losed I seundo se strictures on his passage of St. Ρaul to the Philippians stomwhichI have added one o tW above, maris With

a his

and religion,' Milesi are printe in si ii D 37. os Dr. Job s orlis and whic is a circumstance conoe. ning them,no imprope tole suggested a it manserve to account sor

theiraeinis collected together. Wit thesed Drnimed mys horis collegue, Dr. Disney, o hom the public o e many obligati s sortis care and Iabour in arranging and publistingstis excellent person' imperfect si valvabis minatas, ansifor the memorials he has givenisses him.


ius usual fimature and the initiis of his name, I.I.

spiritualisses, hic die Philippian christiana

descensio as Iesus did, πω potaste them in the most eminent Myee


fit him si inat fisture orae, inealed to the chrissirim, here happines millie in proportio tomen's henevolent di sitions and preserence of othera to

made themorias. e constiωted ut ages. miris in Sings is the fame a Iord, and clielatser ord is oni ad te a more agreeable toste genera linguam of the postles concerning thei divine master, Acts ii. 4. 36. Peteri Withali in other apostlas, teli mei countrymen, God


6 Universitier. 297 made lor os ali tangs, it is no lihely that heshould add that he creare them Also, is thesecred Writer Wine to tinc that Christ a laan fastion the creator of the orld, there asother customam language in Whic he ouid have been lihelyrio expres it; and Whic Would have hadiso ambiguit incit. So that is an creationis here intended, it must e the ne creation, in reformationis ali ining by thea pel

signifies alse ages certain period in hic ithei e mere different dispensations os divine providence to anhind, hic made Way so the gos.

αν 'hether is ἄ-ae, vos the severa dispensations mankind were under hom4rstrio last, e here meant; this seems visibi the sense of the plaee, that at these dispensations in the severat age of the church, ere all. by the pre-ordinationis God's purpose, regulate an constitutea in Chri Jesus oriord that is, it regaresto Christ, is vias appotnted lord an head over all. Loche o Ephesians, iii. II. by Thucydides. d. x , 696. Lib. i. p. 3ga. a amae παντα κινδυ--ν. The were determine fir to tali reuange on him, rimae on hos account, the -- posed themselves to ali hazards his may illustrate. Heb. i. a. by stieining that λα it a genitive is repressiveos a finia cause, o the object in ieK.


sgni', mi es the instrument, ut the obiectis ien. The claus besorems may Ver properlybe rendered, or, oris accoot of hom, hecon- stitute the ages. Hebrem i. s.

The above amedram,r Belsham, in a letter in Dr. Priesti , and Mas coniniuinatiario messem time ago. This genueman has sine been adde to the other, thyan respectiste tutor of Ne College, Hackney, ear.Lundon, as resident tutor, at thei partisviar desire; and, is superis judiment, no vlege, and the happy an of immunicatin it in thera, together Mith an admirabis im lant of gaining muth to the love os science and viriue, he is an aequisitio of Whic that promising nobi Seminara marr.eli akesit' boast.